00435 Rage.

The crystal regained consciousness when it faced the subtle light of the glass chandelier on the ceiling.

Aww. 'I looked down. And I was like, "Client? Then it doesn't matter if you join the meeting. Let me in." I just took a corner of the room.

The conference room was very spacious. At the approximate count, there were about a hundred seats available. Even though the seats were only half full, it didn't matter. The prayers of the seated users matched hundreds of people, and the chest of the crystal was clogged.

Suddenly, the revision reminded me of a conversation I had with a colleague a long time ago.

Don't even think about it. The weakest users there are said to be powered down instantly by other clans.Can you accept someone like us? I heard that the entrance exam is not a joke... '

At that time, I smiled and handed it over, saying that it wouldn't be that bad. However, when faced with the members of the mercenary clan, the crystal was realizing that it was the truth.

The interior of the conference room was quiet enough to hear the breathing of the person sitting next to it. For a while, the crystal that had been touching the gold decoration around the corner of the table looked around the users who were sitting across the table, lifting their eyes.

Some users silently keep their mouths shut, while others keep their faces distasteful and others remain silent with a nervous face. Everyone was diverse, but their gaze was on someone together.

The crystal slowly followed their gaze. Then I could see a man sitting at the top of the table with his eyes closed.

'The Mercenary Clan Road.'

Crystals recalled the name of the man. There were many titles for the man, including ten, a swordsman, and a sword specialist. However, the most commonly used title was "The Mercenary Clan Road" or "The Mercenary Road."

In a certain sense, it was not a unique title, but in fact, a man did not need a very different title. Because I can explain everything better than any good title, just the fact that I'm at the top of the Mercenary Clan.

After staring at the man for a long time, the crystal suddenly frowned and frowned. There was no white wall behind the man. There was only wide glass, and the sun was pouring in from the sky.

Soon, the eyes of the man that had never been closed began to open. The correction instinctively turned its gaze towards the corner of the table. It was because I was afraid that I might get creepy again, like when I met the lobby on the first floor.

And that was the moment.

“Then let the meeting begin. ”

A low, cold voice of courtesy flows quietly into the ears of the crystal.


Communicated the start of the meeting.

In fact, when I first heard about it, I thought I would go straight to the 'Sleeping Mountains', but I changed my mind and chose the way to the mercenary house. As I was told to go back as soon as possible, I was going to do the least to understand the situation. After all, it was an inevitable choice.

“I don't know which one to tell you first... ”

Later, Hayeon, who was sitting to the left of the meeting room, slowly got up. She pulls something out of her chest and grabs it with both hands and extends it to me. Based on the narrow record, it seemed to be a contract.

“You'd better take a look at the quest contract first. ”

As expected, I took the contract personally and unfolded the fold. And when I looked directly below, I could see the distinct interlacement of the sword and shield on the bottom. It was a symbol of the mercenary clan and a symbol of Clan Road's authority. Then, Hayeon's ashes finally entered.

I stared at her breathlessly.

“Customize. There's a mercenary symbol on the contract. ”

“… Yes. ”

That was the end of it. She calmly replied and closed her eyes quietly.

I opened my mouth again.

“I heard you clearly did not approve of communications. ”

“Yes. I refused to accept the request. But at the end of the day, I made the payment, and I put in an extra bag of users. Of course, there was also a request to accompany Ahn Hyun user.... This case is entirely my fault. ”

It was a sad tone. There is no doubt that Hayeon was unfair at all, but she admitted her mistake. He seemed willing to accept any punishment.

I'm sick of biting my lip. Hayeon opened her eyes and looked at me with clear eyes. I like the attitude of not making excuses for verses. But knowing that it couldn't be, I had hoped she would allow it. Because I believed in her that much.

I sighed on my own because I had an elongated armor in my heart. I looked down at the contract again. I was going to find out exactly from the details of the contract.


While reading the records calmly, I stopped noticing in Clause 2. The main purpose of the quest was to collect information related to the entrance, not the complete attack of the 'Sleeping Mountains'.

