Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 321

Malygos really fell silent soon, but stood there quietly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Su Chen could only pray that the Red Dragon Queen could come in as soon as possible. He had already delayed for such a long time at any rate. Without the threat of the Blue Dragon King, the Dragon Sleep Alliance should have already occupied the magic ring.

"I can temporarily stop the Demon Net cleanup plan, but I have a requirement, you must join the Blue Dragonflight!" Malygos said suddenly.

"Ah...Join the Blue Dragon Legion?" Su Chen was startled when he heard the words, but he didn't expect to go around. In the end Malygos still wanted him to join the Blue Dragon Legion!

"Yes, don't you want to use arcane power, I can grant you powerful arcane power, but you must also sign a soul contract. If you violate it, you will die!" Malygos's The voice sounded rather dull, but Su Chen could feel the thick meaning of killing.

"Hurry up and agree to sign!" The person who was speaking was Zhi Nao Hei. Before the words of the King of Blue Dragon fell, his voice had already sounded in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen couldn't help being speechless. It seemed that Xiao Hei was planning to repeat the same trick. This guy no longer knows how many soul contracts he signed for him, but the results seem to be pretty good. Those soul contracts are indeed effective, but It will not cause any restriction to Su Chen.

"In order to show my sincerity, I am willing to sign a soul contract." Su Chen immediately agreed. This is a benefit that was delivered to the door. Don't do it for nothing.

"Okay, I will give you the power of arcane affinity. In the future, when you release arcane magic, you can always have double power, and I can give you the qualification and ability to teleport into the Eye of Eternity, As long as you are near a certain magic net node in Azeroth, you can use this ability. This can save your life in many cases. Of course... the most important thing is that you will be protected by the Blue Dragon Legion in the future! "Malygos finally showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and at the same time a few strange syllables uttered in his mouth, and then a contract appeared out of thin air.

Su Chen agreed without seeing the content of the contract.

"Well, you mortals are very generous." Malygos said, a breath full of chills sprayed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen was shocked and was about to evade. However, thinking that the brain did not warn him, it was very likely that the dragon's breath was not dangerous this time, and even let the frost breath envelop himself.

"Sure enough, some courage." Malygos made a rare admiration.

And Su Chen also discovered that this time of Frost Breath basically did not hurt, but it made his body seem extremely comfortable, and there was something faintly added.

Perhaps that is the arcane affinity talent that the Blue Dragon King said, but what makes Su Chen extremely speechless is that he currently has almost no understanding of magic, even with this powerful arcane affinity talent. To use.

Unless I immediately went to Dalaran to find those mages to learn magic...

However, the shelter of the Blue Dragon Legion is a good thing. Maybe when I can use it to make a fake tiger.

"You leave now, and then tell Alexstrasza that I will temporarily stop the magic net cleanup plan and release the red dragons, hoping that she can exit Cordara immediately." Malygos said.

"What about Cromi?" Su Chen asked quickly. Just now Malygos only said to release the red dragon, but did not mention the bronze dragon.

"Don't worry, I will not embarrass Nozdormu's heirs, but I still have some questions to ask her, and I will release her to leave later." Malygos said, completely ignoring Su Chen's thoughts. To say that, he fluttered his wings and flew back into the sky.

"But..." Su Chen was about to speak, but another dizziness came from his mind. When he woke up again, he found that he was already on a piece of snow, but he was not far from the tall and majestic magic hub. far.

"Damn it, this will throw me out..." Su Chen looked up depressed, and saw a large number of red dragons and green dragons hovering in the air. It was obvious that the Dragon Sleep Alliance had already been in the battle between the magic hub and the magic ring. Completely prevailed.

But the core of the five-color dragon clan is the guardian dragon. As long as the guardian dragon has not been defeated, these battles are of little significance.

However, since the King of the Blue Dragon has been moved by himself, it can be said that the outcome of this battle has been decided long ago. The next step is to see how he talks to the Red Dragon Queen about the cause of the matter.

One of the best methods is naturally to continue to use Tyre’s remnant will, but in this way, more and more people will know the secrets of the guardians of the Titans. This is not a good thing. Once these guards The dragon really went to Ulduar to find Loken's trouble, and it is likely to trigger the crisis of Azeroth being reshaped!(To be continued.)

Chapter 507 Riding the Red Dragon Queen

Su Chen knew that there would be a problem with that tree of the world.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew the reason for the decay of the new world tree... it was the dark and fallen power derived from Yogg-Saron.

The only way to solve it was to eliminate Yogg-Saron. There was no other way to save it.

Although in the history of Warcraft, Yogg-Saron was eventually killed and the entire Ulduar returned to normal, Su Chen felt that this was almost impossible in the real world of Azeroth.

It's hard to even kill Loken...

You must know that the Titan Guardians are extremely powerful, and they are also in a fortress like Ulduar, the city of Titans. Loken's men have a large number of troops built using the forge of will, and they want to invade it with human power. It's totally impossible.

