Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 597: Garbage Classification (20,000 Word Monthly Ticket!

Obviously, the H4 club can take the runner-up, and it's inseparable from DGE's military training.

In other words, GOG's competition is so economical, it's all thanks to DGE Club's military training!

Without DGE's repeated training of all clubs, the tactical skills of these clubs would not have improved so quickly, let alone dedicated themselves to a great game.

The Soviet leader is well aware that if DGE Club were able to enter, the trophy would undoubtedly belong to DGE Club, and the only question is whether one team will get it back or two.

Unfortunately, the DGE Club is Bae's home-grown team and has a direct interest in the organizers. It's a pity that they can't enter the competition.

"President Zhang, I've heard that there are several clubs I've been watching, and after watching yesterday's game, I've decided to set up a GOG division. ”

Previously, the Soo leader thought Zhang Yuan was the same as himself, but only after the DGE Club did he find out that Zhang Yuan's more accurate position should be as a team manager, so his name changed.

“The form is now clear, ioi is practically out of play in the country, and GOG's position is unlikely to shake. ”

“The three rounds of the arms race, ioi, have no power to fight back. And most importantly, ioi didn't do anything unconscious, which is the right way to promote it, but still can't beat GOG, which is enough to show that GOG is stable as Tarzan. ”

“So these clubs are moving, too, and if there's only one choice, they're going to choose GOG. ”

“After all, it would be cheaper to eat this fat piece of domestic meat into your mouth than in a world-class game without nothingness. ”

Zhang Yuan asked casually: "Are they so sure there will be fat in the country? ”

The Soviet leader laughed: “Of course, President Zhang, you know what to ask. ”

“GOG has already introduced a ranking reward system before, and then it will build a big eco competition with fish net cafes, and recently held a competition... isn't that obvious? ”

“Obviously, President Pei is not young! ”

“Perhaps Pei will continue to hold major competitions and even build a complete professional league system. By then, our clubs will be drinking soup with Tenda, and the days will be better and better. ”

“Nobody's blind, and that's worth it. ”

“Well, President Zhang, we'll see you later. Welcome to Demons... Forget it, let's come to Jingzhou often. ”

The Soviet leader wanted a warm invitation, but when he thought about the conditions of his training base, he thought it was okay.

Zhang Yuanhaha smiled: “Okay, feel free! ”

Teammates on both sides also waved goodbye.

“Let's go back to the ranks! ”

“Go back to the training game sometime! ”

Huang Wang sighed as he watched the two taxis drive away.

“Too bad we can't make it, otherwise we'll definitely win the championship. ”

Zhou: “Who says not? ”

As you can see, both teams have lost some ground.

While the environment and treatment of DGE clubs completely overwhelm other clubs, people still want to be able to play on stage, win championships, and enjoy the full cheer.

That was the ultimate dream of every professional player and could not be compensated for by material conditions alone.

Coach Ya Ling smiled: “Don't think about it, President Pei must have made other arrangements for you. ”

Everyone was a little surprised: "Really? ”

Coach Arryn nodded: “Of course. ”

“President Pei personally set a training schedule for the club, asked me to take you to the gym, arrange meals and nutritional meals, and also invited a specialist masseuse, and a lot of money to go to other cities to play training games...”

“Think about it, if the DGE Club has been so silent and unable to play, who is the loser? ”

“Obviously, it's President Bae! ”

“If President Bae had no other arrangement for everyone, would it be reasonable to cultivate two strong teams and remain silent? Obviously not reasonable. ”

“So, President Pei is mostly arranged separately, don't think about it, try to train, I believe that one day, everyone will have the opportunity to take the stage! ”

Everyone nodded and thought Coach Arryn was right.

Yes, Mr. Bae has invested so much money in the club, you can't just sit there and watch us, can you?

There must be another arrangement!

Don't think about it. Try to keep your training level. Opportunities always come!


“Sneeze! ”

Pei Qian sneezed unnamed in his office and hurried to tighten the blanket on his body.

