Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 1 is off.

No ceilings ever seen.

Roland opened his eyes and saw his head obliquely above, a huge female stone statue with a black rocky surface that seemed to have a faint green light flowing, but looked closely and couldn't see anything.

He sat up and found himself lying on a blue stone table, sort of like a medieval sacrifice ceremony, on a cold and rough surface.

There was a strange scent in the air, and he looked around and found a strange bunch of grass burning under the statue of the goddess not far behind him. It looked a little like weed, but at the edge of the leaves, there were more serrations.

Wait... smell?

Does it really smell? And touch? Roland once again touched the altar table, feeling the rough and cold on its surface and sniffing it hard. This time he smelled not only the strange smell of the grass burning, but also the stone architecture in the air, the slightly astringent stone spice.

Is it really a virtual cyber tour, not hypnotized? And so real... Roland looks at his hands, white and thin, very much in the image of the impostor.

He strangled his arm again and felt painful... but not obvious. It's not surprising, after all, that before entering the game, the official bulletin said that the pain in the game was only a tenth of what it was in reality.

Roland stood on the stone bench, looking around, and this was a stone building, a statue of a goddess, a sacrificial bench, and a few neat rows of stone chairs in front of it, and it was supposed to be a chapel in terms of layout and setting.

Jumping off the altar, Roland weighed his body and wore a set of taupe linen, very rough and very uncomfortable. Wearing an ugly pair of linen shoes, the soles are extremely thin and step on the ground to feel the stone cold and sting.

Realistic... Roland sighs, touches the altar table, a truly stone hand feel, fingertips can touch the particles on the surface of the stone, no different from reality. He didn't think that game truth and penguin company propaganda were real virtual games, not VR inferior products that deceived senses.

Since when do we have this exaggerated black technology in our country… and it's the first Penguin company to apply it to games. Roland's heart is full of exclamation, 50,000 yuan virtual compartment, not bought for nothing, really worth it.

The old wooden doors of the church opened as he continued to observe the surroundings and adjust to his new body.

In the sound of decaying wood squeaking, an old man with a rugged waist walked in, his eyebrows were white, long, slanted to the edge of a thin cheek, his eyelids shrugged so close to covering his eyeballs, he was also wearing a white robe, the middle of the robe, embroidered with a green tree sign.

Before entering the game, Roland went to the official website to make up for the basics of the game world. If I remember correctly, this garment is a customary costume of the Divine Religion of Life, which is usually worn only by the priests of the Temple of Life.

When the old man saw Roland, he was first surprised and then revealed his magic.

A short facial expression, whether it's muscle movements on the cheek or your own eyes, is no different than a real person, not at all like the NPC of the game.

In the past VR games, the characters made it more real. Emotional changes have always been hard injuries in NPC behavior. Even when using muscle texture capture, NPC's expression is so rich, it gives people a sense of horror valley when making emotional changes.

But now Roland feels like he meets a real person... not another player, right?

Soon he denied the idea. He was the first to enter the game, the player could not have become a priest so quickly, and most importantly… the player could only enter the game as a young human being, in front of an old man in his twilight years.

But they looked so real, even if they didn't talk, they just stood there and looked at themselves quietly, and Roland thought they were real.

Eyes, standing position, muscle pulling skin compactness when blinking, geriatric spots, yellowing skin that is already showing little moisture, and even seeing the old man's temple there, hidden jumping because of the flow of blood.

Roland is not a professional in game making, but he has played a lot of games, from bean eaters back then to boutique VR games today. Even now, he can make NPC look alive, but he still lacks the most critical insides.


The old man just stood there and looked at it, giving people a sense of being alive, living people with souls, not data NPCs dressed in human skin, cold and cold.

Is this Bootstrap NPC? The game website didn't say that there was a guide to NPC... the questionable Roland spoke to each other voluntarily: "Hello old man, what is this place? ”

The old man across the street heard Roland speak, stunned for a moment, and then waved, slowly spitting out a language Roland had not heard.

Even if you can't understand it, Roland can hear the meaning of the conversation from the other person's divine state. It must be like this: I don't understand what you're talking about!

Lorraine had a toothache, and then she scolded the game making company, and they were so desperate for perfection, did they really set different languages for the NPCs in the world? If there is no mistake in introducing the game website, there are dozens of human countries, dozens of different races in the game world, and if every country, every race, has its own language, how much is the workload?

If that's the case, what storm frost gaming company, what Pregnancy gaming company, in front of the big penguins, is Cersei's trembling little mendous new.

Inner scolding, Roland came up with a way to remember learning a second level of magic in advance when he created the character: knowing the language.

Because he has played a lot of sandbox games before, in the game, obviously everyone uses the same language and text, but because of the game-setting relationship, different countries in the game, or players from different camps, when communicating, if they don't know the language skills of the other country, or they don't know the language skills, the text they see becomes chaotic, and when they hear the sound, it becomes like a 'beep'.

Rich gaming experience played a role, which gave Roland luck. He exhaled the system in his heart and was a little astringent at first. After all, virtual games and VR games were a little different, but soon he found the magic book option lightly, opened up the magic skills inside, found language literacy, and locked it down with his mind.

And a strange mathematical diagram appeared in front of the back, with lots of blue nodes.

There's a blue node like the starting point that starts to glow, and then it emits a red light that hits another node. Fast, just between moments.

Is this the road map?

While Roland was thinking about this possibility, he saw a sudden tremor in the red thread between the two nodes, and the frequency of subsequent tremors was increasing. As he vibrated faster and faster, Roland felt his head ache more and more.

What's going on?

Roland has been playing games for 20 years, but for the first time ever, he has no experience at all, and he doesn't know how to handle it.

After a few seconds, the red line was finally interrupted by a violent vibration, before Roland's head had been hurt like a needle in his scalp, making it intolerable.

Just moments after the red line was broken, Roland's consciousness popped up in the body of the game, and then he was surprised to see, after a crisp bang, his game character, his head exploded.

Headless bodies fell to the ground, and the screen of 'Masak’ splattered everywhere.

Roland's consciousness was as clear as a soul, standing next to a corpse, and his face became numb because he was too surprised to know how to react.

The old man's hair, face, clothes, stained with 'mosaic’, open old mouth with few teeth, forced face.