Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 122

Although the Magister Modran saw that the boars were under control, it did not break.Obviously, these arrogant wizards do not respect light and justice like warriors and knights.

The only troublesome thing was that the centaur still ran sneak attacks from time to time. It was only after Su Chen and Dailin Proudmoore led the army to clean up along the lake, the situation was a little better.

In order to guard against those centaur attacks, Su Chen arranged for wild boars to live on the periphery of humans, and at the same time began to build fences and walls according to the terrain.

If the mage tower is completed in the future, this camp should be very safe.

As for the Stormpike dwarves who are the elite guards of Ironforge, they are busy catching Kodo beasts all day long. Because these Kodo beasts can easily carry their artillery, they quickly become treasures.

When the surrounding Kodo beasts were all captured, the addicted dwarves even started hunting zebras and raptors.

Everything seems to be developing for the better, if it can restore contact with the Eastern Kingdom.Presumably here will soon be able to form a thriving new city.

But what worries Su Chen is that half a month later, there is still no news of Medieri!

Although Medili has said that the night elves have always been punished not severely because of the difficulty in reproducing, but he is always inexplicably worried...

"I think we should continue to go north, and we can't completely pin our hopes on Medieri." Su Chen said hesitantly.

"Well, the construction of the port and the oasis base is going very smoothly. We should indeed speed up the fight against the Burning Legion. Every day we delay, I don't know how many people will be harmed by those demons in the eastern continent." Dalin Proudmoore also Yes nodded in agreement.

The army soon assembled again, except for leaving some people stationed in ports and bases in oasis.Most people will go north together.

What surprised Su Chen was that almost all the blood elves chose to stay, including Kael'thas.

"I have always felt a little weak lately, I think I'll stay here to take care of other blood elves, and the new port and base must also be a strong man." Kael'thas said.

But Su Chen felt that he didn't dare to face those night elves.After all, the grievances between these two sides have lasted for thousands of years, and even Sylvanas often quarreled with Medieri.

This made him feel a little regretful. He originally wanted to see how Kael'thas would look when facing Tyrande and others...

Due to the capture of a large number of Kodo beasts, the people traveled north quickly and the journey was very easy.

However, after walking north for a few days, the surrounding environment has changed.

There were traces of flame burning on the ground.And it's still a green flame.

Everyone immediately felt a little chill, because it was probably related to those demons.

"What is that, it seems to be full of evil aura." Mordran frowned and pointed to something on a hill in the distance.

When everyone looked around, they saw a dark steel building with a green evil flame rising in it.

Su Chen felt like an ice cave in an instant, because he knew exactly what it was. Although he rarely saw it in Azeroth, he could see many of these things in Outland—the Legion of the Burning Legion. Portal!

He asked the mage in Dalaran a long time ago that the mage in this world does not open spells such as portals, and even a single teleportation technique has many limitations.

However, the Legion Portal of the Burning Legion still exists!

This is completely unmatched technological level...

People like myself have crossed the ocean, although it took more than half a month for them to reach Kalimdor even though they died, the demons of the Burning Legion can instantly use the Legion Portal to teleport over!

"It's no wonder that Illidan said that the power of the Burning Legion must be used to deal with the Burning Legion... Isn't this the legendary division of barbarians to control barbarians." (To be continued.)

Chapter 159 The Trail of the Orcs

"It's no wonder those demons didn't continue to chase us down at sea. It turns out that they have already reached Kalimdor through the Legion Portal..." Su Chen showed a wry smile.

In fact, the Burning Legion is not only extremely powerful in magic, its technology is also extremely powerful, and it can even be said that it combines magic and technology perfectly.

Among the many native creatures of Azeroth, whether it is magic or technology, in the eyes of these demons, it is estimated that they are ignorantly behind.

The Burning Legion is indeed crushing the local creatures of Azeroth.

However, although the Burning Legion is extremely powerful, everyone has long been accustomed to fighting with the devil, and immediately began to charge toward the highland occupied by the devil, blowing the horn.

Just watching a group of human warriors ride on the Kodo beasts to charge, always gives people a weird feeling.

The dwarves also rode Kodo beasts to shoot. Riding Kodo beasts is not only smoother than riding goats and horses, but also two or three dwarves can be seated on each Kodo beast, and they can take turns shooting.

What made Su Chen speechless the most was that the mages were also sitting on the Kodo beast, flipping through the magic book in front of him while casting spells.

However, when a group of people rushed up the hill, they saw an empty demon camp, or a camp full of demon corpses.

"Who killed these demons?!" Galintorbain jumped off the Kodo in amazement, took a closer look at the body of a demon guard, and said in doubt: "It was killed by an axe, it looks like That axe doesn't seem to be very sharp yet..."

"Could it be that the natives here did it? But there seems to be fire and lightning scars on the devil's corpse here." Mordran looked around with his staff.

"No, it should be the orcs." Su Chen said solemnly.

Although the demons staying in this demon camp are not powerful, they still need a regular army if they want to be completely wiped out. This is not something natives like centaur can do, and he also found some on the ground. Damaged wooden totem.

"Orcs? Why did they appear here?" Galintorbain couldn't help but startled slightly.

Su Chen looked at the people around him, and said hesitantly: "I once encountered a tribe of orcs fighting undead natural disasters in the Alterac Mountains. According to them, they had also encountered a prophet. Warning, and then their patriarch Thrall went to Kalimdor with some of the orc elite."

"These damn orcs have also come to Kalimdor!" Daelin Proudmoore frowned, his voice clearly with some anger.

"Everyone must be careful. The young orc named Thrall is very powerful." Galintorbain also quickly reminded.

Su Chen couldn't help frowning slightly, Galin Talbain and Daelin Proudmoore both had a great hatred of the orcs, and it was basically impossible to persuade them to cooperate with the orcs and live in peace like Jaina.

However, his gaze soon fell on the uniquely shaped legion portal in the center of the camp.

The orcs took away the weapons of the demons and even stripped off their armor.But it didn't take away the most precious things in this camp, or the orcs hadn't realized the value of this legion portal.

The gazes of mages such as Modran also quickly fell on this dark steel portal. These mages, who were originally curious about all novelties, immediately analyzed and studied the portal.

"This thing is probably a teleportation device, but we don't understand how it works. The fel magic of these demons is very different from our magic. We can't even turn it on." Mordran took a closer look. Then frowned.

"Transportation device... so that there are probably many demons already in Kalimdor!" Daelin Proudmoore frowned immediately when he heard this.

"Well, maybe there is already an army of demons." Modran sighed.

Su Chen didn't speak, but had been concentrating on this legion portal.

Although he has almost no magic skills, he is very adept at analyzing and detecting such things.

"I have scanned the detailed information of the Legion Portal. It should be the mysterious runes and magic circles that are really working on it. If you want to decipher, you must understand the language of those demons. As for opening this The energy source required by the Legion Portal...should be the soul, and it must be a relatively powerful soul."

Su Chen knew that many dark magics related to demons were related to souls.Even the opening of the Dark Portal consumes a lot of souls, but what he cares most about is those runes and magic circles. If the brain can resolve them, then he might be able to create his own legion portal!

Only when you have used the portal in the game can you know the power of this magic. It can make a large number of legions appear in a designated position instantly, or even in another world. This is definitely a powerful magic that can rewrite all strategic strategies.

"Need to understand the language of the devil? Can the succubus we summoned?" Su Chen asked in his mind.

"No, the level and power of the succubus among the demons is too low. They have little understanding of the magic runes of the demons. At least the Dreadlord and the demon guard have a chance to learn about the magic runes."