00694 New nest.

Something went wrong at the previous session, so we'll update you in advance.

There was an error setting the direction. Of the four outer cities, the city close to the Steel Mountains is to the north. Therefore, the Hamill Clan occupies the city to the north and the Mercenary Clan occupies the city to the south. The concept of each city follows.

We're sorry for the confusion._(__)_


The Machinery originally lived to the west of four external cities. However, after several days of meetings, he moved south, which was distributed during the settlement process. It was a city where our clan would prepare for a new beginning, and everyone was excited to make a move.

After exiting the tunnels leading to each city, we started walking in a straight line along the central road. I already have a place to move. If you walk along this road, you will find a large castle called the center of the city. That castle was the new home of the mercenary.

Of course, you don't have to choose the castle as much as you have the choice to suit your tastes. However, in general, the meaning of having sex is very important. Taking over the most important place in the city is the act of formally declaring that we represent the city. In other words, it is okay to assume symbolism.

Now that you're the leader of the Queen's Clan, maybe you should start at the nicest place. The castle of the city is most likely to be inhabited by some of the city's most powerful ancient mid-morning residents. Just by looking at the location, I can find the answer. The place where the castle was built was slightly above the centre, where it could encompass the whole city.

However, in many ways, it seemed best to occupy the castle and no one in the clan disagreed. Perhaps everyone is living like a palace in a magnificent castle, not a hard building or a smelly inn. Well, I can't say I imagined it very wrong... I don't know how long it's gonna take for that to happen.

It was then.


Suddenly, as I was walking in the middle of the memory, a clumsy sound came out of my mind. When I looked around lightly, I was very curious.

When you walk along the central highway, you will naturally pass through the square, but there were a considerable number of users who did not expect to be calm. One curious thing is that there are groups of people coming from left and right, keeping the center clear, rather than rattling and buzzing. As if they knew we were coming through here.

Through the glance of glancing at me, I boldly crossed the open road in the middle. You hear the grumbling of the middleweight users.

“The Mercenary Clan. ”

“The one at the front of the hall is the Mercenary Road, right? ”

“Wow. After the sword with the Shadow Queen... Look! There are even residents who want to summon an army. ”

“Where? Wait a minute. Aren't those two flashlights and the palace? ”

Then the clans seemed to realize why all these users had gathered in the square. At first, three or four people, who showed a slight tingle, straightened their lower back and spread their shoulders wide. Especially the kids.

An-hyun gave a good look that didn't fit at all, and held the weight as long as she could. Ansol closes his eyes halfway, making a nerdy look on his face, and suddenly starts walking a step-by-step model. Unlike the arrogant eyes, I kept sweeping away my hair while moving my mouth. Not to mention Vivian himself. It was already steeped in the sky.

The new Jae Ryong who was following me suddenly approached me to see if I could not bear the shame. He glances at it and smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

“I'm worried about Ahnsahl. I wonder if he will fall while walking like that.... ”



Did the horse turn into a seed? Suddenly, the sound of beans hitting the ground and new screams echoes through the square. Shin Jae Ryong smiles blankly as he giggles in his intestines. I quickly grabbed the newborn's arm.

“Let's go.”

“Yes? Ha, but…. ”

“I don't think we know each other. We just have to get through the square anyway. Let's go.”

“ ……. ”

Shin Jae Ryong was extremely conflicted, but eventually he was drawn to my hands and made a quick mockery of me. I felt like someone was calling me, but I thought I heard it wrong and continued to walk along the path to the front.

As I walked out of the square as quickly as possible, there were buildings and barracks that looked like training grounds all around me. And there's still a street, but in the right direction it's called the city landmark.) The Colosseum has begun to reveal its magnificent character. Such landscapes clearly showed what the city was built for.

As I walked across the military facility, a wall that looked like a stone wall slowly started to catch my attention.

“Wow...! ”

“We're here!”

Finally, the castle was revealed.

‘There it is. ’

I laughed. The elasticity that someone shouted faded in an instant. It's worth it. I don't know, but he probably imagined a castle that would be seen in medieval Europe. However, the castle that was revealed was far from imagination.

First of all, let's cut to the size of the projections. Dry moats surrounding the castle and solid walls. And the layout of the tall spire and the exact symmetry of the building on each corner felt stronger than a beautiful castle.

I mean, a building like that doesn't belong in a city. It was made of stone, marble, etc., but it would be better suited to the rugged mountains and valleys. Though I was killing him for thinking that the whiteness of the exterior is the fortress. Suddenly, the clan members are silent.

I don't know why they built it like that. I hadn't lived in those days.

However, if you go through the arch gate quietly and go inside, you can feel a little bit of a castle.

I think it was used as a courtyard near the entrance. In the middle of the road leading to the central fortress, there was a long, wide waterway, and now a dry, twisted garden along the red road to the left and to the right. Well, I didn't know it from the outside, but from the inside I feel like I'm seeing Taj Mahal in India.

