Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!

Chapter 422: Plagiarism, Emperor Qin Ying's Online Protection (3)

The number of views of Chaoyu has not been low.

This particular Weibo was soon discovered by most netizens.

"Yes, there is only you, you are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth (smile)"

"No, you are not human"


This Weibo didn't attract many people's attention at the beginning.

Netizens picked up the Beijing Association, and most of them went to watch the official association of the Beijing Association, and finally turned to watch the official blog of Master Wei. After reading it, everyone was amazed.

"I finally knew why Mr. Hai didn't say anything to Qin Ran at that time."

"Same, I am kneeling downstairs."



M continent.

Qin Xiuchen's agent also brushes qr's Weibo topic area every day.

There are many fans of Beijing University.

Almost every day, people will photograph Qin Ran's Reuters going to the cafeteria.

Today's agent, as always, went in and talked, and at a glance saw the top violin.

After the filmed Emperor Qin returned, the agent sat on the chair, handed the thermos to Qin Xiuchen, and gave him the mobile phone in one hand, and smiled and said, "Look."

"What is it?" Qin Xiuchen drank a glass of water while flipping Weibo.

After opening the video, I laughed, and then opened my own large size and reposted the video.

The agent also did not restrict Qin Xiuchen's Weibo and reposted with him, "Your niece is really good."

"Of course." Qin Xiuchen didn't quit Weibo after the reposting. Slender's fingertips opened the video. He leaned back on the back of the chair and smiled again.

Because of Qin Yingdi's reposting, Qin Ran's violin video traffic reached its peak.


At this time Qin Ran was still busy in the laboratory.

I didn't know that there was another storm on the Internet.

Nan Huiyao and Chu Heng didn't enter the laboratory and naturally couldn't study together with Qin Ran. All three of them were in the comprehensive building developed by Dean Jiang. Qin Ran had experimented in the classroom before.

In the early stage, they wanted a lot of science, Qin Ran asked them to extract a few elements to test radiation.

And in the laboratory of Academician Liao, she used special experimental equipment as a reactor.


Qin Ran still eats in the cafeteria by the laboratory.

"Ran Ran, you are too hot now," Nan Huiyao sat by the window and looked downstairs. Qin Ran was wearing a scarf and a hat, and was still recognized by people on the road.

She reached over and searched for Qin Ran, "You have been in the top three since last night until now."

The current hot search first has been changed from Qin Ran to [Qin Yingdi forwards niece Weibo]

Because it was Emperor Qin Ying, more netizens clicked in.

Qin Ran casually took the chopsticks, and the other hand pushed a document to Chu Heng, "This is the result of the experiment I made in the morning, you look at its diffraction wavelength in the afternoon."

Chu Heng was also eating, he took the document and looked at it, "Okay."

Although a few of them are freshmen, there are Qin Ran's general direction and Chu Heng. The progress of the project is not difficult.

Nan Huiyao also tweeted Weibo at noon and saw that the two were talking about the project even at dinner. She touched her nose, closed the Weibo, and joined the discussion with the two.


Naturally, I don’t know. At this time, new comments appeared on the microblog of the “qr” super-talk zone.

Qin Ran’s popularity on this Weibo has been maximized. Nowadays, there are many people who eat melons. Under the deliberate control of Qin language, a lot of naval forces have mixed in at this time.

"Wait, I also think this original music is a bit familiar."

"Speaking of it, is there any iron powder for Brother Yan?"

"Upstairs, I know which one you say, wait a minute, we will chat on Weibo."


There were not many songs from the early days, especially the song "Quiet Quiet", which was never included in the album or uploaded to major music apps.

Only the earliest iron fan knew this song, and Yan Xi insisted on recording it. These early iron fans did not know why he wanted to record. It only knew that this song was very different to Yan Xi, and there were special circumstances. He is so special that he will not be on his list.

Qin Ran's flow is now larger, and with the deliberate guidance of the navy, this pedestrian can hear the problem several times by listening to Qin Ran's tune.

Beijing University Art Department practice room.

Qin Yu put the violin aside, walked to the bathroom and turned out Weibo.

Driven by a group of sailors and several iron powders, a link to the track "Quiet" has already appeared in the Chaoyu District.

The pro-fan moms who posted the link to the song are a river.

Weibo's hot search started to change again, and the former "Quiet" was on the hot search.

