Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 601: President Pei is furious.

Meanwhile, GOG Squad Leader Pong Ling, in another room at H4 Club, is broadcasting live to chat with his fans.

Clubs have strict schedules, and can only be broadcast live after daily training or weekend breaks, which do not affect normal rest times.

Generally speaking, however, the club is encouraging to broadcast live to teammates.

For the team members, the career of the e-campaigner is short. Live broadcasting, as an emerging matter, can be considered as a post-retirement consideration. Now, live broadcasting, accumulating popularity with good grades, earning some income, and preparing for early retirement.

For the club, the live broadcast can also help the club to become famous, and if the live broadcast platform wants to sign with the team members, it is important to talk to the club first, often signing the contract directly to sign the whole team, so the club is profitable.

Although the GOG division of the H4 squad succumbed to the runner-up in previous games, Captain Pong made an excellent run in the stray and circled a lot of powder.

If it weren't for the team's single pit, it might really be possible to win the championship.

So, through the heat of the competition, Pong Ling also circled a wave of powder, the live broadcast platform pushed again, and the heat rose slowly.

Originally GOG's highest-ranking players, after officially starting their careers, their personal abilities and understanding of the game are rapidly improving, and the gap with ordinary passers-by is naturally rapidly widening.

In other words, don't challenge someone's job with your hobbies, the gap with amateurs will only widen once any profession is full time.

After Pong Ling became a professional player, game understanding had long overwhelmed the average player in the high-end station, and he could easily grab three paths by swimming and have some leeway to talk. This round of powder is naturally leveraged.

Playing two games, Pong lined up and chatted with the barrage audience.

“It's a shame we didn't win the championship. ”

“It is a pity, in fact, that one last breath is missing. ”

“Someone asked if it was desperate? ”

“No, that's not desperate. ”

“It's a pity at best that the five rounds of the battle are a little too bad. To say despair, it has to be swept across at 3: 0, pushed flat for 15 minutes. It's despair because there's nothing to fight back. ”

“Oh, don't tell me, I've really experienced this feeling. Our team can't beat anybody six to four, that's despair. ”

“Too much abuse, taking a runner-up, I think it's all right. We thought we were going to have a round-trip, and we found out that the rest of the team was just like us. ”

“Bullshit? I'm not talking nonsense, it's true. ”

Pong Ling spoke of his own experience in earnest, yet the barrage was obviously not believed at all.

“The goddamn runner-up is still being abused, pushing 15 minutes flat, six to four to win. Who are you kidding? The best club teams in the country have entered the competition. Are you talking about foreign clubs? Oh, I'm sorry, GOG doesn't have any outfits yet! ”

“If you say you have such a good team, which team is it? ”

“DGE? Aren't those the two teams that went to the internet cafe when the Tenda Stadium opened? It seems to be okay, but it's six to four too much, right? ”

“No, unless you let the team prove it! ”

Looking at these projectiles, Pong felt helpless.

I can't help it. It's magical to say that. Who would have thought that the sub-armies of an old club would be abused by cybercafes?

Pong Ling knows exactly what an internet cafe team DGE is, it's more homegrown and more formal than any club in the country!

“Forget it, you love to believe it or not. ”

“I'll pull DGE's second captain into a double row, and you'll see how perverted he is. ”

“I can only say that someone as horrible as him, there are nine more over there. ”

Pong Ling handed Huang Wang La over and joined him in a double row of wheat.

A few question marks flew across the screen instantly, as Huang Wang's account was still a master of excellence.

No way, DGE Club has too little single-row time.

Compared to other clubs, Huang Wang takes 2 hours to practice customization and 2 hours to exercise, plus deduction of time for two teams to play training matches and analyze matches, which is really used for single row time, that is, more than two hours.

And Pong ranks these people for at least five or six hours a day, so there's a clear gap in scores.

But in the world of professional athletes, a high score does not necessarily mean that the game is strong.

Some people drink water, but the score is still low, just because they don't feel like drinking too much water.

Some people think that their opponent's dish is like a master's dish, and often dealing with such opponents makes them change their dishes, so ranking is just entertainment.

