Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1 Wealth Conversion System


Handong Province, Jingzhou, Handong University.

“Hyung, wake up, you're late for class! It's Vice Dean's class today, but you have to name it! ”

Pei Qian sobered up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and wondered who was shouting at him.

Aren't I renting a one-bedroom? Who ran into my room?

At first glance, a long face captured Pei Qian's entire view.

“Mayan? ”

Bae Huan was stunned and almost thought he was dreaming.

“Come on, I told you to wake up. I can't blame you for not catching up.” Mayang's long face quickly left Pei Huan's view and turned to rush out of the bedroom.

Wait, the bedroom?

Pei Qian awoke instantly, a salted fish stood up and sat up from the bed.

College dormitory, six people!

I was still leaning against the bottom of the door. I remember that the door was not tightly closed in the winter. There was a small stitch that always leaked into it. For this, Pei Qian did not complain a lot.

The only two brothers left in the room, too, packed their things and left immediately.

“Hurry up, Brother Qian, hurry up two steps, you can still catch up. Otherwise, we wouldn't dare yell for you when you call us names. It would be a disaster to be caught by the vice president. ”

The two roommates also hurried out.

Bae Qian had to smoke himself twice.

Hiss... mumps hurt!

Seriously, isn't this college time?

Vice Dean's lesson… also named… that is freshman year…


Isn't that back 10 years ago?

Bae humbled himself for a moment and soon accepted this fact frankly.

After graduating from college in 2013, he turned two industries, jumped too many companies, met the leader of the extreme pit father, and also experienced a carefree struggle at work.

Anyway, a social animal.

How many people want to cross this kind of good thing when, of course, they can come back from scratch ten years ago!

Pei Qian was sleepless and sat upside down from the bed.

What do we do now?

Shall we brief the Space and Space Administration?

I'm not gonna get shot or killed on the spot, am I?

Or… the first thing after crossing, go to class first?


Ten years ago, his memory was blurred, but Pei Huan still barely remembered. In his freshman year, he skipped many classes, including that of the Vice Dean, but did not hang on to that of the Vice Dean.

Although the Vice Dean spoke of naming, he did not actually do so.

Instead, he was a young, angry teacher who never counted, who suddenly counted once at the end of the period and counted his exam scores.

“I don't want to be named, I want to meet everyone. ”

That's what he said.

By now, Pei Huan remembered that there was also a deep feeling of being set aside. After all, he was too young at the time, and he had a lot of trust in this friendly teacher.

At this point, a transparent screen suddenly appeared in front of Pei Qian, a line of letters, constantly showing up.

[Wealth Conversion System Binding Host...]

[Binding successful.

[Host: Pei Qian]

Ask the host to read the instructions for use of the system.

“What's going on?! ”

Pei Qian was frightened and fell into ecstasy.

Sure enough, there must be a system after crossing, this is the Goldfinger!

Calm down. Calm down. It's all routine.

Pei Qian quickly calmed down and began to observe the text information on the light screen.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Conversion ratio of surplus loss: to be determined]

[System funds: 50,000]

[Personal property: 443]

This is a generic template.

Below the generic template, there is an area dedicated to a similar dialog box that displays some dynamic information, which should be the Instructions for Use.

[Wealth Conversion Rules:]

[At regular intervals, the system will provide hosts with a certain amount of system funds, which can only be used for normal business activities of the company and cannot be wasted.

[Settlement will be made after a period of time, and each will be converted into personal property at your disposal in proportion to the surplus or loss portion of the system funds.

[Note: To motivate hosts to focus on their work, hosts may not pay themselves directly through their company accounts.

[Next: View Detailed Rules]

“Oh, oh? This system, make blood! ”

“You give me money, you give me money back? Conscience! ”

Pei Qian instantly understood the functionality of this system.

Here, "system funds” and “personal property", though “money”, are two completely different concepts.

This shows personal property 443, which means that Pei Qian's money is now only 443 yuan, which he can freely dispose of.