Qin Yu closed the door of the cubicle. She looked at it for a while, then exited, flipping through the photo album on her mobile phone. The album had a comparison of the music that she picked out...

It has been done for several days, more seriously than her last fan.

She lowered her head, her eyelashes drooped, stood in the cubicle for a moment, and did not immediately log in to the trumpet to send out the music. Instead, she opened the comment area, found the ID of a river in the comment area, and clicked directly.

Then send the music scores from the album to the other party by private message.

Yijiangliu was a fan of early days.

It is also a big fan of Yanxi. Qin Ran was originally a house of love and Wuwu, but at the moment, she did not expect that the melody of Yanxi "Quiet" will be heard in Qin Ran's original repertoire.

Originally, I just suspected it was a coincidence. After all, the powder of Yan Xi still had gratitude to Qin Ran.

But Qin Yufa's past professional comparison charts directly exploded a group of rational fans.

This professional comparison chart from the spectrum to the plagiarism comparison, all prove that Qin Ran is not a collision, no matter from the genre or the center of the track, you can find the point of deliberate imitation.

Yijiangliu: [Everyone strictly controls himself, and Yanxi and Qin Yingdi are friends. He may care about Qin Yingdi’s face. What we have to do is to make this happen without involving Yanxi]

The comparison chart spreads to the fans in Yanxi. The first fans to attack are Qin Yingdi and Qin Ran——

Hot search started.

Qin Yingdi's niece plagiarism

[Emperor Qin Ying collapsed]

The Weibo post forwarded by Qin Yingdi in the morning became the target of attacks by all netizens.

"Emperor Qin, do you know that your niece's original song was copied?"

"Hope you can give us an explanation!"

"Lifetime black does not explain."

There are also fans of Qin Yingdi, "This matter has nothing to do with our Qin Yingdi, I hope fans will not rise to..."


Fans of Yanxi are very loyal. Few people go to Weibo to make trouble, because Qin Ran's Weibo still has no news to release. Everyone put the gunfire on Qin Yingdi's Weibo.


M continent.

Qin Xiuchen was still making movies, and the phone in the pocket of the agent sitting next to him rang wildly.

The agent took a look at it, it was the domestic studio.

He walked a few steps outside and picked it up, very puzzled: "What is the emergency?"

Qin Xiuchen filmed in Mzhou. If the studio was not in a hurry, the agent did not believe that they would contact themselves at this time.

"Is Emperor Qin here? Your little niece has an accident!" The staff spoke hurriedly over the phone.

Hearing that Qin Ran was concerned, the broker also felt a "chuck" in his heart. "You said slowly, what is the situation?"

The staff remarked on the hot search, "It should be pushed by someone behind, the plagiarism comparison chart came out quickly, like deliberate marketing, the other party also bought a sailor, we can't control it at all!"

"I will take care of this matter. Don't call Qin Yingdi first, you can't let him know..."

The agent's words were not finished yet. Qin Xiuchen came out from behind him in his freshman year. He was tall and long and pulled out the mobile phone in the agent's hand: "What can't let me know?"

He directly pulled out the phone in his hand.

Open your own Weibo homepage account from the team account. Even if the team controls the review, his Weibo homepage has been occupied by fans and sailors. The most popular comment has been changed.

[Qin Yingdi, don’t you delete this video and forward it to Yanxi to apologize?

Qin Xiuchen glanced casually.

I opened another Weibo--

Salvation: [sxwl, all of his own tunes were copied, and she also forced her away @, did your family start the Beijing Association?The character can be seen. Qin Yingdi will not come out to apologize for your niece, but also forward the video Weibo to his homepage?Fear of others not knowing about plagiarism?Still proud, did Qin Yingdi feel slapped at this moment?Are people broken?Please also ask a niece to be enough...]

As soon as he knew it, he chuckled and looked at the agent, "My phone is here."

The broker has a meal.

Emperor Qin Ying glanced at him calmly, "Take it."

The agent handed Qin Yingdi's cell phone from his pocket and told him: "Don't mess up first, I will deal with this matter, don't express your opinion..."

Emperor Qin Ying did not answer, just took the phone and left while playing, and continued to film.

The agent looked at his back and always felt uneasy.

At the same time, Weibo eat melon users can see-

Qin Yingdi’s main page has just retweeted Weibo, a netizen who asked Qin Yingdi and Qin Ran to apologize, and commented, in three words-

[Do not delete, roll.



Boom, good night...