Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 525

"Does that starlight dragon really exist..." Su Chen couldn't help swallowing.

Although I don’t know how strong this real starlight dragon will be, it is certain that its appearance must be extremely dazzling. If it can be controlled by itself, then riding out will definitely cause a 100% return rate, even those dragons will look at it. .

The huge platform in front of him began to change, and the shiny runes kept on and off, seeming to convey some kind of information.

"Be careful, there are powerful energy fluctuations approaching, and the strength is hard to estimate!" Zhi Nao suddenly issued an alarm.

"Are you here?" Su Chen couldn't help but brows, and quickly squeezed Frostmourne in his hand, and at the same time adjusted his state to the most recent state.

The translucent platform that was shining endlessly disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared in this hall, there was only a huge pothole in front of Su Chen's eyes.

But before he came forward to investigate, a huge object full of light had slowly risen from the huge hole.

Su Chen immediately recognized that it was a leader!

"So big..." Looking at the translucent dragon head in front of him, the corner of Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

It was indeed the expected Starlight Dragon that rose slowly from the disappearance position of the platform, but unexpectedly, this Starlight Dragon was surprisingly big!

When the whole starlight dragon appeared before and after the eyes, the originally extremely empty hall actually seemed a bit crowded. This is because the body of the starlight dragon has been bent in the air. If it straightened its body, it would be several hundred meters in radius. The underground hall certainly cannot accommodate it.

"Check for external threats, annihilate..." When the starlight dragon appeared, there was also its extremely majestic and cold voice.

Su Chen quickly waved the Frostmourne in his hand, and the undead guards of the Mogu tribe gathered around him immediately rushed up like a swarm.

However, what was unexpected was that after the attacks of those undead guards touched the huge body of the starlight dragon, they went straight through the body of the starlight dragon like a phantom, and failed to cause any damage to the starlight dragon. hurt.

When Su Chen was in shock, the Starlight Dragon seemed to have noticed him.

"Eh... it's not a Pandaren, neither Jinyumen nor Hohen... What kind of monsters are you? How dare you break in here!" The starlight dragon's voice suddenly changed. Without its original majesty, it changed instead. Very surprised and curious.

"You really have self-awareness?" Su Chen was shocked, but he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

This starlight dragon's self-awareness means that it can communicate with it, even negotiate and buy, but it also means that this guy will be more difficult to deal with if it fights.

"Of course I have my own consciousness. I am the greatest dragon and the master of this treasure house!" The huge starlight dragon actually laughed, and it sounded quite proud.

Su Chen couldn't help being stunned: "Shenlong...what is your relationship with Yulong?"

"Yulong? What is that?" Xingguanglong sounded like he didn't know the existence of Yulong.

"She is a blue dragon, and Pandaria's most powerful dragon. Her appearance is very similar to yours..."

"Nonsense, I am Pandaria's most powerful dragon!" The huge starlight dragon interrupted Su Chen's words, and suddenly swayed his body. The starlight hall suddenly swept up storms, so much so The surrounding Mogu undead guards almost all stood unstable.(To be continued.)

Chapter 874 The Emperor's Will

Due to time constraints, I will update a draft for the time being and amend it to a new chapter later. You can read this chapter later. If there is any inconvenience, I hope you can forgive me.


Su Chen was shocked by the powerful strength of the starlight dragon in front of him. Judging from its size and strength, the combat effectiveness of this starlight dragon is almost comparable to that of several guardian dragon kings, but I don’t know whether it controls the relevant rules. Power, if it also controls the power of some rules originating from Titan, then it can almost be regarded as a new dragon king.

"You are the strongest dragon in Pandaria? So have you been to the ground in Pandaria? Have you flew in the sky?" Su Chen asked curiously, and he couldn't determine the origin of this starlight dragon.

"This..." The huge starlight dragon suddenly fell into hesitation.

"It turns out that you haven't been there before, that's really a shame." Su Chen showed a smile. Although the Starlight Dragon in front of him still looks tyrannical, in his opinion, it is completely a bun who has never seen the world.

