Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 900 "SUCCESSOR/successor" (3) (addition)

Phil Simmons spoke well on the show, chatted and laughed happily with the other three bigwigs, and communicated completely in an equal manner.Phil could catch the stalk thrown by the opponent steadily, without stage fright at all.

Not only that, Phil also often teased himself and talked a few paragraphs, which caused the audience to laugh.

But when it came to the selection stage, it really developed as everyone expected: Phil couldn't recruit strong apprentices at all.

"Successors" has gone through the audition, and people who have the potential to become superheroes come to participate, but there are still very few of these people who can win the favor of the judges.

In the on-site selection process, the main task of the contestants is to impress the judges and the audience.There are many ways to make an impression: it may be good-looking, it may be a special talent or skill, or it may be a good story.

Some people who are elegant and likable, if they happen to have a likable face, and have very special talents and skills, then the possibility of being favored by the instructor is greatly increased.

Of course, if there are none, but there happens to be a more complicated life experience that arouses the sympathy of the audience and gives him a special label, then it is also possible to win the favor of the instructor.

In the first episode, all the excellent contestants were basically divided up by the other three mentors, the worst also grabbed an apprentice, and only Phil Simmons's team was still empty.

So after the first episode was broadcast, it immediately caused great enthusiasm on the Internet.

Some people think that Phil is not qualified to be a mentor on this show at all, and take a gloating attitude about this; while others think that Phil is good at talking and is not inferior to the other judges. They are discussing Some professional questions are always blunt, which shows that Phil is still capable.

What's more, Phil did not advertise for his own real estate business at all on the program. He is not famous and unprofitable. The appearance fee is estimated to be far behind his worth. In other words, he participated This show is probably just a kind of free and easy attitude of game life.

Looking at the apprentices, none of them saw the shining points on Phil, but still regarded him as an incompetent rich second generation. Even the program group deliberately made Phil "sell miserable" to create popularity. Too much!

The two sides quarreled wildly online, which triggered another round of heated discussions.

And behind many of these voices, it is obvious that Phil's support and inspiration behind them.

In the midst of extremely high heat and topicality, "The Successor" continued to be filmed and broadcast.

In the second episode, Phil finally got his first apprentice. He was very happy. He embraced this shameless black apprentice and promised to make him enter the top five of this draft.

There is a heated discussion on the Internet, saying that Phil is boasting and talking big, such a tutor is not worthy of apprentices to follow.

Three other instructors were also on the show, joking about this, and one instructor even joked that Phil is too late to retire.But Phil was not angry at all, but always confidently said that he had the confidence to lead the apprentices to win the team competition.

Soon, the first part of "The Successor" was broadcast.

The teams of four mentors are all fully staffed. The other three mentors’ team looks very luxurious, but Phil’s side is very shabby: most apprentices join in the second half, and they are viewed by other mentors. The audience did not respond well to the type that was not available, and even two vacancies were missed in the end. The program group had to temporarily start the resurrection match, and selected two from the previously eliminated personnel to complement Phil's team.

Regarding the upcoming team competition, all viewers are not optimistic about Phil's team. In the random questionnaire survey conducted by the TV station, more than 70% of the audience believe that Phil's team will be the last one and think Phil's The team can get almost no top two.

But all the audience didn't know that it was all the script arranged by Phil.

The second part of "The Successor" is a team competition led by four instructors. The competition is divided into four forms:

The first is speech debate.A topic is given by the program group. This topic is often a hot topic with a high degree of attention, mostly related to superheroes.

Each mentor leads his team to prepare, speaks on the spot and debates with the team holding the opposite attitude, and decides the winner based on how much persuaded the audience.

Superheroes have their own representative group, have their own propositions and programs, and often have to give speeches, and this form of team competition is to test the ability of the apprentices in this area.

The second is to develop a rescue plan.A specific scenario is given by the program group. For example, a group of gangsters take hostages, and the apprentices study and formulate a rescue plan.

But they don't need to rescue the hostages personally, but professionals will conduct drills in accordance with the rescue plan.

Superheroes often have to participate in similar rescue operations, but they can't be fools, because they may harm hostages or cause greater damage to the city.

Superheroes with brains are more popular with the public, and this form of team competition is to test the apprentices' ability in this area.

The third type is the fighting ability test.A specific physical challenge level is given by the program group, including physical confrontation between groups, to see which group completes better.