“Me! Let me get the door! ”

Soon after that, the moment I crossed the canal and reached the fortress, the reason ran forward. Then I opened the old, loose door and shoved my head into the void. It seems that the inside was quite curious as the appearance of the castle did not meet expectations.



After less than 5 seconds, I slammed the door shut and spit. I turn around and walk helplessly with a face that is extremely disgusting. Looking at the reaction, I was able to anticipate what the interior would look like without looking at it clearly.

I slowly raised my gaze to the point of taking a closer look. I don't know what it would have looked like in the time of ancient flexibility. However, today it is just an old building that has only traces of time left. To put it nicely, it was elegant and old-fashioned, but in fact, I felt overwhelmed. When am I going to make this a fancy nest? If they're small, they won't talk.

But what can I do? Even if it doesn't meet my expectations, it can't be changed now. However, it tastes great overall, so if you can restore it, you'll get a pretty good view.

“Okay, then. ”

I slowly turned away, sighing. Then the clan members sigh as much as I do, or unwind. Maybe he was expecting me to say something.

I rolled up my arms and opened my mouth.

“Lightly, let's start with cleaning. ”


How long has it been?

After spending all morning, we were able to finish the primary cleaning, which was not at all light.

All that matters is the first. Why are there so many rooms, how big are the spaces, how high are the ceilings, how far are the floors?... No. It's virtually impossible to clean a castle of this size in one day. So I first instructed them to clean the spaces necessary to live around the first floor. For example, a place to sleep, a restaurant, etc.

However, the area to be cleaned was enormous. Fortunately, the clans who had once cleaned were able to perform efficient cleaning tasks by tightening each class. And the ancient magic of Jeongyeon was very useful for cleaning. He seemed to have a lot of pride in him.

Eventually, when the sun came up in the middle, we gathered at the restaurant and had a break and lunch. The restaurant changed to a very different landscape than the first time I saw it. The only reason it's dirty is because it burns down the table or the chair, and now there's only room left because of the crumbs.

I was filling my stomach with boiled stew when we came together like that.

“Damn. I never thought I'd be camping in the city. ”

Friend sitting across the street grumbles in a helpless voice.

“Instead of sleeping in a soft bed and getting up in a dirty mood, you should sleep in your sleeping bag and have a refreshing morning. ”

Likewise, Seon Yueun, who shrunk his shoulders, commuted with a spoon of stew. There was considerable tiredness in their faces. It seemed that mental fatigue was greater than physical fatigue. Because they were the same tights as Vivian. Just now, Vivian was chatting nonstop, but I guess she got tired of the constant chatter.

“Huh? What's wrong with you people? Why are you grinding the food like that? Can you help me clean up this afternoon like this? ”

On the contrary, Vivian said with a single face. I know from what I've been through, but Vivian is simple. You must be very excited because you like seeing and experiencing new things in the first place. The aftermath is affecting them both.

I don't know if you know that. Vivian still smiles and suddenly claps her hands.

“Aha. Got it. Is it because your cow's food is terrible? ”

At that moment, I could feel Im Hanna flinching. Rather than saying it doesn't taste like food, it seems like it's for some other reason.

“Phew. I can't help it. I have a little compassion today. If you don't want to eat that, why don't I make you guys some? Special HP Recovery Food that can only be made by Alchemists! ”

Vivian proudly shouted, but Friend turned his gaze to a dull face. And take a deep breath. Yeah, ignore it.

But it wasn't Seon Yoon.

“I don't want to.”

I turned down the dagger with a very firm voice. At the old festival, I ate leftover food and foamed foam. It seems that the work at that time was still traumatized.

“Why, why? It'll be delicious. It'll work. ”

“No, I don't know how it works, but your food isn't very good. ”

Unlike the awkward face, Seon Yoon said in a clear voice. I shake my head with a serious look to see if it hurts. A shivering light touched Vivian's face.

“No, it's fine if it just doesn't taste good. All you have to do is fill your stomach. But the food you made.... It's a kind of defective product that is too defective to say food. ”

“Well…. What are you talking about? ”

“Ah, of course, I acknowledge that consuming that food can increase your immune system in case you subsequently receive a deadly poison. But I will not risk my life for something like that. ”

“ ……. ”

Vivian tilts her head as if a bear were thinking. Soon, however, he opened his eyes wide and was furious. Now you understand.


Im Hannah slammed her mouth with one hand, laughed, came out, made eye contact, and quickly took care of her face. And, hmm, after clearing my throat, I opened my mouth quietly.

“But Soo-hyun. ”


“I just remembered. Shouldn't we try the North Continent? ”


Oops. I only remembered it after listening to it. I've been busy lately, so I forgot without knowing it. By the way, how's everyone doing?

“Don't worry. First of all, I told you that you were born. ”

Imhanna said in a tone of tone that she knew it would happen.

I opened my mouth, shaking stew with a spoon, without thinking much of it.

“I forgot. So, how's everybody doing? ”


“How's everything going over there? ”

“Ahh. Ugh. Hmm. It's..."

At that moment, Imhanna strangely blurred the end.

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We're sorry for the confusion about your settings. We'll fix the front soon._(__)_