Pong: “Take me flying? ”

Huang Wang: “Go! ”


An hour later, the barrage wind in Pong's live broadcast room had made a 180 degree turn.

Because the double row of these two is so cruel!

The top Nakano in the pro contest comes to the top ranking, vividly explaining what it means to do whatever you want.

There is still a question mark on the barrage, although this time it is no longer aimed at Huang Wang's segments, but at his whispers.

“I thought the Pong team had talked enough, and with this new middle school, it was just an autistic child! ”

“What do you mean, you dare to come up here and eat experience? Look at that. Is that human language? ”

“How do you do it while talking and killing across the street? ”

“Shit, is that too much of a list? Is there a live room? ”

“Doing what you want, 15 minutes across the street, giving up resistance? ”

“If I win this fucking finals, can I lose? ”

“I kind of understand why Pong always throws up in his house, which is not really a level...”

“This is a simple statement. Why do you keep saying it? ”

“Is there a live room? Come on, give me the whole thing! I want to see his first perspective! ”

After a series of massacre-like victories, Pong directly exploded the heat of the live broadcast room here. Obviously, the live broadcast platform was also deliberately pushed, and the high-segment program of the double slaughter worked well. The two people complained like each other. The popularity grew and couldn't stop!

Pong Ling saw that there was so much talk about Huang Wang in the barrage that no one was discussing himself, and he was a little helpless.

Fans! Every one of them has changed so well.

After a wave of five consecutive victories, Huang Wang is ready to leave.

“Okay, no more fighting, I have to go to the gym and train every day to lose and practice, I'm sick. ”

Pong Ling hastily said, "Wait, I've got a lot of people on my side asking if you want to go live, and they want to see your first point of view. ”

“Live?” Huang Wang thought about it, “Forget it, I train every day, I don't have much time for live broadcasting. ”

Pong Ling: “It's okay, just play with it. There are so many pigeons on the air. You just have to turn it on when you're in ranking, it's no trouble. ”

Huang Wang thought about it, and it seemed to be the same thing: "Okay, I'll come back to the gym and do some research. ”



Monday, 1 August.

Pei Qian came to the office as usual, but instead of humming a little song on the way, he brought some sadness.

Touch the fish takeout. How can this be cured?

Last week, Pei Qian basically did not have much energy to manage other places and has been observing the take-out of fish.

The more you observe, the worse it gets!

The customer base for fish take-out is expanding, and even many families who used to cook their own meals are starting to touch fish take-out!

Because cooking on your own also generates a lot of kitchen garbage, these garbage are also to be sorted and discarded.

Many families who cook their own meals sometimes get lazy and just touch the fish takeout so they don't have to throw away the garbage from the kitchen.

Many companies in office buildings also generate a lot of garbage at work meals every day, so just to save time, encourage employees to all go out and touch fish takeaways.

Meanwhile, the launch of Food-Head also satisfies the high-end needs of some customers well.

Many people thought take-out was rather exclusionary, unhygienic and unhealthy, but this stereotype was broken after learning about food and fish take-out!

Worse still, touching fish take-out also seems to have had some negative effects on hosting the gym.

Touching fish takeaways has fitness meals on it, and fitness meals are specially designed to accompany hosting gyms. Many people are curious about this and will go to learn about hosting gyms.

Although this has not yet occurred on a large scale, there are already seedlings and vigilance must be exercised.

In short, the situation seems to be getting harder and harder to clean up!

Microbial waste disposal machines are still under procurement, after all, they are relatively large and are expected to arrive next week. But after spending this money, Pei Huan stepped on a little bit.

Money is not much, but this means that every branch that touches fish takeout in the future will incur an extra cost of over 100,000.

That's supposed to be the only good news.

Pei Qian was shy, he could feel the danger approaching, but he could never think of a way to save himself.

“True and true. ”

He was worried, and there was a knock outside.

Pei Qian looked up, it was He Win Sheng who had to frown.

“Hmm? Is there a problem with the fully automatic lever lift? ”

Now fully automatic lever lift is Pei Huan's carefully hidden baby, don't let anyone find out!

