Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 328: I'll have a GOG too!

Seeing Pei Qian's face was a little pale, and his face had no expression of approval or comfort, Ma Yang suddenly felt a little bottomless.

“Brother Chin, you don't blame me for spending too much money, do you? ”

“Don't you think a small foreign company is worth so much money? ”

Pei Qian: “…"

Looking in the sincere eyes of old Ma, Pei Huan was speechless for a moment.

How do you say that...

When the old horse should have done it, it was Pei Huan who did it without hesitation.

Let the old horse vote whatever he likes. It's also Pei Huan.

Blackboxing "Divine Apocalypse" is one of the few hobbies of the old horse. The old horse can't vote "Divine Apocalypse". He can only retreat and beg for a vote from a foreign company that plays similar games, and suddenly throws all 20 million into it.

In all respects, the old horse listened to Pei Jian.

Moreover, this seems to be a rather unreliable transaction, which is very much in line with Pei Huan's original intentions.

But Pei Qian's heart is bitter, the company's vision is too strong!

This IOI, isn't it after the change in LOL?

This was unexpected mainly because he had looked up similar information online last year!

It was originally remembered that the fist company was supposed to have been founded around '06, raised $8 million in' 08, and introduced three investors.

As for the subsequent acquisition of more than 200 million knives by penguins, that was in 2011.

In my memory, the launch of LOL was in 2009.

The time now is November 2010.

As a matter of fact, the $8 million financing was supposed to have been completed long ago?

Pei Qian searched for similar news online last year, but did not find it.

He didn't think much of it at the time. He thought it was just another sign of a change in the world. After all, even Station B had become Ely Island, and it was normal for other companies to make some changes.

Pei Qian didn't take this too seriously. After all, the company is far away from home, and his news is not very informative.

Now Pei Jian finally understands why he didn't search last year.

Because, the name of the company and the name of the game have changed, from fisting company to fingering company, from LOL to IOI, Pei Qian searched according to the original name of course nothing can be found.

Moreover, the entire timeline is well behind by two years. Last year, when this company was estimated to have just been set up, it was just a start-up company. How could there be too much information online?

Pei Qian has actually been curious about what MOBA games will be like in this world.

Never thought I'd finally know the answer to this today, but in this ridiculous way...

However, Pei Qian looked at the panel of the system and found that there had been no significant changes at this time.

Shares valued at over 2 million knives should be the same as the villa, a special asset belonging to the company, and should definitely be displayed on the system panel.

This may be due to the fact that the share acquisition is still in progress and has not been fully processed, so it has not been formally shown systematically.

Many thoughts flashed quickly in Pei Huan's mind.

He looked at the old horse sincerely and did not know what to say for a moment.

Criticize him? Doesn't make any sense. The old horse did exactly as he instructed and didn't discount anything at all.

20 million to smash a small foreign company, this is very much in line with the style of round dream venture capital, this pot is not suitable to dump on Mayang!

Praise him? Well, it's true that this investment belongs to something that will last a lifetime.

But... Pei Qian can't be complimented.

Pei Qian took a deep breath and nodded. “It's okay, you're doing well. ”

“However, there may be no extra money in the near future, old horse, so take everyone to work and play games every day and wait for my next message. ”

Pei Qian stood up and was ready to leave.

This sad place, he can't stay for a second.

Ma Yang raised his hand: “Hey, Brother Qian, are you sure you don't want to experience a high-end bureau? I'm 1,900! ”

Pei Qian: “…"

Mayang said, “Saturday night at that dinner, I'll contact Mr. Lin directly, okay? ”

Pei Qian: “…"

Eat my meal!

I couldn't speak, I had to put an "OK” gesture on Mayang's back, and then I didn't go back.



Back at Tenda Games, Pei Jian sat in his office.

I've thought about my life, and I'm going to think about how to handle this emergency.

This kind of moth occurred at the beginning of the cycle, which is completely beyond Pei Huan's expectations.

