Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 634: What Will General Pei Do (Four More Moon Tickets!

Monday, 29 August.

Housekeeping on the first floor of the city dawn, Song Kai is busy with his daily work.

After the whole building was filled, his work became busy.

However, those investors will not reside here permanently. The frequency of residency is about once every three or four days. Song Kai has confirmed this with President Li.

Song Kai had just begun to misunderstand the behavior of these investors, but soon figured it out.

The act of renting a house is tantamount to goodwill among friends. Friends open a restaurant and spend time on their own. This is a normal affair.

And the investors really came and lived three or five times apart, and in Song Kai's view, it was mainly to get closer.

It's also a human thing, why do a lot of rich people go to certain neighborhoods to buy luxury homes? Like, why do so many parents go to great lengths to get their kids a good school?

One of the main reasons is that you can meet some of the higher levels of people in the mansion, who have been with each other for a long time, and who can get some benefits from each other.

If you can spend a little money as a neighbor, then countless people will have to break their heads to compete.

The same is true in this part of the country.

The notion of an investor sounds very big, but there is no need to overinvigorate it. Just like foreigners feel great when they hear about "financial practitioners," but inmates know that only a small group of people are scolded, and most people are just ordinary workers with some financial knowledge.

The same is true of investors, who hold tens of billions of dollars in capital at the forefront, but only very few. Most investors are not much smarter than the average person. Otherwise, how can you explain some seemingly awkward deception? As the average person can see, investing people throw money inside, and the blood doesn't come home?

Venture Capital is also a place that conforms to the twenty-eighth law, with only 20 per cent of successful projects being able to succeed, while 20 per cent of successful projects receive 80 per cent of returns.

Some ventures brag about their own investment mortality rate of less than 10%, but there's a lot of rhetoric here, and "no death” doesn't mean “success," and you know with your feet that 90% success rate is bullshit.

For most investors, investment failure is the norm.

So in the small circle of Jingzhou, President Pei is a small myth, and with the rapid expansion of Tenda Group, the myth will grow in scale.

Besides, those who do not believe in Pei General's investors have already been sieved. The rest of these people have tasted sweetness with Pei, and must be more determined in their resolve.

However, it may be precisely for this reason that these investors do not intend to disclose to the outside world that Pei always resides here.

After all, this is a good thing to know for yourself, and there is no need to share it with others at all.

For Song Kai, his job is to be a housekeeper, which is to meet the needs of the residents as much as possible while preserving the rules of the lazy apartment, so that they can live here in comfort and get better service.

The houses in the dawn of the city have been rented out and, on the face of it, the lazy apartments have been approved.

But Song Kai knew that this was not a success of Lazy Apartment, it could only be regarded as a success of General Bae.

The other three buildings are still vastly vacant, and black drafts of lazy apartments published by online residential groups are still spreading and paving the way.

Song Kai, as the first housekeeper in a lazy apartment, is actually one of the heads of the project.

He and Liang Qingfan have a clear division of labor: Liang Qingfan is mainly responsible for planning and construction, while Song Kai is mainly responsible for marketing and management.

Song Kai put up with it for a few days and felt like he had to do something and couldn't go on like this!

So, after President Pei left, he made several phone calls.


Half an hour later, Liang Qingfan, Zhu Xiaozhi and Qiao Lao Wei arrived at the first level of the city dawn.

“Hello everyone! Sit down, please.” Song Kai greets the three of us to find a place to sit.

Song Kai found Zhu Xiaozhi's contact information through Liang Qingfan, and Zhu Xiaozhi called Qiao Lao Wei from Lin Night.

Qiao Liang has remained in Jingzhou since the last time he experienced the Palpitation Hostel.

He felt that this issue of Palpitations Hostel did not meet his requirements, so he leveraged it. Make sure to figure out what was missing in this issue to stop!

Instead, President Pei merely said that he would give up the interpretation of Tenda's new game in The Book of the Shepherd. There were no other clues, which also kept him from claiming.

In short, we are at an impasse.

After receiving Zhu Xiaozhi's call today that there was a project related to General Bae, Qiao Liang came here without thinking much.

Not necessarily, but at least listen.

As for why Huang Sibao didn't come, it was mainly because he and Bao Xu went on a trip.

Until now, we don't know why Song Kai called himself in.

Song Kai closed the door and looked serious.

