Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 524

The mogu that were under siege should be the emperors, but they don’t know what method they used in this Mogushan treasury. In addition to preserving their souls, they even kept their bodies. So that they can let the soul return to the former body for a period of time to fight, and even use some of the powerful abilities of the past.

Su Chen quietly approached immediately, trying to use Frostmourne to control the souls of the emperors.

However, unexpectedly, although Frostmourne had a certain impact on those souls, it could not be directly controlled.

"There seems to be something wrong with their bodies, even affecting the control effect of Frostmourne. We will defeat them first, and then try to control them." Wisdom brain made new suggestions after analyzing them.

"Okay." Su Chen immediately joined the battle with his sword. The Soul of the Ancient King was already unable to withstand the attacks of many guards. After Su Chen joined, he quickly fell into defeat.

When the soul of the king was defeated, the soul immediately broke away from its original body. Su Chen immediately took the opportunity to control it with Frostmourne, but this time it went smoothly, and it was controlled almost instantly. The soul of the other party.

He quickly controlled the souls of the remaining three emperors in the same way. When he was excited, he soon discovered that the souls and bodies of these emperors were not normal and could not communicate at all.

"They can only attack according to certain instructions, and their bodies have also been transformed. Their bodies are actually more like those golems made by Titans and are not in the state of undead. No wonder we could not directly attack them before. Control." Zhi Nao said after seeing a brief analysis.(To be continued.)

Chapter 872 Eragon

"Golems... they actually made their bodies into golems. No wonder they can last for thousands of years. It seems that these are improvements made by those mogu using the Titan’s technology, but the mogu clan itself is Titan creation was not a flesh and blood body at first, so it is very convenient to transform it.” Su Chen sighed secretly. Although the technology of this mogu is good, it is obviously not suitable for human beings, even the remaining mogu. Being affected by the curse of flesh and blood is too deep, it is likely that it has been impossible to do this.

It's just that, even if I control the souls of the emperors, I can't control this golem-like body, not to mention that those souls also have problems.

"These souls should have also been processed. Although they have retained some of their strength during their lifetime, they have lost their self-awareness. Now they can only be regarded as a combat weapon." Zhi Nao also sighed.

Although such souls can also be driven to fight, they have much less value than souls with self-awareness, especially the memory of these souls cannot be obtained.

"It seems that these former emperors of the Mogu Empire are very simple. In order to protect this Mogu Mountain treasure house, they even willingly erased their soul consciousness and transformed themselves into a guard here." Su Chen sighed.

It can also be seen that this Mogu Mountain treasure house is indeed extremely important to the Mogu family. Not only are a large number of Mogu elites transformed into the undead to guard this place, even several of the most outstanding emperors have entered here after their deaths. One of the guards, and in order to prevent leaks, he completely erased his consciousness and memory.

"What they are guarding should be the lower part, which is the real core part of the Mogu'shan Treasury..." As a traveler, Su Chen naturally knows that the real treasure of this Mogu'shan Treasure is the Naraksha below. The engine and the will of the emperor.

Nanalaksha’s engine and the emperor’s will should be directly left behind by Thor, perhaps the source of energy and army that Thor prepared for him, but because Thor tried to capture Uldum’s origin furnace and led a large number of mogu The elite of the clan went to Uldum with some high-level members of the Zandalari trolls, but they were heavily pitted by the caretaker of the Hall of Origin. Not only did they die in a foreign country, they also ruined the most powerful Mogu clan. Elite, even indirectly led to the decline of the Zandalar troll.

Although the later Mogu Emperor obtained the Naraksha engine and knew it was powerful, he couldn't use it because he didn't have the mighty power of Thor, so he could only leave it in the depths of the Mogu Mountain treasure house.

"Let's see how strong Naraksha's engine and the emperor's will are..."

Although the passage to the bottom did not appear after he defeated the soul of the first king, he didn't care much, anyway, he was used to forcibly breaking in.

Relying on his own memory and intellectual brain exploration, he quickly determined the location of the secret entrance, and then ordered some undead guards of the Mogu tribe to dig.

But what surprised him was that the closed entrance was extremely strong, and those powerful undead guards couldn't force open it for a while.

He soon had to go on the court himself, using the sharpness of Frostmourne to forcibly dig a hole, but the process was a bit laborious, especially for the tall Mogu undead guards to enter it, he had to open the hole Dig a lot.

"This material seems to be somewhat similar to the materials used in the Titan buildings in the Storm Mountains. It seems that Thor is really not to be underestimated, even what he left behind is so hard." Su Chen frowned slightly, looking like Thor. At the beginning, a lot of Titan technology should have been obtained, and even the refining of materials has also obtained the inheritance of Titan.

The underside of the hole is still pitch black, but Zhi Brain has already detected abnormal energy fluctuations.