Although a superhero needs a brain, the necessary physical fitness and fighting skills are also essential.A "playable" superhero will make the public feel safer, and there will be no feeling that "this superhero is wasting superpowers".

The fourth type is a large-scale comprehensive test.

This kind of test often contains multiple aspects and requires the captain of each team to make overall arrangements and personnel allocation. After completing the task, the program team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation.

These four tests are gradual. The program team will record the preparations of each team throughout the entire process, and give more shots to the key characters, so that the public will gradually become familiar with and like these apprentices who may become superheroes in the future.

In this process, the instructor’s guidance must be well-thought-out, not overwhelming, and doing everything, otherwise it will steal the limelight from the optical apprentices, and the apprentices who have no chance to show their faces will be defeated in the next favorite rating. Come; also can't completely let go, otherwise it may lead to a complete defeat in the team game.

In short, a team competition similar to a talent show is like a preview of a superhero's future work.

The first episode of the team match was indeed as everyone expected, and Phil's team failed in the competition with other teams.

The number of shots given to Phil's team by the program group is also the least, which creates an illusion for the audience: it seems that Phil did nothing, and his team is just as useless as him, and soon defeated. Come.

As a result, the discussion of Phil was slaughtered again.

But then, the Phil team in the second episode seemed to have become completely new and won the second place with excellent performance.

However, the number of shots given to Phil's team by the program group this time was still the least, resulting in a lot of missing information in the preparation process, which caused dissatisfaction among the audience.

The audience felt that it was the show team who looked down on Phil's team and didn't pay attention to them, and gave more shots to the other three groups. As a result, Phil's team achieved good results but was not treated fairly.

Therefore, in the third episode of the team competition, the program group gave Phil team more shots. This time the audience was able to see the whole process of Phil's team preparation.

Phil Simmons played a very important role in the preparation process. He continued to inspire the confidence of the apprentices, hinting and instructing them, instead of directly taking the plan to the apprentices for implementation, but through a more enlightening Sexually, let them come up with a more perfect plan.

The apprentices who had been scattered in the sand suddenly became motivated. Not only did the trust of the team rise to a higher level, from the original battle to become a whole, but also their personal abilities seemed to shine.

As a result, Phil's reputation and wind reviews on the show began to reverse.

Many people's impressions of Phil have greatly changed, and more dimensions have appeared in their evaluations:

He is a playboy, rich second-generation, he was at the end of many people when he was born, which made people envious and jealous;

He is a person of true temperament, he is unobtrusive on Twitter, and his favorites are no different from poor young people, which makes people feel very grounded;

He has a high degree of education, and he started a company with good results. Judging from his age, this shows that he has high talent and achievements in business, not only smart but also hardworking;

The most impressive thing is that he has an insight into many problems, and he knows more about problems than ordinary people. On the "Successor" program, he not only talks and laughs with three other mentors, but also strategizes and leads a poorly capable team to obtain Victory, the level is completely at the same level as the industry leaders.

Of course, doubts about Phil still exist, and they are growing day by day.

But the voice supporting Phil has grown stronger, completely covering up the voice of doubt.

After all, Phil's performance on the show has conquered many people. Those who question Phil can easily be labeled as "red eye", "hatred of the rich" and "loser mentality."

After the show, the black guy on Phil's team won the second place with his outstanding performance in the end.

Phil said before that he had to fulfill his top five promises, and it was still overfulfilled.

On the show, the black guy was grateful and tearful to Phil, but Phil just smiled and said: "It's all your own efforts, I just helped you tap your potential."

This made the audience feel that Phil is knowledgeable and worthy of the title of "mentor".

After the show, the show team cooperated with several large brokerage companies, and several apprentices who showed color were arranged to make their debut as superheroes.

Many people go crazy, thinking that Phil will also take this opportunity to debut as a superhero.

But Phil sent a tweet, saying that participating in this show was entirely on a whim and had no idea of ​​becoming a superhero.

After that, Phil did not participate in any topic related to superheroes, which caused the audience to regret.

But what they don't know is that Phil's first phase plan has been a complete success.

Although he did not make his debut as a superhero, he has gained a high degree of attention and successfully reversed the public's impression of him: from a rich second generation who has nothing to do with superheroes, he has become a superhero. Really capable industry insiders who know the professional content well.

And then, Phil has to wait for a better time to continue to implement the next plan.