Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 271


"Where did the three-headed sea snake be taken by humans?" Woking's face became uncertain. Those animal gods have a very important position in the society and life of trolls. Of course, the most important thing is that those gods are powerful. The fighting power of the troll tribe is also the source of power for survival.

"The direction they left should be southeast, where there is probably a newly established port by humans." The shadow hunter replied.

"Huh, human beings have always relied on their powerful navy to show off everywhere. If our original navy was still there, how could they be so arrogant." Saurfang snorted coldly.

When the orcs came to Azeroth and captured Stormwind in one fell swoop, they did establish a huge navy, which could even compete with the human navy, but when the orcs were finally defeated.All of its navy was also destroyed. Although the orcs have revived, the navy is difficult to rebuild for a while.> Bar w-w-w=.·

"You continue to track those humans, and you must figure out the final whereabouts of the three-headed sea snake." Woking said solemnly.Although the Darkspear trolls do not have their own gods, it does not mean that they do not believe in gods.

If it weren't for knowing that the forces here now cannot beat those humans, perhaps he could not help but want to lead his army to retake the three-headed sea snake at this moment.

"Those desert trolls are really stupid. Having a growing god would still be defeated so badly..." In the end, Woking could only transfer his anger to those desert trolls.


Su Chen didn't know that Vol'jin at this moment was taking him seriously, leading many trolls and zombies to the extreme.He also secretly opened his own space and took out a large amount of solar well water in order to maintain the huge energy consumption brought by the daily control of the undead army.

The march of the zombies was not fast, and it took more than ten days for Su Chen to cross the Un'Goro Crater.

When I came to Silithus again, the sky was still full of wind and sand.

Thinking that this place is only a mountain away from Un'Goro Crater, Su Chen had to feel the power of the Titan in his heart. Something left over from tens of thousands of years ago still had a huge impact on the world.

But last time I came here alone with Onyxia, but now I have led more than 100,000 trolls and zombies here.This gave him a lot of confidence.

Su Chen quickly saw the night elves and the orcs. The first night elves had built a temporary fortress near the abandoned Nanfeng Village. The name was Cenarion Fortress. The orcs' troops did the same after arriving here. He chose to build a base here and stationed near the night elves.

Although the night elves are seriously at odds with the orcs, there are dragons watching by the side, and there is no life conflict between the two.

Due to the large number of these troll zombies led by Su Chen, even if they were put in the desert, they were still intimidating, and they had already attracted the attention of night elves.

"The one who should come will come after all..." Looking at the observation tower built on the high slope, Su Chen was deeply moved.All this is more and more similar to the original historical process of Warcraft.

Of course...In the history of Warcraft, Arthas will never lead more than one hundred thousand troll zombies here.

The one who came to greet him was a team of night saber cavalry of night elves, but for a beautiful and lovely little dwarf... Chromie.

"His Royal Highness, shouldn't you lead the elite troops of the Eastern Kingdoms, such as humans and dwarves, to come here? Why did you become a group of zombies. And it looks like it is still a group of troll zombies..." Chromie wrinkled tightly. With his brows, he looked at Su Chen unexpectedly.

"These are just accidents. I did lead an army of humans, but after reaching Tanaris, my troops were attacked by the trolls of Zul Farakri, and the orcs were also attacked by the trolls. , So we had to start a battle with those trolls. After the trolls lured us into the city of Zul'Falak, they suddenly summoned more than 100,000 troll zombies, and the orc forces were surrounded. Their leader asked me for help. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, I used the long sword in my hand to temporarily control these troll zombies, but later I found that the fighting power of these troll zombies was pretty good, so I simply took them with me. I’m here in Silithus, maybe I can surprise those bugs."

Zul'Farrak is not completely isolated from the world. At least the cave of time of the bronze dragon is not far from Zul'Farrak. Su Chen doesn't think that those bronze dragons who can easily see the past and the future will be against the inside of Zul'Farrak. He knew nothing about the situation, so he didn't lie at all about Zul'Farrak.

"Use these troll zombies to deal with insects? This is indeed a good way." Chromie nodded, and the frowning little brow finally stretched out.

Although the desert trolls of Zul’Farrak are neighbors of the bronze dragon, and they are still old neighbors who have lived for thousands of years, what she thinks most now is to solve the crisis of Ahn'Qiraj. Favorable, she would definitely approve, even if humans took this opportunity to destroy Zul'Falak.(To be continued.)

Chapter 417 The Battle of Ahn'Qiraj (2)

The battle continued, and the worms suffered heavy casualties, and a large circle of thick corpses had accumulated on the periphery of the Cenarion fortress.

