Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 440

"Yes, I saw the warriors riding the dragons and fighting against the evil demons, but... I didn't see the ending of the battle." Jinyu's sage Mali whispered.

"Really... Then do you know where Qinglong is going now?" Su Chen asked with some doubts, Qinglong Yulong should not be in this Qinglong Temple, otherwise, with the strength of a wild demigod, Qinglong Temple would never be slaughtered. .(To be continued.)

Chapter 714: Zhu Taran

Due to time constraints, we will update the draft of a chapter for the time being, and will later revise it into a new chapter. You can read this chapter later. If there is any inconvenience, I hope you can forgive me.


Su Chen was not worried about being attacked by this panda priest. In the face of magic immunity and powerful evasion ability, these ordinary attacks had little effect on him.

He can even stand still in the middle of Liu Yanxin's wall of fire!

But what made Su Chen depressed was that he was not good at doing anything to the panda priest. Although the opponent and the shame of suspicion were corrupted, if he were to be killed because of this, it would be too cruel after all.

"Xiao Hei, is there any way to get her out of the control of the Sha of Doubt?" Su Chen asked secretly.

"I don't know how the Sha demon here uses negative emotions to control others, but I think that as long as the Sha of Suspicion is killed, the people affected by it should return to normal." Zhi Nao also temporarily. There is no good way.

"Kill the Sha of Doubt? This is a good way!" Su Chen's heart moved. In the history of Warcraft, this panda priest named Liu Yanxin died before the Sha of Doubt, but now Her own power can completely ignore her and directly kill the Sha of Doubt.

Even if things have developed towards the original tragic historical process, they can still make changes and even save many lives!

Fearing that the Pandaren priest, who had been affected by the evil of suspicion, would be detrimental to Jaina outside, he decided to stop her first.

"It seems that I haven't learned any long-term control ability..." Su Chen soon fell into distress again, neither the death knight skills nor the other secretly learned druid or shaman skills. What control.

In the end, Su Chen chose to stun the Pandaren priest named Liu Yanxin, and even tied him up just in case, before continuing to move forward.

In this Qinglong Temple, there is not only Liu Yanxin, a priest, but Su Chen remembers that there should also be the sage of Jinyu people, Mali, who has a certain ability to predict. In addition, there are some scholars studying in the library in Qinglong Temple.

Su Chen first went to find the Jinyu sage Mali. In Pandaria, the Jinyu should be considered a large force, and more importantly, the Jinyu sage Mali was in. The positional brain can detect some special power fluctuations, which is likely to come from the evil of doubt!

But when he rushed to the palace where the sage of Jinyu Man Mali was located, what disappointed him was that what he thought would be the evil of doubt was just some evil of evil.

Although these little minions looked ferocious, they no longer threatened Su Chen, so he easily killed them with Frostmourne, but what surprised him was that these shaman minions also had* *'S soul can be swallowed by Frostmourne.

After killing the shaman's minions on the road, Su Chen quickly saw the Jinyu sage Mali.

At this moment, the sage of Jinyu people, Mali, is sitting in a huge bubble. Around it, there are a large number of black water elements that are attacking the huge bubble, but it cannot be broken for a while. Blister defense.

"This Jinyu sage, Mali, does not seem to be affected by the evil of doubt?" Su Chen brows and hurriedly stepped forward to defeat the water elements, but when Frostmourne touched the blisters , Can still feel quite strong resistance. Obviously, the defensive power of this bubble is indeed very strong. Perhaps the sage of Jinyu man, Mali, escaped the erosion of the evil of doubt by virtue of the strong defense of this bubble.

"Warrior from the outside world, I finally saw you..." Just as Su Chen was surprised, the sage of Jinyu Man Mali suddenly opened his eyes, and even smiled at Su Chen, but the Jinyuman His face doesn't look good when he smiles.

"You...know me?" Su Chen couldn't help being surprised. This Jinyu sage Mali is said to be able to see some fragments of the future from the pool. He has a certain power of prophecy, and he has already foreseen by his words. I will do the same when I arrive.

"Yes, even though the Sha of Doubt showed me a lot of unrecognizable things when I checked the prophecy pool, it didn't know that I had seen the warrior you come a year ago."

"A year ago?" Su Chen couldn't help being stunned. At that time, he had just arrived in this world not long ago, and his strength was not that strong. He didn't expect to be caught by this Jinyu sage Mali in the future. See in.

"I don't know what the Lord Sage saw?" Su Chen asked curiously.

He used to be a true materialist, but after coming to the world of Azeroth, he had already completely overthrown the previous materialist worldviews, and he believed in prophecies.

At least he knows that the bronze dragon can control the power of time and is well versed in the art of prophecy. Although the sage of the Jinyu man, Mali, is not as strong as the bronze dragon, he may also have a good talent in this prophecy.

"I just saw some clips, I only remember the scene where the warrior rode a dragon to fight." The sage of the Jinyu said, at the same time, he also slowly dissipated the blisters around his body.

"Riding a dragon?" Su Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised. He was indeed Pandaria riding on Kromi, but it would not be them who could be called a dragon by this Jinyu sage, Mali. The bronze dragon I haven't seen before, but it should be the blue dragon!

However, he could not even see Qinglong's face now.

"Yes, I saw the warriors riding the dragons and fighting against the evil demons, but... I didn't see the ending of the battle." Jinyu's sage Mali whispered.