That $50,000, it's the system's money. According to the system, the money can only be used for commercial activities, such as opening a company.

And after a while, whether you make money or lose money, the corresponding part will be converted to personal property at a certain proportion, then Pei Huan can spend it at will!

“Stimulus! Take a look at the rules. ”

Pei Qian continues to click on the light screen to view.

[Hosts must engage in normal, reasonable, lawful, and technically appropriate business activities.

[The following behaviors are violations, please note.

[Surplus category:]

1. Massive purchase of real estate and fire house.

2. Purchasing digital currency, participating in Ponzi scams, illegal fundraising and other illegal activities.

[3. Speculation, reselling materials and disrupting market order.

[… (Click to expand remaining 97 violations)]

[Loss type:]

[1. Be charitable or transfer company property to others.

2 Purchasing, hiring employees, renting office space and purchasing office supplies at standards well above the market price.

[3. Negative laziness, too inefficient to create any value for a long time.

[… (Click to expand remaining 97 violations)]

[Additional Terms: Hosts may not disclose or imply to anyone, in any way, the system itself or the existence of the challenge.

[The system has the final right to interpret the definition of violations.

[Next: Randomly Generate Profit/Loss Conversion Ratio]

“The rules are very strict. ”

Pei Qian looked at up to 200 violations, and several of the solutions that had previously appeared in his mind were rejected.

Firehouses, purchases of digital currency, etc. are all prohibited by the system.

Normal investment and financial management behavior is okay, but I'm afraid it's difficult to meet Pei Huan's needs in terms of average annualized yields.

Up to 200 rule violations not only restricted Pei Qian's ability to carry out “surplus” activities, but also his ability to carry out “loss” activities.

In short, it is forbidden to distort all doors.

Pei Qian continues to click on the light screen to move on to the next step.

[Randomly generating P&L conversion ratio...]

[Surplus conversion ratio is 100: 1, loss conversion ratio is 1: 1]

“Hey, wait, this ratio...”

Pei Qian took a closer look and found that this seemed a little bug.

Loss conversion ratio, a little high?

Lose all system funds and you can convert them into personal property!

Losing money is blood!

“Randomly generate such a good conversion ratio? I'm a king! ”

“Unfortunately, the surplus conversion ratio is a bit low, but it's okay, it's easier to lose money than to make money! ”

Bae Qian feels his luck has erupted!

[Last step: Name your company (click here to enter)]

Pei Qian thought about it and entered the idea in the input box: Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

It means "Feihuang Tengda”.

That is, I hope Tenda will be able to fly fast!

[“Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.” registration completed.

After the final step was also completed, the text information on the light screen disappeared, returning to the initial state of the panel.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[Surplus Conversion Ratio 100: 1, Loss Conversion Ratio 1: 1]

[Next settlement: 14 days later]

[Note: The settlement date is postponed backwards the week before checkout, if there are any products that have not yet been released, and the delay time is determined by the system.

[System funds: 50,000]

[Personal property: 443]

Pei Qian looked at the meaning of this note.

The week before checkout, Pei Huan could not have products that had not yet been released.

That makes sense.

Without this rule, Pei Qian could get stuck putting all the company's property into production the day before the settlement, turning the system funds into zero, which is equivalent to drilling a hole.

With this rule, Pei Qian must make a profit putting all the products in his hands on the shelf a week before checkout. This step cannot be skipped, whether it is to make money or to compensate.

“A hollow drill is missing, but it doesn't matter. ”

“So what we're going to do is we're going to make 50,000 of the system money go to zero, and 443 of the personal assets go to 50443. ”

“Isn't that what you lose in the rules? I don't think it's hard.” Pei Huan is confident.

Normally starts a company, creates value and develops products.

Afterwards, Pei Qian, as the owner of the company, just slightly missed this direction and went the wrong way.

Isn't that it?

Few companies have succeeded in starting a business, and companies that have failed to start a business have caught a handful. Which is less difficult, is obvious!