The purchase of more than 20 per cent of the shares and the acquisition of exclusive representation of IOI in the country were essentially nailed down, making it impossible to terminate the investment or transfer these newly purchased shares.

Because there is no good reason.

How about selling it later? By then, the valuation of the leading company will surely rise rapidly, and this sale will inevitably still have to make a lot of money.

Besides, Pei Jian thought it over carefully and said that nothing could be sold.

Sell it halfway. Stupid!

If the head company can really grow to the size of Pei Qian's imagination, not to mention shares, domestic exclusive agency, it is a rocking money tree.

President Bai really sees money like dust, but if there is too much dust... then it is impossible to ignore it.

If IOI could make a billion or two billion knives a year in the future, how would it adjust the wealth conversion ratio? Converting personal property would also be a lot of money.

If it's just a few million dollars, it doesn't really mean much to Pei Huan, but if it's billions of dollars, things are completely different.

Besides, think about it, can you name yourself a hero and exclusive skin in the future?

If you think about it like that, it still feels good!

If this does happen, then it seems like a good strategy for Pei Qian not to do anything to make money lying around.

The large amount of system funds earned can also be used for logistics, physical shopping and giving back to society.

Earning foreigners' money in return for their homeland is a very good young man with a real roots.

Of course, again, this is not so certain.

The whole world is different, and the company and game name are different from Pei Huan's memory, who can guarantee that IOI will succeed like LOL?

And even if it succeeds, it has to be three or four years from now.

During this period, after many rounds of promotion and the combined efforts of many people, it will be possible to reach a dominant position in the global gaming market by day, day, day, day, day and night.

What's going to happen in three or four years? Who knows?

Far water doesn't quench the thirst, even if you can really make money lying down after three or four years, that doesn't affect Pei Qian's current development strategy.

In short, in the long run, this share and exclusive agency must be retained.

If you don't want to make money in the near future, then find a way to spend it suddenly, do logistics, warehousing, public welfare... Anyway, spending it in France is equivalent to benefiting society.

Think about it like it's not that bad.

The hope of losing money is not completely broken.

Besides, Pei Qian thought about it, suddenly the light flashed and came up with a good idea.

“Perfect, I can take this opportunity to hedge the risk! ”

“Now that the world has an IOI, is that the equivalent of a future winner already identified? ”

“Isn't it inevitable that I'll play another MOBA game myself? ”

“That's a bottomless hole, just throw as much money into it as you want! ”

Pei Huan suddenly discovered a new continent, another village called Liu Dark Flowers!

If, in the future, IOI is destined to sweep the globe, the quality of "Divine Enlightenment" is too hard to withstand, and other endgame MOBAs are likely to soon be killed or injured and become companions.

In that case, Tenda also makes a MOBA game, wouldn't it be appropriate to fail?

First, 50 million, depending on the situation, another 50 million. Finally, the game went to the streets because of the inability to resist the tide of IOI, so all these R&D funds hit the water float...

Isn't it beautiful?

The more Pei Qian thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it!

Tenda's gaming department had a $50 million budget set aside, and I was wondering how it should be spent.

Don't be sad now. We've got a target!

With this in mind, Pei Qian hurried to call Li Yada.

“With the new game, you simply write it down. ”

Riyadha hurriedly pulled the little book out of her pocket: "Okay, President Pei, tell me. ”

Pei Qian thought, “Have you played Divine Enlightenment? Just do it, do it the same way. ”

“In the words of the name… call it GOG, GloryofGods, the glory of God. ”

Pei Huan feels that LOL, IOI, COC and WOW are all there, and there are really not many letters available.

In that case, let's call it GOG. It doesn't really mean anything. I just hope that this game will be able to play GG soon.

Riyadha is still waiting.

After a minute of waiting, she asked with some confusion, "Is that all? ”

Pei Qian nodded his head: "Yes. ”

Anyway, it's just made to burn money, so go ahead and toss around.

