Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 221: Tu Hao wrath falls on Shenhua N7 because...

After arranging excellent staff, Pei Qian went back to his rental house and took out the freshly arrived express delivery.

This time Pei Qian bought two phones at once.

One of Shenhua's newest flagship phones, Shenhua N7, sells for 4199, mainly for business groups.

One is MSC's newest flagship B90 from a foreign manufacturer, selling for over 4600.

Many industries in the world have changed considerably with Pei Huan's memory. In this year, it is theoretical that domestic mobile phone manufacturers should still be in the early stages of development. It is difficult to compete with foreign mobile phone manufacturers, but in this world, Shenhua's mobile phone industry is obviously developing quickly.

Although flagship phones have not been able to compete with pineapple phones in terms of their combined strength, they have basically stabilized more than 4,000 gears, three or four years faster than the domestic mobile phone manufacturer Pei Huan remembers.

Of course, considering the level of development of the world's mobile and handicraft industries, this does not make Pei Huan feel too surprised.

All in all, these are not the points.

The point is, today's second victim is this Shenhua N7.

As for the MSC phone, I'll kill it next time.

As in the previous issue, Pei Qian filmed with his own phone and went through the process sequentially.

First soak the water, then fall in the air, then disassemble, dump the hard core...

Anyway, toss this phone to death.

Complete a standard process, simply cut, render, and upload the video.

“All right, finish the job! ”

Pei Qian stretched out a lazy waist.

What a tired job.

Don't really say that the Shenhua N7 is doing a really good job of shatter-resistance, the back cover is a little tougher than the pineapple phone, and Pei Huan didn't break the entire back cover as easily as last time, which took a lot of turning.

Nevertheless, there are no phones in the world that President Pei could not remove, so to speak, by a miracle.

After everything is done, Pei Huan feels shorter than he expected, and can do something else.

“Well... just in time, why don't you do the MSC flagship phone with me today? ”

“After that, the phone is temporarily off, and you can make other digital products, headphones, cameras, laptops, etc. that can all be taken into consideration. ”

Pei Qian beat up an arrears, opened a can of colati to refresh him, and continued with the third phase of the hard core assessment.

It must be inappropriate to send both issues together. Pei Qian intends to wait until tomorrow to see how the video responds. If the response is good, then the MSC issue will be sent tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.



After Hard Core Review # 2: Shenhua N7 was uploaded to Alley Island, the audience who had previously followed the account received a push shortly after.

Although there are not many fans of the Hard Core Review account at this time, a lot of people have been following the first issue of the show, so after the second issue came out, the comment area quickly had a voice.

“Shit, Phase 2 is here so soon! ”

“Last time it was Pineapple 4, this time it was Shenhua N7? I did two videos and they didn't even reach 5,000, and the cost of both videos ran directly to 10,000?! ”

“Pineapple 4 is nearly 5,000 yuan, Shenhua N7 is 4199, plus more than 9,000! Let's just say we don't understand the world of millionaires! ”

“Could it be a reprint? ”

“It's not a reprint, I can't find this Hard Core Review account anywhere else, as if it were the first Isle of Alley. ”

“This is a real ho! ”

“Nothing to say, like the coin to share, you also have to support the cost of this video! ”

A lot of the audience is forwarding.

With the accumulation of the first issue of the video, the audience for this issue has grown somewhat.

Moreover, there have been no new product launches in recent times, and the digital area has been a bit of a dead end, nothing new.

This video happens to be uploaded at this point and naturally gets more attention.

Also, the keywords in the video itself include words like hardcore, evaluation, Shenhua N7, etc. If someone searches for similar words, they will also search for this video.



Peng Cheng.

Hu Xiao had just finished his battle with an enthusiastic internet friend at the forum and was still in a bit of a mood for peace.

As the founder of the Dawn Fox Review, Hu Xiao's life was quite moisturizing. Anyway, the audience today is very foolish, the fans' money is very well earned, and many foreign manufacturers are very generous.

As a professional Shenhua Black, Hu Xiao has always been responsible for the batch of stinking Shenhua, but the better Shenhua's phone is, the more angry it really is.

This did not just end in a battle with a passionate internet friend at the forum to greet each other's immediate family.

Hoosho opens the digital area of Ely Island and is ready to brush it up to see if there are any new videos.

“Hmm?" Hard Core Review II: Shenhua N7 "? ”

“Never heard of this assessor, new guy? ”

With some confusion, Hooshaw opened the video.

The video is not long, it lasts about 10 minutes in total, and although most of the content is captured in a mirror, you can also see some rather humble clip marks.

That's what almost made Hoosho laugh.

What the hell is this called a review?

This is a violence test!

First soak the water, then fall, then chop it with a knife...

The final dismantling is even funnier. Take a screwdriver and follow the crack in the back shell to pry it open. The dismantling of the components inside also highlights a “miracle" principle. Regardless of whether the back wire is connected or not, it is just a meal to go up.

You can clearly see the blues on this hand and see how hard it is.

The phone was completely scrapped when it was really irremovable. It was no different from the scene of the accident.

Most importantly, the host also said he was going to restore the phone, and eventually the Emperor's Lands reversed the previously violently dismantled video.

“Good job! ”

“It's comfortable to see such a smashing of Shenhua's phone. Forward it to him! ”

“I want to smash it too, but I don't have the money. ”

I just finished spraying with a webmate who supports Shenhua's phone, and Hu Xiao's stomach still held fire.

Now I see a video of a mythical phone falling and smashing, and suddenly I'm in a great mood.

Not much, forward!

Hooshaw's "Dawn Fox Review” main position is on Weibo, but there are also 340,000 fans on Ellie Island's account.

Not too many fans, but every battle is good, and Hoosho can also get in touch with a dedicated Navy team to start the tide. It's a small dish.

After forwarding the video, a sentence was added: "Tu Hao wrathfully fell on Shenhua N7 because...”

After writing that sentence, Hooshaw laughed himself.

This phrase is seen by many people who don't know the truth. They will think that it was Tuohao who bought the Shenhua N7, but they were dissatisfied with the phone, which is why they fell mad.

This is a very unnatural thing to do, but not too much. At best, it's just an ordinary headline party act, so that Hoosho doesn't cause public outrage and get sprayed all over the Internet.

Someone really comes to the door and can get a "tweak” to dissolve it. Seriously, that's your heart of glass, you go online.

This is the highest realm of disgusting people, and Hooshaw is familiar with it.

When the forwarding was complete, Hoosho had to raise a question.

What kind of team is this hardcore assessment?

Like Hu Xiao, it's usually just a meal, white-worker on a cell phone.

But the hard core test obviously doesn't look like a good meal.

If Shenhua really lets this evaluation agency promote it, how can it be that they don't have content requirements, so that they can practice their mobile phones?

Not to mention, the industry knows that Shenhua doesn't really like to look for evaluation agencies. Hu Xiao is gradually turning into a professional brainless black due to love and hatred because he never happened to be able to cook with Shenhua.

So... is it true that this hardcore assessment is self-paying?

And before testing, the phone was bright screen, and after soaking water, a series of operations were carried out, obviously not model machines, but real machines.

Do a show, scrap a real machine?

The world of rich people, I don't really know...

Hu Xiao didn't really take this matter to heart either, and he sang and washed the little song with satisfaction.