“Everyone knows about the lazy apartment, right? I've been watching for the past few days and I've noticed that the home group is definitely spreading blackdrafts and smudging lazy apartments all over the Internet! ”

Liang Qingfan nodded: “Well, I know this... are you trying to fight back? ”

Song Kai nodded: “Yes! ”

Zhu Xiaozhi hesitated for a moment and said: "Uh, let me interject. Tenda, or President Bae, rarely argues with anyone. This business competition thing, I believe, always touches the consumer as long as the service provided by the lazy apartment is good enough. ”

Qiao Liang nodded as well, saying: "Mainly Bae does not despise this. ”

“These companies like to play with indiscriminate little tactics, asking for sailors, blackheads, confusion, what do we do? Why don't you hire a sailor and blackmail the draft? ”

“Doesn't Tenda, like those companies, have no bottom line? Definitely not.”

Song Kai shook his head: “It's not a black draft, it's a revelation. ”

“I've worked for the Home Group before, so I know exactly what their so-called" peace of mind "approach is. ”

“Home groups advertised online that ‘Peace of Mind' decorations and furniture come from their own team and can be trusted, but not at all! ”

“Whether it's furniture, wood flooring, or wall paint, the cost is all saved. Once refurbished, a one-month deposit will be lost for every vacant month, so it will be rented out immediately, saving costs. ”

“More than half of the houses in here are formaldehyde overrated. ”

“Even an agent from a tenant group will say when they sign a contract with their landlord: ‘You give us the house, we'll fix it up for you, and let the tenant smoke formaldehyde in it for a year or two, then you get the rent, you get the renovation, there's no formaldehyde in the house, it's a lot of money! ’ ”

“Listen to this. Is this something that people can say? ”

Liang Qingfan looked shocked: “Is this happening? Isn't your home a big company in the national chain? ”

Song Kai nodded: “It's true. One is that many people are not very sensitive to formaldehyde in the room unless it is particularly intense and irritating. And when you realize that, at best, the intermediary symbolically invites a formaldehyde-removing company to clean it up, and then lets the tenant ventilate more, minus the rent at most, and the tenant can only accept it. ”

“But as we all know, this whole formaldehyde thing is bullshit, because formaldehyde is constantly spreading, and there's no way to get rid of it once and for all! ”

“Whether you're a tenant or an internal employee, it's hard to get too much attention online. ”

“I've posted about this online before, but nobody pays attention, nobody cares, nothing more. ”

“That's why I resigned from Home Group, and I'm sick of this company! ”

“But now, Feihuang Studios and Joe Lao Wei, you all have a certain influence on the Internet. Disclosing this issue now will certainly attract enough attention! ”

“All we have to do is ask some professional formaldehyde accreditation agencies to come to the door, and then go online and find some tenants who rent 'Peace of Mind' for a spot check, and we're sure to find a lot of formaldehyde overhangs. It's not a black draft, it's a fact! ”

Everyone looked at each other.

Obviously, no one, except Song Kai, a former insider, could have guessed the “peace of mind" of this household group.

Perennial formaldehyde overruns? It's killing people!

Zhu Xiaozhi hesitated and said: “We do have some influence on the internet, but... we have a direct interest in Tenda and Lazy Apartments. ”

“Would it make you feel like we were deliberately smearing our competitors if we broke out? I'm afraid the credibility of this matter will be greatly discounted. ”

“It might be better if it were handed over to a third party without an interest. ”

Zhu Xiaozhi's fears are unreasonable. Any explosion related to this interest can easily be seen as a commercial means of smearing and attacking each other.

Song Kai silenced for a moment and said: “I came to Tengda to work shortly, and I don't know President Pei very well. Do you think that if Bae knew about this, he would pretend not to know and do nothing? ”

Everyone looked at each other and saw the negative answer in their eyes.

Song Kai went on to say, "What if we don't do this because it's a stakeholder, who lives in a formaldehyde room and lives are compromised? Who's going to expose this? ”

“I think that if it was President Pei, he wouldn't worry so much, but he would do it right away, because that's the right thing to do. ”

“If there is nothing wrong with the house of the house group, we can ignore their smear of the lazy apartment as if it were a fly screaming. ”

“But if its existence endangers the health of countless ordinary people, can we make a voice to save their lives and remain silent? ”

The other three looked at each other and saw the answer in each other's eyes.

Qiao Liang silenced for a moment and said: "With my general knowledge of Bai... his attitude towards this kind of thing should be: but do good things, don't ask about the future. ”

“Anyway, I guess Pei always chooses to do the right thing. ”

“So I'm in! ”