Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1457 Confucius and Drivers Aeeeis

When you start, everything is fine.

There is indeed an automatic driving option, but you must activate the car after you can drive it.

Zhang Yan also didn't care too much, it took the car to the public section, and then took a network of friends.

Then, on the way to pick passengers, she opened the automatic driving, on the brakes, on the brake, the palm of the palm, naturally hanging on the knee, and only two cents from the steering wheel, ready to take over the vehicle.

After all, the official just said that this is the automatic driving of the L2 level. This place is not reliable, no one dares to pack.

Although this is a game, it is not a reality. It is really a flower game. It's just a sister, but in the long-term game process, Zhang Yan has formed a zero accident habit.

When you have a racing car, you will avoid all kinds of small pigeons, open the city's truth? It certainly can't, can't let yourself be destroyed in this car!

After the road, the situation is normal.

This car is very smooth in accordance with the navigation route. When you see the red light, you will pay attention to detect if there is any pedestrian, overtake, change the lane, which is very flexible, and very safe.

Not only that, but the vehicle is doing better than other vehicles in the game.

Under the premise of retaining the dashboard, K1 is equipped with a relatively large car display. The above score is two, the left half is the detection of the road situation, including the vehicle, the roadside appears, etc. It will be displayed in real time; and the right half is the current navigation route, which is very clear.

Each time the vehicle turns, the steering wheel of the safe and civilized driving simulator will also turn, Zhang Yan does not need to do anything, just stare at the screen, pay attention to the surrounding car.

This kind of driving experience, let Zhang Yan feel quite magical.

Of course, it may also be because the pedestrians and vehicles on this road are relatively small, and the car is not so complicated, so it is more smooth.

The first order quickly completed, and the customer was sent smoothly to the destination.

"This automatic driving is a bit amazing? In real, there should be no such automatic driving? Opening for so long, don't need artificial intervention at once?"

In fact, Zhang Yan has been prepared to take over at any time, but the actual automatic driving experience of this car is a bit more than her imagination.

"I also blame everyone to say that the automatic driving of this car is a bit outline. But this is not its limit, but also find a more complicated road."

"Well ... go to the Tempered experience store in the game!"

There are several people in the game that are particularly large, and there is one near the Tenda experience store. Because there are two large shopping malls, there are subway, there are GOG's game venues and the country's largest Tenda experience store.

In the game, although a miniature of Jingzhou is made, it is also perfectly showing like this focus landmark.

This time, Zhang Yan did not pick up, because the order does not necessarily receive it happened to go there, I will run at my own expense. Anyway, this car is electricity, and the electricity fee in the game is very cheap.

Soon, Zhang Yan opened K1, oh, K1 opened himself with Zhang Yan, according to navigation, near the destination.

The road conditions here are indeed complicated, especially when there are several intersections, there will often be pedestrians on both sides, and even a pedestrian walks forward while playing mobile phones, approaching the vehicle in driving.

Of course, he did not have a ghost probe, but it was back in time, but K1 was timely detected him. While giving the driver warning, the speed reduced the vehicle speed quickly, avoiding unexpected occurrence.

Although this pedestrians did not really ran to the front of the car, Zhang Yan was scared by a cold sweat.

"This car is also very powerful for complex road conditions, and even in some ways are more powerful than human drivers? This is really quite out!"

Zhang Yan is thoroughly understood why the barrage is saying that there is a lot of cattle.

Because it has passed a very complex section, there is no accident in the case of a human car mixed. If you can pass, you will pass it. There is no slowly turtle climbing; you can't pass, you can wait patiently; some pedestrians suddenly kill from the side, and can detect in time, reduce the vehicle speed to avoid danger.

Of course, the car itself rang several tips, reminding the driver concentrated spirit in complex road conditions, suggesting take over. However, Zhang Yan did not take over, the car continued to drive normally.

In the case of some emergency, such as ghost probes, the response speed of this car even exceeded the human driver. After all, the human driver has a visual blind spot, and the car is a camera and laser radar, which is more clear.

The pedestrians on the road are still displayed on the car display, and the red display is displayed, and the avoidance is reminded.

