Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 102: Smart as Me

Roland talked to other magician players in the group for a while and found out what was going on with most magicians.

For example, most magicians are now wild magicians, few organized like Roland, and they don't sit as high directly as Roland, most of them mixed up in the position of magic apprentices, a small part became official magicians, and the welfare was okay, but nothing compared to Roland.

Because the magic they learn is usually just one or two, and now their strength is actually better than that of the magic apprentices, and very few people have barely reached the entry-level level level of formal magicians.

By contrast, Roland's starting too high right now.

LV4, which is close to LV5, and most importantly, although Roland has mastered only a few spells on the bright side, he already has at least twenty spells to use if he counts derivative spells.

No wonder other magician players see him as the magician's handlebars.

Answered a lot of questions about magic thrown by a bunch of friends, then Roland closed the penguins, left the house and stepped on a shared bike to the knife gallery.

The weather today is not very good, cloudy and looks like it's going to rain heavily.

The air looks dull.

By the time Roland arrived at the knife gallery, everyone had had breakfast and the dishes had been washed.

Roland was somewhat disappointed that he had stepped on the express as fast as he could and was still late, mainly because he had too much fun talking to the group and had lost track of time.

He is still practicing the basics of seedling, such as how to move with a knife and how to breathe with a knife.

These things look amazing, but the more so, the more Roland knows that what Chi Shaoqiu taught is real.

Although the skills of scattering museum teaching are also very good, only two or three months of learning can form a fighting force, in depth, there is obviously nothing strong about Chi Shaoqiu's teaching.

Even practicing these basic exercises, carrying a wooden knife weighing three or four pounds and moving it around all morning, is quite tiring. If you are hungry, you will not be able to support the exercise at all.

Just as Roland was thinking about ordering a takeout, Xisha, who routinely sprinkled water in the shed, saw him, dropped the bucket in his hand and walked up to him and asked: "Didn't you have breakfast? ”

A hint of laurel in the nose.

“Mm-hmm.” Roland nodded, pressing takeaway software on his phone: “Something was delayed. ”

“There's some left over from breakfast. You'll be fine. Don't waste your money. ”

Roland was somewhat surprised: "What's left of breakfast? ”

Xisha nodded with a cool look: "Come here. ”

The two entered the kitchen and Xisha took a large plate out of the cupboard with hot spring rolls, dumplings and a bowl of dry noodles.

Spring rolls and dumplings are good to say, dry noodles are white and do not appear to have any oil or seasoning.

Roland's not used to dry noodles.

Roland frowned, as Xisha took a bowl of fresh Chinese medicine soup from the warming pan next to him and drained it onto the white.

In a flash, a bowl of delicious warm noodles comes out.

“Eat slowly.” Xisha spoke softly.

Roland couldn't tell, but Xisha left it for him, and he smiled and said, "Thank you. ”

“I won't leave it for you next time, remember to come earlier.” Xisha said that and left the kitchen.

Is this… pride in reality? Doesn't seem very cute.

But she's pretty good looking, she's got a good temperament, and she's a little different from the average girl.

Breakfast is still delicious, whether it's spring rolls or dumplings, it's kind of delicious to eat in your mouth, you can taste it, it's made with your heart.

After breakfast, Roland came to the shed. Qi Shaoqiu had just scolded the two young men who had been practicing their routine and said to Roland: "Don't rush to training and eat first. ”

Roland nodded and sat on the bench beside him.

Qi Shaoqiu also sat over. He pulled out a cigarette and it was in his mouth. "I heard you met Jin Wenwen in front of the Red Star store the other day? ”

Roland nodded and asked curiously, "I think Xisha seemed to know her. ”

“She was my girlfriend. Xisha almost called her sister-in-law. ”

Roland looked surprised.

Qi Shaoqiu immediately guessed that Roland would show this expression. He smiled brightly: “What, do you think it's strange that someone like me and Kim Wen Wen used to be boyfriends? ”

“A little unexpected, but seemingly sensible, and you're all along the way.” Roland thought about it.

Both are ‘martial arts' practitioners, and both have technicians, and some relationships are normal.

“Her person was quite strong and victorious, and I didn't like her soft personality very much a few years ago, especially when faced with women.” Qi Shaoqiu said calmly: “After two years of conversation, everyone was unhappy about the quarrel and then split up. ”

Looking into Qi Shaoqiu's eyes, Roland found that his eyes were still the kind of dead fish eyes with no shine. He couldn't see any emotion at all, and asked: “What do you want to know from me? To be honest, I don't know her very well. ”

“I heard Xisha say that Jin Wenwen was haunting you? ”

“Half of it.” Roland thought about it and said, "I got what she wanted, but I didn't want to give it to her, so I stopped going to the pub. ”

Qi Shaoqiu looked at Lorraine and said: “I know that Kim Wen is a man who always figured out a way to get what she wanted. At least she had to try many methods before she could die. I personally advise you to stop dating her, not because I'm jealous, but because she's really that annoying woman. ”

Roland smiled: "If you hadn't added the last sentence, I doubt you'd be jealous. ”

“What jealousy.” Qi Shaoqiu's expression changed: “I am now glad that she split the year. Really.”

Roland looked at the blue sky in the distance and said helplessly: “I was afraid she'd come after me, after all, she'd seen Xisha. ”

“She won't come, she won't have a face. ”

Qi Shaoqiu threw this sentence and got up to teach the four teenagers.

Roland was a little curious, but it was someone else's private business, and he never asked again.

Roland stepped on a shared bike home after a morning of training at the Knife Gallery.

Turning just past a junction, a female sedan was found parked in a temporary parking space at the junction, while Kim Wen leaned in front of the door and saw Roland, waving with pride.

Roland pretended not to see it and stepped on the bike from the side.

“Roland!” There was a cry from Kim Wen suppressing anger.

Roland still doesn't care.

Then he stepped a dozen meters further and wandered straight through the sidewalk.

On the other side of the road, Roland turned around and saw Kim Wen sitting in the cab, watching the sidewalk reveal his anger and helplessness.

On the left and right side of the sidewalk, there is a car guard railing, and Kim Won-wen can't get the car here unless she dares drive through the sidewalk.

Roland smiled at Kim Wen and stepped on a shared bike and blended into a non-motorized driveway crowd.