"It is estimated that the Naraksha engine is somewhat similar to the engine of the Forge of Origin, but the scale is much smaller. Maybe we can use it." Zhi Brain's voice sounded a little excited.

Su Chen naturally knew why Zhinao was so excited, that guy only had enough energy to do almost anything.

In the last trip to Uldum, although the entire Hall of Origin was controlled by the absence of a few guards, although the power of the engine of the Origin Furnace was already in front of him, it was too powerful for him. To make use of it, you can only watch Baoshan without gaining the slightest benefit.

Now this Naraksha engine made by Mogu is very likely to be used directly by him!

So far, Su Chen does not know how powerful the brain is, or even how many levels of authority the brain possesses, let alone how powerful it can be if the brain is enabled with its highest authority. .

When the hole was excavated, Su Chen did not enter immediately, but let some undead guards of the Mogu tribe to enter it first.

A lot of fighting sounds soon came from below, and obviously there are also powerful guards below.

However, after Su Chen entered, he found that the guards below were also undead creatures...

"The builders at the time definitely didn't expect this situation today." Su Chen smiled.

The advantages of the Undead Guard are obvious. They can exist for a long time, and there is no material consumption. They can guard for tens of thousands of years. This is difficult even for the Titan’s golems. After all, those The energy consumption of the golem is not that big.

"If Ner'zhul enters here, I am afraid he will die of laughter..." Zhi Nao said.

"Yes, fortunately, that guy can't leave the Frozen Throne. Otherwise, once he comes here, he will probably scan his mind at will, and all the undead guards here will be controlled by him." Su Chen smiled and followed the undead guard in front of him. Start to move on.

The undead guards below this seem to be more powerful than those before, obviously belonging to the elite of the former Mogu Empire, but now it is completely cheaper than Su Chen.

"Be careful, the energy fluctuations ahead are very severe, and it should be close to the Naraksha engine." Zhi Brain quickly issued a reminder.

"Really...I don't know if there is really Eragon here..." Su Chen thought secretly.

Nayragon should be the thing left by the great guardian Ryden. It was used to guard the engine of Nalaksha. It is estimated to be very powerful, and more importantly, it is not an undead creature. It is in front of it. There is no advantage at all.(To be continued.)

Chapter 873 Starlight Dragon

There is a very empty hall in front of him, but the surrounding environment is obviously different from the upper level of the previous treasure house. It does not seem to be the style of the Mogu family, but more similar to the architectural style of the Titans.

This should be the evolution of the Mogu clan...or rather the history of degradation. Everything here should have originated from the Titans, but since the Great Guardian Raiden fell into confusion, those mogu armies that have obtained the ** Begin to change everything around from Titan in their way.

The time when this hall was established should be the oldest in the Mogu Mountain Treasury, and it should be the least changed by Mogu.

"I can already feel the sound of energy surging! Although the energy here seems a bit weird, different from the energy of the storm mountains and the hall of origin, it doesn't make any difference to us!" Just get close to the powerful energy. , Zhi Nao immediately became excited.

Although the technology of the Mogu group comes from the Titans, there are still many differences after all.

For the sake of caution, Su Chen still let the undead guards of the Mogu clan open the way in front, anyway, these undead guards picked up at hand don't have to feel distressed even if they die in battle.

However, the journey went smoothly, and there were no other guards.

Until finally came to a huge platform, here Su Chen saw something quite familiar-the console!

Although the console in front of me has a lot of Mogu style, it is still very similar to what I encountered in Uldum and the Hall of Lightning.

"This is a system control platform... Xiaohei, can you use it to invade the control system of this Mogushan treasure house?" Su Chen asked quickly.

Before, he used Xiao Hei's ability to take advantage of the Hall of Origin and even severely damaged the Hall of Lightning.

"I can try, but it is estimated that it will take a lot of time." Zhi Nao agreed after hesitating slightly.

Su Chen couldn't help getting excited, he was quite trusting in the ability of the brain in this area, if he could successfully invade the control system of this Mogushan treasure house, then his career would be considered a great deal.

"Oops, I just seemed to accidentally touched the defensive measures of this control system..." Zhi Nao's voice sounded a little surprised.


"No, it should be that the defense system was actively activated. This system seems to have known our arrival, and it actively stimulated defensive measures." Zhi Brain said again.

"This defense system knows about our arrival... Is it possible that the defense system here has its own soul?" Su Chen couldn't help being slightly surprised when he heard this, but he also secretly prepared for the battle and guarded all the surrounding undead Gathered to the side.

At the same time, a little bit of light began to appear in the originally dark hall, which looked like a shining star, and the platform in front of his eyes also began to glow with some strange runes. As for the entire platform, it appears translucent.