Pei Qian's request is not excessive, as long as he can hide the cycle and lose millions.

We'll talk about whether or not we can hide it until the next cycle.

He Sheng didn't know how to answer for a moment: "Well, the question of fully automatic leverage lift should have been reported, right? ”

Pei Qian nodded: “Oh, that's no problem. Is there anything else? ”

He Win Sheng was in a hurry: "Of course there is! President Pei, Dayak Group wants to buy the shares of the leading company in our hands, including the right to operate the IOI national uniform, to be recovered as well! ”

Pei Qian couldn't help but frown.

Did you really come to the door?

Rationally, they don't have to pursue 100% of the holdings, and what do they want ioi's national service operation rights for?

Bai Qian had already thought of making IOI national uniform his own money burning tree. Dayak Group is going to acquire the leading company. Bai Qian has no money to mix it up. Now he has to move his own money burning tree, that is to say, this is ridiculous.

Pei Qian frowned and asked: "Why does Dayak want to operate the ioi uniform? ”

He Desheng hesitated and replied: “The Dayak Group and the leading companies agreed that we were underperforming in promoting the IOI uniform, so..."

Bae Qian was speechless: "Bullshit! ”

What's your game like? Don't you have any points in mind?

I can't help you. Shouldn't you be looking for questions from yourselves? Why did you dump the pot on us?

I gave you ioi all kinds of corrective opinions a long time ago, and as a result, you fight Tai Chi every day without changing, and now you're saying we have operational problems?


Pei Qian had no intention of selling it, let alone selling it as soon as he heard it was that attitude.

“Neither the shares nor the operating rights of the national service will be sold! ”

Pei Qian is also too lazy to beep with these foreigners.

Ho Wing Sheng hesitated for a moment: “Uh... President Pei, Dayak Group says they are willing to give 50 million knives, which is really a lot of money compared to the price we had when we bought it. ”

“They also said we'd better take the money or we'll tear our faces apart and nobody will look good...”

Pei Qian: "? ”

What's that supposed to mean?

Want to use my money skills on me?

I'm sorry, I have a 99.9% reduction in resistance buff to the ability to make money...

And what does that mean? Doesn't it look good to rip your face off?

What's wrong with you guys swimming from across the ocean? We don't have much international business in Tenda!

Besides, if tearing my face really makes me lose money, I'll tear it up for you on the spot and use you to beep here?

Pei Huan counts, 50 million knives, that's just more than 400,000, holding the ioi uniform in my hand as a money burning tree so that I can easily burn millions, tens of millions, the district 400,000 just want me to give up?

No way!

Pei Qian's face was heavy: “You replied to them in the original words: F * * KOFF! ”

He Sheng was shocked and hurried to say: "Yes, Mr. Bae! ”


Coming out of General Pei's office, He DeSheng touched his chest and relaxed his mood.

That was a bit of a shock.

I don't think I've ever seen President Bae say anything.

But then again, President Bae is not a normal person.

If it's someone else, why shake it when you hear 50 million knives?

And the other side is also a world-class giant company like the Dayak Group, more or less scared.

As a result, Bae refused without even thinking about it. The opposite hand is a word that starts with an F.

That kind of courage is awesome!

He Wing Sheng was just a little worried because he knew that Dayak was definitely the same head rail, as can be seen from the fact that few of the companies he wanted to acquire could escape the drug dealer.

The Dayak Group has been verbally abused and will never rest.

How the script unfolds is really not a matter of one's own accord.

“I really rarely see President Pei angry. ”

“According to theory, this is all normal business methods. President Bae always has a broad heart, so there's no reason to be angry? ”

“Perhaps… there is a backhand in this? ”

“Is it part of the strategy that President Bae asked me to go back to a word at the beginning of F? ”

After half a day of thinking, Ho Wing still had no clue, or decided to reply honestly according to the standard words given by President Pei.

This level of fairy fights, you can still watch yourself around, it's best not to mix up blindly.

Anyway, according to President Bae, it must be true.