Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 444

In desperation, Su Chen could only ask the brain to forcefully record these languages, and analyze the language of the Mogu clan thoroughly in the future.

"It seems that this trip has come in vain, but these trolls are probably coming for Thor." Su Chen thought secretly, but his feet had already begun to go back.

Although he was originally planning to find the weapon master Theon for a fight, it is best to solve some of the main mogu people by the way, but now it seems that the power of these mogu people is much stronger than he expected, plus The strength of those trolls is also good. If he rashly appeared to attack Theon, he would most likely have to escape under the siege...

"The power is still a little worse after all, and I must raise it to the level of a demigod as soon as possible." Su Chen sighed secretly. In Pandaria, if he has the power of a demigod, he should be able to run as rampant as the four gods. Up.

However, since he couldn't see the lizardmen here, he had no interest in fighting the weapon master Theon.

Su Chen began to retreat along the road when he came, and according to the investigation when he came all the way, the scale of this underground palace is heart-pounding, and the places he can detect seem to be just the tip of the iceberg of this underground palace. That's it.

"It's no wonder those pandamen gave up occupying this place. If they want to forcibly occupy such a large underground palace, they don't know how much sacrifice they would have to pay." Su Chen secretly thought, but he understood the helplessness of those pandamen a little bit.

But what made Su Chen some surprise was that he accidentally discovered the traces of the lizardmen on his way out of this underground palace!

These lizardmen obviously entered the underground palace earlier than themselves. This should be related to the fact that these lizardmen have entered the treasure house here many times to steal treasures, and are already familiar with the terrain here.

At this moment, the lizardmen were rushing all the way, and behind them was a group of mogu soldiers pursuing and killing them.

"It's ridiculous, this group of treasure thieves lost their hands, and was chased by those Mogu people." Su Chen let out a sneer.

However, since he still needs to use these lizardmen to help him dig out the heart of Y'Shaarj, he naturally can't let the mogu people kill these lizardmen, but he can't show up so early to save people...the best way Naturally, when these lizard people were chased to the end, they would rescue them.

Su Chen began to quietly approach these panicked lizardmen, but found that these guys were carrying huge packages one by one when they were escaping. Seeing the heavy weight of the packages, it is obvious that these lizardmen stole from the treasure house. The Mogu treasure of, but this time seems to have been stolen more so that it was discovered by the Mogu guards.

Fortunately, the masters of the Mogu clan seemed to have been taken by the weapon master Theon to meet the trolls. The fighting power of these Mogu soldiers who came after them were quite ordinary.

The lizardmen were still very fast in this dark underground, but because of the heavy package they carried, their speed was more or less affected, and they were eventually chased by the mogu soldiers.

However, what made Su Chen dumbfounded was that even though they had been overtaken by the Mogu soldiers, the lizardmen were still unwilling to give up those heavy packages. They still held the packages in one hand and took out their weapons to fight.

The original combat power of the lizardmen was pretty good, and they should be able to fight these Mogu soldiers, but at the moment they were at a disadvantage because of the drag of those packages. As for the lizardmen leader, Jiehan, he also carried a package. Fighting against the mogu, and seems to have no intention of giving up...

"These guys seem to be more greedy for money than goblins..." Su Chen couldn't help being speechless in secret.

But seeing that a lizardman mage had been killed by Mogu soldiers, Su Chen finally appeared from the dark.

It was very easy to kill these Mogu soldiers with his power in a surprise attack, but in a short while, he had killed all the more than ten Mogu soldiers who had come after him.

"It seems that you have achieved a good result from this trip, but no matter how good the treasure is, it is not worth so much." Su Chen smiled and collected Frostmourne again.

"It's you?" The lizardman leader Jiehan was obviously surprised after seeing Su Chen, but perhaps he had seen a lot of wind and waves, and he soon calmed down and said with a smile: "We are there. The treasure house has been waiting for you for a long time, but I haven't seen you appear, so I couldn't help but grab some treasures, but when I left, I happened to meet a pair of patrolling soldiers, which is really strange. There wouldn’t have been so many Mogu soldiers patrolling here before."

"Really..." Su Chen's heart moved. The increase in the patrol soldiers of the Mogu tribe may be related to the previous weapon master Theon going to meet the trolls.

These lizardmen obviously did not pick a good time to steal the treasure.

Just as Su Chen was thinking about how to completely subdue these lizardmen, one of the lizardmen uttered an exclamation, while the other lizardmen immediately ridiculed the lizardmen after being surprised.

Su Chen had already followed it and stared, and saw that the package behind the ridiculed lizardman had been accidentally cut in the battle just now, and the treasures inside had also fallen out.

And the reason that attracts people's ridicule is that treasure... Friends who read books, you can search for "", you can find this site the first time.

Chapter 722: Chaotic Battle

Due to time constraints, we will update a draft for the time being, and will later revise it into a new chapter. You can read this chapter later. If there is any inconvenience, I hope you can forgive me.


The brain had already begun to analyze Na Theon's basic combat effectiveness quickly, but the analysis speed was a bit slow due to the distance.

At this moment, the trolls in front had already got up, and began to talk to Theon.