'If you enter....'

I thought about it quietly. For a moment, I felt a vague question rising in my heart that was just sudden.

I have experienced the first time, so I am somewhat aware of the 'dragon sleeping mountain range'. And I've also participated in internal exploration of the mountains.

Although the 'dragon sleeping mountain range' itself is difficult, to be precise, it has a structure that is more difficult as you go inside. In light of my experience here, it was a little tilted my head that I was in agreement with Ahn Hyun.

Ahn Hyun has grown the most in the machine in the last two years, and he has the ability to defend against anyone.

Hayeon gave her permission at the end and added an extra stipulation to An-hyun's escort request. What allowed that was probably an option to increase An-hyun's rate of return just in case.

If I did, the barman and God's Shield were only defeated at the entrance?

No, I can assure you, given the user information or experience of the two, it was not enough for the entrance.

Of course, there is a condition that it is restricted to 'entry'. I couldn't rule out the possibility of the two of them going deep inside, so I started thinking about the next question.

Another question is the cost of the quest.

When I saw Kim Jung's user information in the lobby on the first floor, I felt a bit strange, because it was 2 years later, but not enough user information to challenge the 'Dragon Sleeping Mountains' raid. Once the question was partially resolved due to Clause 2 that I just read, there were still questions.

Quests from the Mercenary Clan are very expensive. The caravans that were ubiquitous were never affordable. However, just looking at Kim Crystal's shabby equipment or clothing doesn't make you look rich.

Would they understand that if they were alone, they'd be blinded by all the money? However, they paid for this expensive quest by exploring the entrance, not completely invasive.

What the hell for? '

I don't know. I felt something, but it felt vague, not a definite painting.

I wanted to think a little more, but I woke up right from the thought. It was because I didn't have time to talk about it. The longer we wait, the less likely we are to survive with Ahn Hyun. Once we had the situation figured out before and after, it was time to put out the fire in front of us. Internal organizing was the next thing.

The summons of the mercenary clan. The myriad of gazes of clans pouring only upon me.

Taking those eyes, I opened my mouth quietly.

“I won't tell you again, it's urgent. ”

And I immediately stared at her.

“Customize. I trust you've finished preparing for your departure. Go outside now and get Han. We're going to announce the first person to join the rescue team. If you'll wait for me at the front door, I'll be right out. ”

She lowered her head calmly. I quickly left the conference room.

If Ha-yeon were smart, she would have just understood me. Leaving the conference room with the fact that you have been excluded from this line. And I was considerate of what I said. Nevertheless, not making any excuses means that he has already cleared his mind.

Next, I began the announcement of the prophecy. As I was already coming, I didn't have to worry about the number of people to attend.

“I will speak on the basis of vibration. The leader is me and the user, remaining, Heo Jun-young. An archer is a user, Im Hannah. Wizard by user Gimhanbyol, Vivian. Priest Ansol the user, New Jae Ryong. And in a back-up battle, I'm a user, a friend. The eleven you are calling now need to leave the conference room and finish your personal maintenance. We need you to finish as quickly as possible and meet us at the front door. ”

As soon as they realized the urgency, 11 clans stood up and walked out the door.

It was then.

“Wait! Clan Lord! ”

As soon as I tried to break the meeting, a sharp voice shut my mouth. I turned my head to the place where I heard the sound, and the well looked at me with a frustrated face.

“Me too.... I want in. ”

“… You too? ”

“I've been with Ahn Hyun since the rites of passage. We've been together for a long time. I don't want to wait around like this. ”

“I don't know. We'll have to classify you as a support battle, but you're already full. But you can't put it in the lead. I think it might be helpful to just wait. ”

“Please. I'll do as you say. I won't be a burden. I want to help save my life... And I hate to think.... As a possibility, I'd like to see at least the last two. ”

“... the last one. ”

I quietly recalled the words of the well. Her face had a very desperate glow. It seems quite overwhelming to think that Ahn Hyun who has been living like a brother and sister has died.