Zhang Zhuo had just arrived and reported the good news to him.

The fully automatic lever lift has been mass-produced and is all stacked in the warehouse!

Now the warehouse can't put down anything else, there are a lot of things to use in the warehouse and the fish net cafe, so Zhang Lu came to ask Bae what he should do.

Bae Qian waved his hand. Isn't that easy?

When the warehouse is full, go rent some new warehouses immediately!

How big is it?

Zhang Lu actually wanted to talk from President Pei and find a way to sell all the fully automatic lever lifts.

In the unlikely event that President Pei didn't answer this question at all, he skipped the problem of fully automatic leverage and asked everyone to rent a few more warehouses.

Zhang Lu had no choice but to do so.

After Zhang Lu left, Pei Qian took stock of the current situation of these industries and felt it necessary to go to Yangtze Games.

The weekend ioi fever is completely overwhelmed by GOG and will surely hit the battle desire and motivation of the crowd of Yang Games.

But there's no way, Pei always tried really hard.

Pei Huan felt that there would be no good results if he continued to struggle so much. It would be better to have a long pain than a short pain, and turn the national uniform ioi into a loss-making tool.

Thinking of this, Pei Huan rose up and left the office, ready to go to Yangtze Games for some condolences.


Yangtze game, conference room.

Pei Qian and the people of Yangtze Games were silent.

The atmosphere was a little sluggish for a while.

Yeah, what can I say?

It has been three consecutive times since the ioi national uniform operation, but each time it was perfectly dissolved by GOG, the money burned a lot, however, it was made for GOG to marry.

Now GOG's market position in the country is as stable and unshakeable as Taishan.

It's all failed three times in a row. Can we not fail?

Don't you have to get caught seven times before you get angry?

In short, this is the first time that people in Yangtze Games have experienced such desperate failures since following President Pei. Everyone's emotions must be depressed.

I had a good experience of the kind of helplessness that other companies had when competing with Tenda.

So what should the ioi uniform do next is the most critical question.

Pei Qian's idea is that it would be nice to continue so half-dead, burn more money and become your own instrument of loss.

After a moment of reflection, Pei Huan said: “Don't be too sad, the loss of ioi national uniform is not everyone's fault, mainly refers to the problem of the leading company. ”

“Next, the ioi project will leave a few people to cooperate with the leading company in the normal operation of the national service, and others can rest and prepare for the new project. ”

Pei Qian's expression was very liberating, as if it were a rare and ordinary thing.

He can really see it. After all, GOG and ioi, whoever loses, will become their own instruments of loss. There's nothing to deal with.

While the failure of the IOI uniform did hurt him a little, there were too many things he needed to worry about right now, and the IOI uniform was only a relatively small matter.

Ye Zhou silenced for a moment and said: "President Bai, are you planning to give up the ioi national uniform...”

Pei Qian coughed softly and hurried to comfort him: “It's okay, it's all the same. ”

I wanted to find some more words to comfort me, but I found the words poor for a while.

However, Lin, sitting beside him, spoke late: “Yes, President Bai is right, all the same. ”

“The ‘arms race’ between GOG and IOI has greatly broadened the boundaries of this type of game, attracting three consecutive rounds of competition and many other types of game players. ”

“So none of the money we burn is burned for nothing, and these players will eventually be absorbed by GOG, which is better than GOG's propaganda alone! ”

“Whether GOG wins or ioi wins, Tenda is a winner. Even GOG wins, which is even more beneficial for Tenda! ”

“Besides, the main reason for our failure is not the operational problem, but the problem of the leading company, ioi lags behind in game design and is not as flexible as GOG, it is normal to fail in the domestic market. ”


“President Pei, is this all part of your plan? ”

Lin Night pushed backwards from the current results and suddenly realized that "nurturing” was indeed the best promotion strategy!

Plus, Bae repeatedly jumped on both sides in the process of competing between GOG and IOI. First, he reminded Min Jing of the crowdfunding hero, and then let the Chinese and foreign rivalry race take place on the side of Yangtze Games. Even more so, he made sure that Lin was sure that the result was what Bae wanted.