As for the tribe... It is estimated that Orgrimmar is still being built, it is impossible to come to Northrend.

The ending of the New World Tree should only be abandoned like in the history of Warcraft.

However, the current night elves are definitely not willing to give up the newly grown world tree easily. This is the tree of hope that they spent a lot of energy planting, and the reason why the night elves chose to plant it near Dragonblight , More or less have the intention to be taken care of by the dragon clan.

"The night elves want our blessing?" Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen who had just returned to the Temple of Dragon Sleep, frowned, but looked a little hesitant.

"Yes, Chromie had an agreement with those night elves before. As long as the night elves help us deal with the bugs of Ahn'Qiraj, our dragon clan will once again bless the new world tree. Your Majesty, you also promised..." Commander Afra Shastaz said respectfully.

"I know that the night elves paid a lot in the battle of the quicksands thousands of years ago and the recent battle of Ahn'Qiraj. It's okay to give them some blessings of the power of the Titans, but... now the guardian dragons are not there. , I alone blessed the World Tree, it is estimated that the effect is not very good." Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza sighed slightly.

Although the previous war with the Blue Dragon Legion ended unexpectedly and did not cause disastrous consequences, her relationship with Malygos, the king of the blue dragon, was much worse, and now she is no longer in contact with Malygos.

Ysera is still trapped in the Emerald Dream and has not awakened. The Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu still has no news and is difficult to contact. At present, she is indeed the only one who can go to bless the World Tree.

"Then... how do we respond to the night elves?" Afrashastaz said with some distress.

The Red Dragon Queen frowned and thought for a while, and finally let out a sigh: "Forget it, I'll go and see it myself, maybe Ysera's waking up in the future will need those druids to go to the Emerald Dream. Help here."

"Then how to deal with the undead natural disasters in the north?" Afra Shastaz asked quickly. These days, he was forced by those undead to almost desperate, and he was almost killed by the gargoyles and bone dragons. His heart was full of resentment. , Now that the dragon army has returned, he naturally does not want to let go of those undead.

"You first take the army back to the cemetery of Galakrond, and after I come back, try to destroy the undead hiding on the ice sheet." Alexstrasza said rather casually.

Obviously, in the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen, those undead natural disasters are still not a big threat. It was just that the opponent took advantage of the weakest opportunity of the dragon clan. Now, the power of the five-color dragon clan can still easily destroy those undead.

Su Chen proposed to walk with the Red Dragon Queen. Although the tree of the world that was abandoned because of its decay would not bring any danger, he still couldn't help but worry about Medieri's safety.

Perhaps it was because he had long been used to the days when Medieri had been silently following him, but now he suddenly parted, with special concerns in his heart.

The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza looked at him with some hesitation in her eyes, but she nodded and agreed.

In fact, Su Chen's current status is not low, especially after he joined the Blue Dragon Legion and helped Malygos spread the word, he has faintly become the representative of the Blue Dragon Legion in the Temple of Dragon Sleep.

However, this also made Kalecgos, who had left the Blue Dragon Legion and joined the Red Dragon Queen in the previous battle, particularly embarrassed.

Especially when the Red Dragon Queen easily agreed to withdraw the troops just because of a sentence from the trustee of the Blue Dragon King, it can be seen that the Red Dragon Legion is actually not willing to engage in internal dragon battles. But because the king of the blue dragon has been unwilling to make the slightest compromise.

Su Chen was also quite helpless about this. The first battle with the Blue Dragon Legion ended unexpectedly, and Malygos, the king of the Blue Dragon, was not killed in the Eye of Eternity as in the history of Warcraft. Naturally, there would be no more The new King of the Blue Dragon is born, and Kalecgos is estimated to have to continue his career in the fight against the Five Scum.

What surprised Su Chen was when he arranged defense affairs with Tirion Fording and ran to meet the Red Dragon Queen, only to find that the Red Dragon Queen had actively invited him to sit on her back. Fly together.

"This... isn't it good to do this..." Su Chen only felt a little dizzy in his head.

It’s not the first time he rides a giant dragon. He has both ridden the black dragon princess Onyxia and the bronze dragon Kromi. However, riding the Guardian Dragon King is something he can’t imagine, especially when he rides Take the most beautiful red dragon queen.

"Your Majesty, how can a mortal sit on you? Let me carry His Royal Highness Alsace and go to Grizzly Hills." Afrashastaz quickly stood up and opposed.

Su Chen felt countless angry gazes falling on him in an instant. These were all from the other red dragons, including Krasus, which made him groan secretly.

"It's okay, I just took him along the way, and... I also need to ask His Royal Highness Alsace about something." The Red Dragon Queen waved her hand and rejected the opinions of Afrashastaz and others.

Su Chen couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. It seems that the reason why the Red Dragon Queen took the initiative to take him to Grizzly Hills, the real purpose is to ask him something.

And the thing that interests the Red Dragon Queen is probably only related to the Blue Dragon Legion.