Lost in Azeroth

Lost in Azeroth Chapter 601

Su Chen couldn't help but was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Illidan's mission was somewhat similar to himself.

However, it seems that the night elves should also attach great importance to the resurrection ceremony of the wilderness demigod, otherwise Tyrande would not be allowed to call Illidan to protect him.

"It seems that you take the Ursoc brother very seriously. You actually labored the high priest Tyrande to come out in person with you." Su Chen laughed, but he did not express his true intentions. After all, his purpose with Illidan There are still some gaps... Illidan just wants to protect the resurrection ceremony from going on smoothly, and he wants to find out the black hand behind the scenes.

"Brother Ursoc is really important to the night elves. After all, we all lived in this mountain forest at the beginning, and our night elves and the furbolg brothers were affected by the Well of Eternity to evolve quickly, so the relationship It has always been good, of course... Now that most people have believed in the Druidic doctrine, the Ursoc brothers represent the power and symbol of bear spirits, which are naturally even more important to the night elves." Illidan Explained with a smile.

"Have you heard, the Ursoc brothers were affected by the Well of Eternity in order to quickly evolve into a wilderness demigod! We must get the Well of Eternity anyway!" Zhi Nao's voice suddenly appeared in Su Chen's voice. In his mind, it was obvious that he was still very concerned about the well of eternity.

"Who knows how many years the Furbolg brother has spent years beside the Well of Eternity before he becomes a demigod..." Su Chen muttered in his heart.

"Hmph, that can also show that the Well of Eternity can indeed make people quickly increase their strength. You only need to think about the strength of Queen Azshara. She deliberately built her own palace next to the Well of Eternity. Her power has been strong enough to fight against the guardian dragon ten thousand years ago!" Zhi Nao is still extremely excited.

"Well, I will try to get close to the well of eternity." Su Chen sighed secretly in his heart. He was indeed very interested in the well of eternity, but he wanted to keep the well of eternity under the tight guard of the night elves. It is too difficult for Jing to take it away, unless he prepares to turn his face with the night elves and use force to take it forcibly.

"Then the resurrection ceremony was presided over by the high priest of Tyrande himself?" Su Chen asked Illidan casually. In his opinion, only Tyrande's presence would allow Illidan to protect it.

However, Illidan shook his head immediately and said, "My brother is presiding over the resurrection ceremony. Tyrande is presiding over the construction of the new Moon Temple from the New World Tree, and he has no time to clone."

"New World Tree? New Moon Temple?" Su Chen couldn't help being stunned.

"Yes, didn’t you suggest to Tyrande to plant a new world tree, and this time you planted it on an island according to your suggestion. Now the tree has grown, but the bird doesn’t pull The place where the shit wants to go in the past has to take a boat for several days." Illidan said with a bit of complaint.

"Ah... it has grown so quickly? Did you use Druid's spells to catalyze growth?" Su Chen asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Of course we have to undergo catalytic growth. We night elves urgently need a new world tree to stabilize people's hearts. There is no time to wait for it to grow naturally." Illidan sighed.

Su Chen can understand this. After all, the night elves previously had the power of immortality. At the beginning, in order to resist the Burning Legion, it was compelling to give up this power of immortality. Now the war is over, although the lifespan of the night elves is generally countable. Thousands of years are still very long compared with human beings, but compared with the previous immortality, the gap is too large, which will naturally cause people's hearts to float.

In this case, a new world tree can undoubtedly condense and soothe the hearts of many night elves at the fastest speed, and at the same time can harvest the loyalty of most night elves.

"The High Priest Tyrande is going to build a new Moon Temple on the New World Tree?" Su Chen couldn't help but think of Medili. Now Tyrande is preparing to build a new Moon Temple. Did Dilli call back.Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

Chapter 994 Malfurion

Genius remembers "uu234 qu" in one second


"Ilidan is here...Although this guy is blind, he found me so far away..." Su Chen was a little surprised about this. He hadn't seen Illidan for a while.

I remember that the last time I saw this guy was still in the nightmare world of the Emerald Dream, after Illidan took away his brother Malfurion, Su Chen never saw him again.

For fear of causing riots, Su Chen did not let the Frost Dragon and the gargoyles land near here, but jumped directly from mid-air, and let the Frost Dragon Sindragosa led the gargoyles to the distance. The foot of the mountain fell.

"My brother, every time I see you, I can give people a big surprise. Last time I saw the huge bug you rode. It was very windy. Now I have got a bigger frost giant. Long came as a mount." Illidan came forward to greet Su Chen very enthusiastically.

"Where is there any surprise, but the flying noise of Princess Hahoran is too loud, not suitable for riding, so I changed this frost dragon." Su Chen smiled.

"Oh... or else just transfer the giant flying bug to me, but I really like that bug. Of course, I am not taking your bug for nothing. I can exchange it for a corresponding price." Illidan smiled, he really seemed to like Princess Hahoran very much, and had always wanted to bring Lord Hahoran from Su Chen.

"This...Speaking of which, I haven't seen Princess Hahoran for a while, so I will think about it when I find it, right... This time, is it you presiding over the resurrection ceremony of the wild demigod?" Su Chen quickly turned off the topic.

In fact, it was not that he was too stingy and unwilling to give Princess Nahahoran to Illidan. The main reason was that Princess Nahahoran was actually controlled by C'Thun, and he was only through the relationship with C'Thun. The relationship indirectly controls Princess Hahoran, and she cannot give it away freely. What's more, Princess Hahoran probably knows the secret relationship between herself and C'Thun. Once someone can understand those Anqi If you pull the Zerg language, the secret between yourself and C'Thun may be leaked.