At that moment, I suddenly made eye contact with my client. Did he say his name was Kim Jung? She looks at me dazed, but quickly turns her head.

'... I guess.'

A moment passes by the head like a flash of light. No, I'd say "sure."

I thought about it for a moment, then nodded slightly. Hannah quickly recognized my signal and left the conference room with her client.

And I immediately turned to the well and said,

“Good. You get ready. ”

I gave him permission, and there was a light color on the face of the well. She bent at her waist and flew out of the conference room.

After a while, I saw the last of the wells leave, and then I got up straight away. As the destination was the 'Sleeping Mountains', I was planning to prepare myself.

Soon, I walked through an open central corridor between the long, left-to-right tables, and I opened my mouth to one of the still seated clans.

“user Cho Seung-woo. ”

“Yes, Clan Road. ”

“Prepare for handover. ”

“Yes…? ”

Seeing Seung Woo, who was furious, I immediately added.

“This structure will take at least a month and at most two months. So tell her I said yes, and ask her to hand over. so that when I came back, I could go through a formal process and get back to work. ”

“I…. You mean it?”

I'm not surprised. Instead, I rub my head in the meaning of being hit by Seung Woo who glows and asks me again.

'Hayeon... It's too cute. I can't help it when I need it, so it's not right for this.'

I acknowledge Hayeon's ability. Genuinely intelligent, has a fast head rotation and is very judgmental. And no matter what anyone said, Hayeon worked hard for the company's internal affairs for the last two years.

However, there is one drawback that cannot be fixed.

I do what I'm told, but I make mistakes when they're important. Furthermore, knowing the problem and not being able to stop it was that he lacked the ability.

I mean, replacing Clan Lord wasn't just a place you could think of as smart. There shall be charisma that closely controls the interior in response to external circumstances. And if charisma is lacking, you need the ability to coordinate the situation around you and lead you to the situation you want.

And Ha-yeon didn't make it either. In other words, she is a first-class user, but only a second-class clan road.

I stared at Cho Seung Woo again.

'In a way... He's like Seong-hyun.'

In that sense, user Cho Seungwoo was a suitable person for the latter. Since he was in a pretty big business in modern times, the completion that he showed after joining remained quite impressive. In addition, the 'opportunity' in his user information was rarer than he expected.

Anyway, it wasn't an impromptu handover. I was just measuring the right time. Anyway, I've done enough so far, so it would be good for Hayeon to rest a little and organize her thoughts.

Soon after, I stopped walking at the door. Then he looks at the fluttering door and opens his mouth quietly.

“I would have told you this before. Be careful what you do. Don't do anything imperfect. I don't know how many more times I have to tell you, but my mouth is starting to hurt. ”

I put my hand on the door hook. Then I pushed him down.

“The reason for the summoning and holding of this meeting today was because I wanted the clans to take another look at the situation. Although the situation is urgent now... ”

The door opened wide and I took a step in the hallway. And I said,

“I'm going to warn you one last time. If this happens again in the future, it will be difficult for anyone to avoid responsibility. ”

And before your body goes completely into shape.


I turn my head to sulpith for the last time.

“I just said, there will be no exceptions to this case. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

You're very late. I'm so sorry. I have a brother joining the military soon, so I came back late at night because I had an appointment today._(__)_

Ah... and I should also say sorry. Today. So we're going down to the main house in an hour, 6: 00. I'm pulling down on Lunar New Year's Eve, and for some reason, they're having a cousin of my dad's wedding. So I'm going to attend the wedding and I'm going to stop by the big house.

He comes down at 6: 00 a.m. on the 11th and returns late on the 12th. So 12 days will be difficult to reinstall, 13 days will be possible to reinstall. It may be difficult to update midnight, but we will reinstate you on the 13th.

Once cleaned up, it is a 12-day recess and resumes reinstatement on the 13th.

Please excuse your readers._(__)_