"Really... Then do you know where Qinglong is going now?" Su Chen asked with some doubts, Qinglong Yulong should not be in this Qinglong Temple, otherwise, with the strength of a wild demigod, Qinglong Temple would never be slaughtered. .

"Riding a dragon?" Su Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised. He was indeed Pandaria riding on Kromi, but it would not be them who could be called a dragon by this Jinyu sage, Mali. The bronze dragon I haven't seen before, but it should be the blue dragon!

However, he could not even see Qinglong's face now.

"Yes, I saw the warriors riding the dragons and fighting against the evil demons, but... I didn't see the ending of the battle." Jinyu's sage Mali whispered.(To be continued.)

Chapter 715 The Valley of Eternal Blossoms

Zhu Taran nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Yes, although we have been very careful to suppress those evil spirits, but the mist that Emperor Shaohao dissipated this time was too sudden, and the sudden emergence of war caused those The Sha demon gained a powerful force, and the Sha of Doubt escaped accidentally because of this. At present, I have sent a black guard to track down the whereabouts of the Sha demon."

"The black guard... can you find the whereabouts of the evil spirit now?" Su Chen was slightly startled. In his memory, the black guard is a subordinate organization of the Shado-Zone Temple, and its leader seems to be the Shado-Zone Temple. Master Xueliu.

"I haven't found it yet. I rushed to Qinglong Temple overnight after receiving the news that the evil spirit had escaped. However, after all, I was a step late." Zhu Taran sighed.

The loss of Qinglong Temple was indeed extremely heavy. Even the priest Liu Yanxin and several lorewalkers survived, but their minds were affected by the Sha of Doubt. If the Sha of Doubt is not killed, it may be difficult to recover. .

"But our Shado-Pan's mission is to suppress those evil spirits. I will definitely defeat that evil spirit again." Zhu Taran said solemnly, his voice revealing extremely powerful confidence.

Su Chen couldn't help but think of Shado-Zone Temple.

In the history of Warcraft, Qinglong Temple was sealed with the Sha of Doubt, and Zhuhe Temple was sealed with the Sha of Zhang, but the Shado-Dong Temple was sealed with three powerful Sha of Hatred, Sha of Fury, and Sha of Madness. This It also caused the Shado-Pan Temple itself to become the most dangerous place. After the three evil spirits escaped, even Zhu Taran himself was affected by the evil spirit.

Now Taran Zhu seems to be quite normal, but the safety of the Shado-Dong Temple is in an unknown state.

However, Zhu Taran’s strength is indeed good. After he got rid of the influence of the evil spirits in the history of Warcraft, he immediately led the Shado-Pan troops to chase down the evil evil spirits, and even chased them beyond the Great Wall. He even entered the depths of the Mantis Plateau, but after all, the evil of hatred was resolved.

"If the head of Zhu finds the evil of doubt, we must go and help." Su Chen said in his mouth, but in the bottom of his heart, it is the heart of Na Yasha that is most concerned about. As for the evil of those evils, he is not. How to care.

Even if the Pandaren are very afraid of these sha-mons, which are assembled from various negative emotions, the source of these sha-figures is still left by Y'Shaarj. Their power is far inferior to the original Y'Shaarj. It is not difficult for Lars' current power to destroy it.

And since the remains of Y'Shaarj were scattered around Pandaria, it is naturally only this area that is affected by the sha demon. The power of the sha demon is difficult to affect other continents for the time being, and the harm it can cause to Azeroth It is also limited.

However, he naturally couldn't bring up Naysha's Heart in front of Zhu Taran at this moment, otherwise it would easily cause misunderstanding.

"Thank you for your kindness, but in Pandaria, it's best to avoid fighting as much as possible. We will use our own methods to re-solve the evil spirit, and... Your Highness seems to be in an abnormal state, and may have been affected by it. Some influence of the evil demon." Zhu Taran said solemnly, but he seemed to see something in Su Chen's body.

"Arthas was affected by the Sha demon? Is there any way to clear it?" Jaina next to him immediately asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. The power of darkness in me has something to do with the demons of the Burning Legion, but everything is under my control. I just used the power of some demons to fight those demons. "Su Chen said quickly, but he was also a little worried in his heart.

In the previous battle, Zhi Nao had reminded him once that his mood seemed to be abnormally affected, and that might have something to do with the evil demon.

"His Royal Highness Alsace is still better. If you have time, you can go to the Golden Lotus Valley to the west to see. The Golden Lotus Sect of the Golden Lotus Valley is better at understanding the influence of these dark atmospheres."

The Valley of Eternal Blossoms is indeed very beautiful. After Azeroth has been ravaged by forces such as the Undead Scourge and the Burning Legion, the land of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms has been regarded as a rare paradise in the world of Azeroth.

"It's really beautiful here, I never thought there would be such a beautiful place..." Jaina's eyes also showed intoxication, as if she wanted to embrace the surrounding beauty.

"If you like it, we can build a house here in the future." Su Chen smiled.

In the history of Warcraft, the beautiful Vale of Eternal Blossoms was finally destroyed by Garrosh Hellscream using the Heart of Y'Shaarj, and became a land of shame, full of shaman minions, even in Garrosh. After Hellscream was defeated, Vale of Eternal Blossoms was also very difficult to recover.