Riyadha thought about it: "But aren't we copying the words of the Apocalypse… something is wrong? ”

“Though the law does not protect play, being too much like it will definitely get you scolded. ”

Pei Qian nodded. “Well, that makes sense. ”

After all, Bae's goal is only to lose money, not to discredit himself and the company. It is unnecessary to bring such insults to bear.

“In that case, you can change whatever you want. ”

“Anyway, change your face so the players don't think we're copying. ”

“The first version starts with more than twenty heroes playing around and has a four-month development cycle. ”

“The budget is 50 million dollars, and it can be added later if it is not enough. ”

Li Yada stunned: "Ah? So much? … I'm afraid it won't last. ”

Is the flower okay?

Pei Qian was a little unhappy, and his employees had no idea how to play subjective dynamic.

Pei Qian said in disgust: “How can you pay me to teach you? ”

“Smash more art resources, models, actions, story backgrounds, details...”

Riyadha looked down at the little book with some embarrassment: "But... President Pei, if it was just a picture and more than 20 heroes, the money for art wouldn't really cost that much..."

Pei Qian: “…"

Think about it. That's what happened.

Because of the existence of the RSRO official resource station, the cost of developing games in this world has been reduced considerably.

To spend 50 million dollars on a map alone and more than 20 heroes over a four-month period is a bit difficult indeed.

Then what?

Pei Qian thought about it, is there any other MOBA gaming experience to learn from?

A lot of MOBA games fail, but a lot of games fail because they can't be played, there are too many program bugs, or they can't be promoted?

That's really not clear.

Pei Qian thought about it and came up with a good direction.

A game that has been tested since R&D and has never dared to be officially run.

Because once it's officially operational, the defendant goes bankrupt instantly.

Pei Huan felt that he could also learn from this advanced experience!

Of course, copyright is definitely not for nothing.

If the copyright of white prostitutes cannot be officially operated and cannot be settled for both cycles, the system will close to President Bae.

But what if we buy all those copyrights?

How much would that cost?

You don't have to worry about spending all your money!

As long as you keep buying copyrights, it doesn't matter how much you invest.

Pei Qian thought it was a good idea: "Then buy an IP! ”

“Whether it's domestic or foreign, buy a character IP that looks like anything, whether it's expensive or cheap, and give him everything in the game. ”

“Oh, the big hot IP that millions of knives can buy, just buy more cheap IP. ”

Buying big IP characters in the game, spending a lot of money, even some extra big IP, money doesn't necessarily buy it.

But buying this big IP is also particularly dangerous, for example... what if it attracts a lot of fans and gives the game super high visibility?

Moreover, the bigger the IP, the more shit the parent company has to do, Pei Qian doesn't want to buy an IP, and he has to talk to some foreign big companies about contract details all day, and can't afford to do that.

So Pei Qian's idea is to strive to pick up garbage.

Whether it's domestic or foreign, look for IP characters that are already exasperated or unattended, buy them all in a garbage-picking mindset, do it in the game, and then design your skills according to the character characteristics.

If some do not match the style of the game, please tell the copyright owner beforehand, and ask the art bull to make a second creation, you can also spend another money.

Doesn't that make it quick?

And these junk ips are almost as good as they are if they weren't bought, and they don't drive traffic as obviously and are inexpensive to explode.

Riyadha also had doubts, after all, that this was the first project she had really brought with her since she was the mastermind.

However, Pei Qian waved: “Okay, let's do this first, just think about it. Don't ask me anything. I'm afraid to influence your own thinking. ”

Li Yada squeezed her finger: "OK, OK, President Pei. ”

Turning away from General Pei's office, Riyadha thought to herself that the task was a little too heavy, especially since she herself was not very good at the game of Divine Enlightenment.

To think about it, it should not be possible to improve the game level of the Apocalypse in the short term.

Looks like Bao Xu can only be reached privately.