However, the insects behind were still rushing forward frantically, and there were so many insects hidden in the large nests of Silithus, so that the battle seemed to never end.

If it weren't for the guardian dragon as the backing, facing the almost endless bugs, Su Chen would have been ready to leave here. It is estimated that the orcs and night elves are in the same mood at this moment.

You must know that these are just some small bugs around Ahn'Qiraj, not the elite of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

God knows how strong the elite bugs affected by C'Thun are!

Su Chen couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he didn't rashly lead the human army to join the war. This battle was full of too many unknowns.

However, his gains are enormous. The intellectual brain has already analyzed the shaman’s lightning bolt, lightning chain, druid’s anger and moonfire, and even learned root entanglement.

As long as the battle continues, the brain should be able to analyze more abilities, and as long as it has enough energy, it can simulate all of them.

"It's a pity that I haven't seen anyone using the'Star Falling' skill. It would be great if I could learn this trick." Su Chen thought to himself. He had seen Tyrande used this skill from a distance on Mount Hyjal. The scene was extremely beautiful, and at the same time the power of this skill was extremely powerful, and it could almost be regarded as the most powerful attack skill of the night elves.

If someone releases a "star fall" here at this moment, the lethal power to these insects is absolutely fatal.

However, it should only be regarded as an appetizer before the war, and everyone's powerful skills will be retained.

Of course, this is relative to those who are strong. In fact, the loss of the troll zombies under his hands in this battle is extremely huge. In just one day, there are only more than 60,000 troll zombies left. Up.

Although this has a lot to do with improper control, it also shows that the attacks of those bugs are indeed extremely fierce.

The sky gradually darkened, but the fighting still had no intention of stopping. Those bugs seemed to have not received any impact at night, and they were still launching attacks.

Fortunately, the night elves are also unaffected by night.Even its combat effectiveness at night has been improved, and the troll zombies controlled by Su Chen are completely immune to environmental changes and serve as a perfect shield.

However, Su Chen himself had secretly drunk the well water of the Sunwell many times, and controlling this zombie army and analyzing various magic skills around him consumed a lot of energy.

Because of the continuous drinking of the water from the Sun Well.Su Chen was already a little numb to the pain caused by the well water at this moment.

"If this goes on, I guess it won't be long before I can drink the well water from the Well of Eternity..." Su Chen gently shook the well water from the Sun Well, which was only half a bottle, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

He had never thought that the battle would be so fierce and would continue for so long, so he didn't have much Sunwell water prepared.

But now he was surrounded by night elves.And there is still a guardian dragon. If he opens up that mysterious personal space, he will definitely attract the attention of these people or dragons.

This is not the time to reveal that he has hidden the Sunwell privately.

"What are you drinking? Is it the wine you humans often drink and play together when you are fine?" Cromi's crisp voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Su Chen was taken aback by her, and hurriedly put the crystal bottle away in a panic, and at the same time secretly thanked that he had always made the crystal bottle containing the sun well water into a wine bottle. , And even the label of Dalaran Crystal Wine is attached outside.

"Human drinking is not for fun, but for invigorating and enhancing friendship." Su Chen sneered and said that Chromie still maintained the appearance of a dwarf. Obviously, the dragons still had no intention of participating in the war.

"Promote friendship? Then give me a little drink." The little dwarf raised a small brow.

"That's not okay...You are still too young, no, I mean girls generally don't drink." Su Chen's eyes jumped wildly.Hastily found an excuse for himself.

"Cut, it's stingy. When I went to Dalaran for a vacation, I drank the wine there. The taste is average, as light as water. I have the opportunity to ask you to drink some Dragon drinks." Chromie's face There was a strange smile on it.

"Dragon's drink?" Su Chen showed a look of surprise. He had never heard of the dragon's habit of making wine.

"Yes, it's much better than your human wine, but your body is still a little too weak. If you drink it, it will hurt your body. You can only wait for your physical fitness to become stronger. ”Chromie said regretfully.

Su Chen was somewhat disapproving about this, even the strong liquor could still have more violent energy than the water in the Sunwell?

"By the way, the zombies under you seem to have a lot of casualties. Don't charge too much. You have to learn to save some personal strength." Chromie suddenly whispered.

Su Chen couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect that the little dwarf who had been cold before would actually have a time for himself.

"Don't worry. I can't control the number of these zombies. It consumes a lot of my mental energy. Now a smaller number has reduced my burden, and if needed. I can take some of them at any time. The undamaged corpse was resurrected."

"Oh, that's fine. You have been fighting here for a day. Rest early. Those bugs should be the end of the crossbow. Tomorrow we will launch a counterattack and march towards Ahn'Qiraj." Kromi nodded gently. .