"I don’t hold any resurrection rituals, but the last time Malorne’s resurrection ceremony seemed to have been interfered by foreign objects, but Malorne had some trouble after his resurrection, so this time Tyrande specially invited me to protect him. This resurrection ceremony will not be disturbed by the outside world." After talking about the business, Illidan's face finally became a little serious.

Su Chen couldn't help but was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Illidan's mission was somewhat similar to himself.

However, it seems that the night elves should also attach great importance to the resurrection ceremony of the wilderness demigod, otherwise Tyrande would not be allowed to call Illidan to protect him.

"It seems that you take the Ursoc brother very seriously. You actually labored the high priest Tyrande to come out in person with you." Su Chen laughed, but he did not express his true intentions. After all, his purpose with Illidan There are still some gaps... Illidan just wants to protect the resurrection ceremony from going on smoothly, and he wants to find out the black hand behind the scenes.

"Brother Ursoc is really important to the night elves. After all, we all lived in this mountain forest at the beginning, and our night elves and the furbolg brothers were affected by the Well of Eternity to evolve quickly, so the relationship It has always been good, of course... Now that most people have believed in the Druidic doctrine, the Ursoc brothers represent the power and symbol of bear spirits, which are naturally even more important to the night elves." Illidan Explained with a smile.

"Have you heard, the Ursoc brothers were affected by the Well of Eternity in order to quickly evolve into a wilderness demigod! We must get the Well of Eternity anyway!" Zhi Nao's voice suddenly appeared in Su Chen's voice. In his mind, it was obvious that he was still very concerned about the well of eternity.

"Who knows how many years the Furbolg brother has spent years beside the Well of Eternity before he becomes a demigod..." Su Chen muttered in his heart.

"Hmph, that can also show that the Well of Eternity can indeed make people quickly increase their strength. You only need to think about the strength of Queen Azshara. She deliberately built her own palace next to the Well of Eternity. Her power has been strong enough to fight against the guardian dragon ten thousand years ago!" Zhi Nao is still extremely excited.

"Well, I will try to get close to the well of eternity." Su Chen sighed secretly in his heart. He was indeed very interested in the well of eternity, but he wanted to keep the well of eternity under the tight guard of the night elves. It is too difficult for Jing to take it away, unless he prepares to turn his face with the night elves and use force to take it forcibly.

"Then the resurrection ceremony was presided over by the high priest of Tyrande himself?" Su Chen asked Illidan casually. In his opinion, only Tyrande's presence would allow Illidan to protect it.

However, Illidan shook his head immediately and said, "My brother is presiding over the resurrection ceremony. Tyrande is presiding over the construction of the new Moon Temple from the New World Tree, and he has no time to clone."

"New World Tree? New Moon Temple?" Su Chen couldn't help being stunned.

"Yes, didn’t you suggest to Tyrande to plant a new world tree, and this time you planted it on an island according to your suggestion. Now the tree has grown, but the bird doesn’t pull The place where the shit wants to go in the past has to take a boat for several days." Illidan said with a bit of complaint.

"Ah... it has grown so quickly? Did you use Druid's spells to catalyze growth?" Su Chen asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Of course we have to undergo catalytic growth. We night elves urgently need a new world tree to stabilize people's hearts. There is no time to wait for it to grow naturally." Illidan sighed.

Su Chen can understand this. After all, the night elves previously had the power of immortality. At the beginning, in order to resist the Burning Legion, it was compelling to give up this power of immortality. Now the war is over, although the lifespan of the night elves is generally countable. Thousands of years are still very long compared with human beings, but compared with the previous immortality, the gap is too large, which will naturally cause people's hearts to float.

In this case, a new world tree can undoubtedly condense and soothe the hearts of many night elves at the fastest speed, and at the same time can harvest the loyalty of most night elves.Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

Chapter 995: The Power of Belief

Genius remembers "uu234 qu" in one second

"Yes, because the beliefs of believers are generally easy to be changed, especially when faced with all kinds of complicated temptations, it is too difficult to keep the faith unchanged, and once the faith is changed, it is easy to degenerate. , This will also bring corresponding harm to the users of the power of faith." Illidan said.

"Really... how can the power of faith be used?" Su Chen asked hesitantly. Although this power of faith seems to have a big flaw, it is also a kind of power after all, if it is a matter of life and death. , He would use even the demon's fel energy, let alone the power of faith with some side effects.

"You probably have to ask those trolls about the specific methods of using the power of faith. They are the masters in this. Besides... The Moon Temple may also know a lot." Illidan lowered his voice, especially He was even more cautious when referring to the Moon Temple.

Su Chen couldn't help being a little speechless about this. It seemed that the Moon God had too much influence on the night elves, even Illidan such unruly people were also very jealous of the Moon God.

However, it is impossible for oneself to go to the priests of the Moon God Temple to inquire.

"It seems that after I go back, I really have to talk to those troll sacrifices of Zul'Dak..." Su Chen thought to himself, if he can completely conquer those frost trolls, he will undoubtedly greatly enhance his own strength, especially Those trolls and demigods can provide good high-end combat power.

After Illidan wandered around several hills around this altar, Su Chen found nothing abnormal at all, even with the mind-brain’s meticulous 360-degree inspection. .

This feeling of being dark and clear made Su Chen very uncomfortable, especially that Xavius ​​could hide in the Emerald Dream, and with his current power, there was no alternative.

After patrolling, Illidan also relaxed, and soon talked about other things with Su Chen, and this guy seemed to be very concerned about the situation in the north.