What surprised Su Chen was that these trolls could speak the language of the Mogu clan, and they were also very fluent.

This made him impressed with the troll clan. He used to think that the trolls had long lost most of their heritage in the battle between the tribes, but now it seems that these trolls have inherited the language of the Mogu clan thousands of years ago. Down, and because of the fluency of communication, it should not be temporary learning.

"It seems that these trolls have been conspiring with everything about Pandaria, and even dedicated people to inherit the language of the Mogu clan for tens of thousands of years..." Su Chen has already frowned, if it is his own. The guess is good, then he might have underestimated the power of trolls before, at least underestimated the power of the Zandalar clan.

But what made him very entangled was that although he could hear the voice of the other party through his brain, he could not understand the language of the Mogu clan at all.

This made Su Chen extremely annoyed. There are too many races in this Azeroth world, and almost all have their own different languages. Even if he has a brain for assisting learning, there are still a lot of uncommon languages. Learn, and this Mogu language is one of them.

In desperation, Su Chen could only ask the brain to forcefully record these languages, and analyze the language of the Mogu clan thoroughly in the future.

"It seems that this trip has come in vain, but these trolls are probably coming for Thor." Su Chen thought secretly, but his feet had already begun to go back.

Although he was originally planning to find the weapon master Theon for a fight, it is best to solve some of the main mogu people by the way, but now it seems that the power of these mogu people is much stronger than he expected, plus The strength of those trolls is also good. If he rashly appeared to attack Theon, he would most likely have to escape under the siege...

"The power is still a little worse after all, and I must raise it to the level of a demigod as soon as possible." Su Chen sighed secretly. In Pandaria, if he has the power of a demigod, he should be able to run as rampant as the four gods. Up.

However, since he couldn't see the lizardmen here, he had no interest in fighting the weapon master Theon.

Su Chen began to retreat along the road when he came, and according to the investigation when he came all the way, the scale of this underground palace is heart-pounding, and the places he can detect seem to be just the tip of the iceberg of this underground palace. That's it.

"It's no wonder those pandamen gave up occupying this place. If they want to forcibly occupy such a large underground palace, they don't know how much sacrifice they would have to pay." Su Chen secretly thought, but he understood the helplessness of those pandamen a little bit.

But what made Su Chen some surprise was that he accidentally discovered the traces of the lizardmen on his way out of this underground palace!

These lizardmen obviously entered the underground palace earlier than themselves. This should be related to the fact that these lizardmen have entered the treasure house here many times to steal treasures, and are already familiar with the terrain here.

At this moment, the lizardmen were rushing all the way, and behind them was a group of mogu soldiers pursuing and killing them.

"It's ridiculous, this group of treasure thieves lost their hands, and was chased by those Mogu people." Su Chen let out a sneer.

However, since he still needs to use these lizardmen to help him dig out the heart of Y'Shaarj, he naturally can't let the mogu people kill these lizardmen, but he can't show up so early to save people...the best way Naturally, when these lizard people were chased to the end, they would rescue them.

Su Chen began to quietly approach these panicked lizardmen, but found that these guys were carrying huge packages one by one when they were escaping. Seeing the heavy weight of the packages, it is obvious that these lizardmen stole from the treasure house. The Mogu treasure of, but this time seems to have been stolen more so that it was discovered by the Mogu guards.

Fortunately, the masters of the Mogu clan seemed to have been taken by the weapon master Theon to meet the trolls. The fighting power of these Mogu soldiers who came after them were quite ordinary.

The lizardmen were still very fast in this dark underground, but because of the heavy package they carried, their speed was more or less affected, and they were eventually chased by the mogu soldiers.

However, what made Su Chen dumbfounded was that even though they had been overtaken by the Mogu soldiers, the lizardmen were still unwilling to give up those heavy packages. They still held the packages in one hand and took out their weapons to fight.

The original combat power of the lizardmen was pretty good, and they should be able to fight these Mogu soldiers, but at the moment they were at a disadvantage because of the drag of those packages. As for the lizardmen leader, Jiehan, he also carried a package. Fighting against the mogu, and seems to have no intention of giving up...

"These guys seem to be more greedy for money than goblins..." Su Chen couldn't help being speechless in secret.

But seeing that a lizardman mage had been killed by Mogu soldiers, Su Chen finally appeared from the dark.

It was very easy to kill these Mogu soldiers with his power in a surprise attack, but in a short while, he had killed all the more than ten Mogu soldiers who had come after him.

"It seems that you have achieved a good result from this trip, but no matter how good the treasure is, it is not worth so much." Su Chen smiled and collected Frostmourne again.

"It's you?" The lizardman leader Jiehan was obviously surprised after seeing Su Chen, but perhaps he had seen a lot of wind and waves, and he soon calmed down and said with a smile: "We are there. The treasure house has been waiting for you for a long time, but I haven't seen you appear, so I couldn't help but grab some treasures, but when I left, I happened to meet a pair of patrolling soldiers, which is really strange. There wouldn’t have been so many Mogu soldiers patrolling here before."

"Really..." Su Chen's heart moved. The increase in the patrol soldiers of the Mogu tribe may be related to the previous weapon master Theon going to meet the trolls.