Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 182

A few days later, the road ahead became wider and wider, and some abandoned farms even appeared on both sides of the road.

"It seems that we are already close to Nightlight Town, but we didn't encounter any enemies along the way, which is really strange." Mograine said with a frown.

Su Chen also had some doubts in her heart. From the Cursed Land to Stormwind, one must pass through the Twilight Forest. Even though most of the area here is densely forested, it is not considered a rich land, but it is better than the Western Wilderness. I have encountered many enemies in the Westfall, why is this twilight forest so quiet?(To be continued.)

Chapter 257 The Night Watchman

The army was walking through the gloomy forest path. Since most of them were dead, there was almost no words in the whole team. Only the sound of horseshoes stepping on the yellow mud road was even more shocking.

"There are enemies ahead!"

An exclamation came, and the team that was originally in the long snake formation quickly divided into two teams, and slanted toward the front.

Despite the obstacles of the woods, once the death knight in front began to charge, it immediately looked like a human-shaped tank, and the trees with a thickness of a hug were broken in every way, and there was no way to stop the army in any way.

Equipped with sophisticated armor and weapons, the Ebon Blade Knights is definitely the sharpest blade on the battlefield!

Arrows shot out immediately in the forest ahead, but those arrows didn't seem to be very powerful, and they couldn't even penetrate the death knights' armor.

As the death knight rushed into the dense forest ahead, a panic voice soon sounded.

"Hey, listen to that scream... it seems to be a human voice? Quickly let the death knight in front stop charging!" Su Chen was slightly surprised, and quickly ordered to stop the attack, and asked Mograine to take a few Paladins in front of him. To communicate.

The battle soon stopped, and several golden paladins yelled as they walked towards the dense forest ahead, where there were some indistinct figures.

Mograine quickly hurried back.

"His Royal Highness, the opposing party claims to be the night watchmen of Stormwind, but I think they are ragged and do not have the standard armor of Stormwind. It is estimated that they belong to a spontaneous militia organization."

"The night watchman...I see." Su Chen nodded slightly.

He naturally knew something about the night watchmen in the night. This was a militia organization established in the night town without the support of Stormwind. The combat effectiveness was only average.

But it was not easy for them to survive the fall of Stormwind.

Su Chen quickly saw the leader of these night watchmen, who was indeed the daughter of the mayor of Yese Town, Althea Eberlock. Although she was ragged because of staying in the dense forest for a long time, she still couldn't conceal her heroic temperament.

"Are you really reinforcements from Lordaeron?" Altea Eberlock stared at Su Chen, who was riding on the war horse, with a face full of doubt. Her hand in broken gloves kept pressing on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Obviously the death knights before frightened these night watchmen.

"We are indeed from Lordaeron. I am Arthas Menethil. I have been friends with King Varian since childhood." Su Chen leaned slightly.Try to put on a kind look.

"Prince Arthas? But... how can there be undead monsters in your army?" Altea Eberlock asked suspiciously.

"They are not monsters. They were once the bravest paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand. They died to defend Lordaeron. Although they were later resurrected by the Undead Scourge, they became undead. But they were very determined and got rid of the Undead Scourge. Control, now they are still the best fighters in Lordaeron." Su Chen said with a serious face. Although the death knights are still not accepted by ordinary people, he must justify them.

"It turns out that it is the warrior who used to be the silver hand...we are disrespectful." Altea Eberlock couldn't help but awe.As the commander of the night watchman, she naturally saw a lot of life and death on the battlefield.

"Is Yese Town okay now? We came from the sea by boat, and we just landed from the West Wilderness side. We don't know anything about Stormwind City." Su Chen asked, all those rushes encountered along the way Ordinary refugees in hiding cannot ask for any useful information.

Altea Eberlock showed a sad expression when she heard the words, and bowed her head and said: "Yise Town has been completely destroyed by those demons. We have not been able to protect our home."

Su Chen was not surprised by this result, even Stormwind City couldn't resist the attacks of those demons, undead and evil orcs, let alone a night town with no defense measures.

"How many survivors are there in Yese Town. From here, you can go to the Western Wilderness. We have established a base there. We can live in it temporarily. It should be safer." Su Chen sighed, although the conditions in the Western Wilderness are not very good. Good, but after all, it is better than hiding in these gloomy woods, especially now that the temperature is getting lower and lower.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, Alsace, the civilians in the same town all fled to Karazhan at the beginning of the war. Now the road is controlled by those demons, it is difficult to return for a while."

"Escape to Karazhan?!" Su Chen couldn't help being stunned.

"Yeah. There is Medivh’s former residence. Although weird things often happen, it is very safe. The last two times the Dark Portal opened. Although the orcs were raging everywhere, they were not close to Karazhan at all, so this The second darkness door suddenly opened, and people immediately ran to Karazhan for refuge."

"The orcs didn't come close to Karazhan...well, that was Medivh's territory, and they really wouldn't harass." Su Chen quickly understood the reason.Although Medivh had been killed, he opened the Dark Portal himself after all, and the orcs did not invade his mage tower.