Pei Qian nodded for a moment of silence: “Almost. ”

He was going to say that there was a huge deviation from his plan, but to think about it, you have to keep thinking about it.

You might wonder, what was General Pei's original plan? Isn't there somewhere we can't do it right? Can it be saved? Why didn't President Bae point out our mistakes?

The consequences would be unthinkable if we all went through this infinite brain hole.

Just admit it honestly and let everyone feel safe giving up ioi and you're done.

People's expressions widened when they heard President Pei's four words, "Almost."

It doesn't seem to be our problem, that's what General Pei's plan is!

Besides, the winning pot is mainly on the finger company, it has nothing to do with us!

When the pan is thrown out, the mood is naturally much better.

Technically, it wasn't a failure. Everyone played the role they were supposed to play, working with Tenda to push GOG to the throne.

On a different note, that's a good thing. It's all your own game. Isn't it the same for everyone who wins? And GOG is Tenda's own son and can make more money.

Bae Qian was happy with what Lin said.

Lin Xiao's thoughts are so far-reaching that it doesn't give her too much frustration. After that, she should try again and ignore her to inherit the family business. There should still be a play...

However, Lin was late and said with emotion: "However, after this time, I realized more clearly that my abilities were insufficient and that my goals were far from what I had in mind. I feel like I have to practice in Tendado! President Pei, please give the Yangtze Games more tasks! ”

Pei Qian: "? ”

Wait, didn't the pot get thrown out?

Why are you practicing in Tendado?

Stop practicing and go home!

Pei Qian hastily said: “This is not your problem, you have done well! Don't be too hard on yourself! ”

Lin shook his head late: “President Pei, you don't have to comfort me. I know my level very well. ”

“Although I played my part well this time leading the Tenda Game and shouldn't be responsible for the loss of the IOI uniform, I did not see through General Pei's true intentions, which means that the eyes are still too poor! ”

“When I can run like President Bae and win a thousand miles, I can truly be the only one! ”

Pei Huan helped his forehead with his hand and felt tired.

At the end of the calf, this young lady looks even less ready to go!

Forget it, the late eviction plan can only be set aside for the time being, and then it will be discussed in the long run.

After a half-day of torment, the IOI uniform was harvested as a money burning tree.

Let's do this first.

Pei Qianhuan looked at everyone: “Everyone has worked hard. Rest well for a while, give yourself a vacation, and don't worry about ioi anymore. ”

Everyone was stunned.

Don't worry about ioi anymore?

You can't beat GOG, and you can't just let it go, can you?

Normal operation, still to be maintained, right?

After all, the right to operate ioi national uniform is still in Tenda's hands, and there are shares in the leading company!

Wang Xiaobin was somewhat confused: “General Pei, are you saying that all the operations of the IOI national uniform have also stopped? ”

Pei Qian nodded: “Well, pause for a few days and we'll discuss it later. ”

Wang Xiaobin had to stop talking after receiving such a positive answer from President Bai.

Pei Qian stood up and said, "Well, if it's all right, let's all disperse. ”

Everyone stood up and looked at each other.

Some are unhappy, others are relieved of their burdens.

Pei Qian began to wonder, how can you burn money with ioi national uniform without causing too many suspicions?

This is a technical job that needs to be considered.

However, at this time, Lin was brushing his phone at night and shouted "Huh”.

“President Pei, it seems that Handong province is going to fully implement the garbage classification! And it's said that this time the garbage classification is very strict, this classification table is quite complicated! ”

Pei Qian did not think: “So? ”

Is it worth such a big surprise when it comes to small scenes like garbage classification?

Trouble throwing garbage at best.

Besides, I usually eat touchfish takeout. I don't have to throw garbage at all. What's the garbage classification to do with me?


Wait, fish takeout?

Pei Qian suddenly realized that it was not that simple, the expression instantly petrified.

The four words "garbage classification” were like countless steel knives, hovering over his back.

Something is wrong!!!