"Tiny bug, do you dare to laugh at me?!" The starlight dragon immediately showed an angry color. Obviously, although it is very different from the ordinary dragons, it also inherits the arrogance of the dragons.

"I didn't laugh at you, I just feel sorry for you. I already have my consciousness and soul, but I still stay in this dark ground. I don't know what the vast sky is." Su Chen laughed.

"I know what the sky is... In the information I got, there are all Pandaria's information, including the sky." The huge starlight dragon looked sad, and its original power disappeared in an instant.

"You were caught by Mogu?" Su Chen asked tentatively, even in his memory, he didn't know why this starlight dragon appeared in this Mogu Mountain treasure house.

From the appearance of this starlight dragon, it should be related to Pandaria's dragon, but Pandaria's dragon and the mogu clan should be in a state of opposition, and it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to help the mogu clan guard the underground treasure house.


There is a very empty hall in front of him, but the surrounding environment is obviously different from the upper level of the previous treasure house. It does not seem to be the style of the Mogu family, but more similar to the architectural style of the Titans.

This should be the evolution of the Mogu clan...or rather the history of degradation. Everything here should have originated from the Titans, but since the Great Guardian Raiden fell into confusion, those mogu armies that have obtained the ** Begin to change everything around from Titan in their way.

The time when this hall was established should be the oldest in the Mogu Mountain Treasury, and it should be the least changed by Mogu.

"I can already feel the sound of energy surging! Although the energy here seems a bit weird, different from the energy of the storm mountains and the hall of origin, it doesn't make any difference to us!" Just get close to the powerful energy. , Zhi Nao immediately became excited.

Although the technology of the Mogu group comes from the Titans, there are still many differences after all.

For the sake of caution, Su Chen still let the undead guards of the Mogu clan open the way in front, anyway, these undead guards picked up at hand don't have to feel distressed even if they die in battle.

However, the journey went smoothly, and there were no other guards.

Until finally came to a huge platform, here Su Chen saw something quite familiar-the console!

Although the console in front of me has a lot of Mogu style, it is still very similar to what I encountered in Uldum and the Hall of Lightning.

"This is a system control platform... Xiaohei, can you use it to invade the control system of this Mogushan treasure house?" Su Chen asked quickly.

Before, he used Xiao Hei's ability to take advantage of the Hall of Origin and even severely damaged the Hall of Lightning.

"I can try, but it is estimated that it will take a lot of time." Zhi Nao agreed after hesitating slightly.

Su Chen couldn't help getting excited, he was quite trusting in the ability of the brain in this area, if he could successfully invade the control system of this Mogushan treasure house, then his career would be considered a great deal.

"Oops, I just seemed to accidentally touched the defensive measures of this control system..." Zhi Nao's voice sounded a little surprised.


"No, it should be that the defense system was actively activated. This system seems to have known our arrival, and it actively stimulated defensive measures." Zhi Brain said again.

"This defense system knows about our arrival... Is it possible that the defense system here has its own soul?" Su Chen couldn't help being slightly surprised when he heard this, but he also secretly prepared for the battle and guarded all the surrounding undead Gathered to the side.

At the same time, a little bit of light began to appear in the originally dark hall, which looked like a shining star, and the platform in front of his eyes also began to glow with some strange runes. As for the entire platform, it appears translucent.

"Does that starlight dragon really exist..." Su Chen couldn't help swallowing.

Although I don’t know how strong this real starlight dragon will be, it is certain that its appearance must be extremely dazzling. If it can be controlled by itself, then riding out will definitely cause a 100% return rate, even those dragons will look at it. .

The huge platform in front of him began to change, and the shiny runes kept on and off, seeming to convey some kind of information.

"Be careful, there are powerful energy fluctuations approaching, and the strength is hard to estimate!" Zhi Nao suddenly issued an alarm.

"Are you here?" Su Chen couldn't help but brows, and quickly squeezed Frostmourne in his hand, and at the same time adjusted his state to the most recent state.

The translucent platform that was shining endlessly disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared in this hall, there was only a huge pothole in front of Su Chen's eyes.