Of course, the automatic driving of this car does not have a particularly perfect state, and there is still some gaps in Zhang Yan's view to human drivers, especially the old driver.

For example, its speed is not fast, not super-speed speed, this is certain, but sometimes it will reduce a little speed again in the case of unclear road, not slowly into the turtle climb, but it is also more than the old driver. Slow. In this way, the time running the same distance will become longer, but the benefits are not to accelerate the deceleration frequently.

In the game, you can't experience it, but in reality, this obviously brings a better ride experience, it is not easy to hara.

In addition, it is too stable to compliance with traffic rules. The turn is straightforward, and the car will let the other party first don't have to say it. Some places can add, and it has not been added. It has not accelerated when it is plugged, but it is slow to slowly add each other. This causes time to get longer by some congestion roads.

But it seems that it can't blame it, because many old drivers "time" behavior, it is a kind of unclear driving.

Don't let others plus, you can add yourself, this is really possible to make yourself in the traffic jam, but the problem is that this aspect will increase the probability of the accident, on the other hand, it also plays the role of poor coins, let Urban road traffic becomes more confusing.

If everyone does not add, then the road conditions of the city road will definitely improve, but if others add you do not decease, or if someone adds you, you will be polite, then the final result may be that others will run Going in front, you have been blocked in the same place.

This is like queuing, if others are cut, you can't help but never.

When I was addressed by someone else, Zhang Yan urgently? Of course.

I have to say that the car in the game is still very intelligent, and all kinds of complicated road conditions have been made, including those who are chaotic. Obviously, this is to increase the difficulty to play the player to maximize the authenticity.

So when I encountered a plug in the game, many players were directly accelerated in their lives, and even gave it the top, anyway, it is also the opponent.

In the reality, I am afraid of a car accident, I don't want to repair the car, but I can't manage so much in the game. This kind of thing can't be used!

However, Zhang Yan did not do this because she found AEEIS of the car system to comfort her!

"Aeeis decided to let it, after all, he rushed to the tire, and it was more urgent."

"Every driver's decenes are the same, who first uses anyone first, seeing him so urgently should not be a few times, Aeeis decided to let."

"Although the turn should be polite, he has no gift to reach Aeeis, but it doesn't matter, there is always a turn of his turn into a side collision or 25% bias collision."

Zhang Yan was grouped, and when he was robbed, he was very angry when he was robbed. As a result, he was so angry, and it was not angry, but it was a little scream!

This is a bit like a driver driving, it is inevitable that there will be anger, I want to rush to the driver, but if the co-pilot is cleverly spits, the driver's anger will naturally pay quickly.

Aeeis is not a big jealousy, but an elegant yin and yang strange, the effect is better.

In addition, this car is actually automatically driving, gives a feeling of a single-mouth phase to speak, so that Zhang Yan feels particularly interesting.

"This Aeeis voice package is great! I think that each car will be installed in the future, and you can effectively face the angry road."

"Well, the test is over, almost the same can go back and continue to survive."

"I still open it yourself, I haven't opened my house for a long time. I will leave the downtown area, go to the order to make money."

Zhang Yan lightly opened a brake, reconnected to the vehicle, ready to drive out of the downtown area.

The logic of automatic driving is that the light brake or moving direction is equal to the takeover, but the light penetration is not counted, and the throttle is repeated.

Although the automatic driving of K1 can also deal with complex road conditions, but after all, it is too much attention to safety, and it will be slower, and it is too slow to make money too slow. Still to the place where the road conditions are better, the distance running is a little, making money fast.

And the automatic driving has been driving for so long, Zhang Yan has not had time to test how the performance of this car is.

One foot, take you!

Zhang Yan is now a genuine old driver. Although she will not take the track of the track to the city road, but the routine operation of the old driver, such as plugging, she is still very.

Aeeis just started navigation, but opened, Zhang Yan suddenly found it wrong.

"Please keep the distance, you can send you and the front car together."

"Now you are full of full rear, just the foot of the causing car, Aeeis believes that you should have a clear estimate of the driving level of the human driver, and reduce the standard."