However, the opening of the Dark Portal this time was done by those demons and undead, Karazhan may not be able to maintain the safe position before.

Su Chen recalled the memory of Karazhan in the game of Warcraft. That mage tower was definitely the most powerful mage tower in Azeroth. Even those high elves had extraordinary magic skills and built a large number of outstanding ones. Mage Tower, but it may not be as good as Karazhan built by Medivh.

After Medivh's death, the mage tower was filled with all kinds of monsters, and there were many forces that coveted the magic books and treasures in Karazhan.

Not only did Dalaran send many people to capture Karazhan’s treasures, but even those bandagers and demons sneaked into Karazhan to steal the treasures.

The reason for this is not only because Meditext, as the guardian of Azeroth, has great power, but more importantly, the dark Titan Sargeras once was in the same body with him. When Sargeras was in the soul dominance At the time of status, there must be a lot of things left behind.

As Sargeras, even if he throws away some rubbish, it is a rare treasure for ordinary people.

"Can you enter Karazhan?" Su Chen asked Altea Eberlock with some curiosity.

Even in this real world of Azeroth, Karazhan does not have as many monsters in the game, I am afraid it is very dangerous, ordinary civilians in Nightlight Town cannot survive in it.(To be continued.)

Chapter 258 Karazhan

cpa300_4(); "We can only enter the cellar outside the mage tower to escape, but it is impossible to enter the mage tower. It is said that the haunting is very serious, even in the daytime, the singing and dancing of the banquet are often heard. , Sometimes you can hear the roar of the dragon." Altea Eberlock explained.

"Oh..." Su Chen nodded slightly. This is more in line with Karazhan's real situation. If you have a chance in the future, you can go to Karazhan.

However, according to the historical process of Warcraft, Medivh should have been resurrected by this time, and he also predicted the invasion of the Burning Legion and the undead natural disasters, but I don't know why he will completely abandon his mage tower.

"Currently Yese Town is still occupied by those demons?" Su Chen asked.

"Yes, those demons built the night town into their base, specially used to meet the new demons and undead coming from the cursed land. We have tried to burn the town secretly several times, but we have been unable to succeed, Al Your Highness Sass, can you help us regain our homeland?" Altea Eberlock asked hopefully.

"Taking back the town of Nightslight... It might be difficult. It's not that we don't want to help the town of Nightslight. It's that we came from a long distance. We don't have a lot of troops. So my plan is to directly attack the enemies in the cursed land and try to destroy them." Or close the door of darkness, first completely cut off the enemy's backup, and then regain the territory of Stormwind City step by step." Su Chen explained in a low voice.

Althea Eberlock heard the words, but immediately brightened her eyes, and said with some excitement: "A direct attack on the Cursed Land? This is a very good plan. Can Your Highness let us night watchmen join the battle?"

"Of course we are willing to fight side by side with the night watch, and I heard that the Duke of Bourval is leading his army to defend against the demons in the Redridge Mountains. I don't know if you are in contact with the Duke of Bourval?" Su Chen asked.

Altea Eberlock nodded immediately and said: "Yes, my father has a very good relationship with the Duke of Bourval. Not long ago, the Duke of Bourval also transferred some elite night watchmen from us, but recently there have been many orcs. All of his troops have been transferred to Redridge Mountain by those demons. It is estimated that Lord Duke is in a very dangerous situation now."

"Orc?" Su Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Well, those demons are too big. They are not suitable for fighting in forests and mountains. They have been defeated by Lord Duke twice in Redridge Mountains before, so the orcs who are better at fighting in the forest are selected to go to the other Lord Duke. they."

"That's it." Su Chen nodded slightly. He had experienced the battle of Mount Hyjal.I have fully seen the power of those demons. Those huge demons are indeed not suitable for fighting in the forest, but the Burning Legion used airborne hellfire to clear the way. The forest did not cause much trouble to the Burning Legion. Now Stormwind City These demons must not be as powerful as the Burning Legion.He couldn't even summon hellfire, only the evil orcs could act as cannon fodder to open the way.

However, since Bolvar can defeat those demons, there should be no fatal danger for the time being. As for those evil orcs, even if they are stronger than ordinary orcs, they are definitely not better than the demons themselves, so there is no need to rush to rescue him. Val up.

"Do you have a way to let our army enter the Cursed Land without disturbing the demons in Yese Town?" Su Chen asked after hesitating for a moment.

The location of Yese Town is just near the exit of the Deadwind Trail. If you want to go through the Upwind Trail to the Swamp of Sorrows and the Cursed Land, you must pass through Yese Town.

But now Yese Town has been controlled by those demons.Then you must pass quietly, but if there are only a few people, you may be able to sneak past, but your own men can lead a huge army, and it is impossible to sneak all of them.

"We can take the southern path. There is a cemetery where there is a path that can cross the mountain. After crossing the mountain, it is near Karazhan. The residents of Yese Town hid from the southern path to Karazhan." Altea Eberlock said quickly.

"There is a small road to the south?" Su Chen was surprised.