Magi Craft Meister

74-13 "Pose," which is....

Hmm, is this your position?

"Yes, it is."

... can you tell me why you want to know?

Land 11 had to be careful how to answer this question, as it seemed to determine whether Pose would be an enemy or an ally.

So, take a moment to think about it. It took about 1.5 seconds.

"... my husband felt a sense of crisis by assuming that you were the one who destroyed Oeste 3. So I was looking for your place."

I dared to answer honestly and saw the reaction of Pose.

I see, but I don't know how that feels....


Let's ask the opposite. What would you do if I didn't tell you the position?

"I see... do you want to persuade me or..."

Can you figure out how to find this position?

Yeah, I guess so.

... I see. Then just a hint.

"Are you sure?

Yes. Land 11, your performance and that of Land 12 seem to have leapt through. As for me, I don't really want to fight.

"Pose" said to you and the producer who made you.

... not on the ground, in the ground, in the sea

I mean, in the air.

Is that all you need to draw that conclusion?... that means you can fly easily.

"Pose", on the other hand, speculated on the technical level of Rand and his producer, Jen.

"I can't be too alarmed, Pose."

No, not like you.

The tone was mild, but "Pose" was still a feeder, and Lands 11 and 12 renewed their recognition.

As for me, I'd like to ask Land 11 and Land 12 a lot.

"... don't think it's so easy to divulge your husband's information."

No, that's not true. Well, you don't have to answer questions you can't answer.

"So, what do you want to hear?

That's right... what is the purpose of your producers?

"To live in peace."

There is no problem in answering this.

I see. So he wants information about me that may be unknown or dangerous.

That's what it's gonna be like.

…… What do you think your producers would do if they found out about my position?

I see.... I guess I'll try "dialogue" first. "

Heh, you mean "conversation"? It's quite interesting.

This answer seemed to satisfy Pose.

You want peace even though you have so much technical power?

"Technology has nothing to do with it. That's how your husband is."

... it's really interesting.

Apparently, "Pose" began to be interested in Jen, Land 11 thought.

Even though I have the technology, I want peace.... what would your producer like to do?

"I want to make whatever I want, that's all."

Land 11 replied as lightly as possible.

"But the world is not that simple. There is also a connection with others. If you have the technology, you can depend on it."

You can rely on it... it's a bit difficult to understand.

I see. The Originals were individualistic. "

Oh, did you know that much?

That's right.

Here, MG-1 sandwiched his mouth from the side.

"We have eight people salvaged from Mementas."

... what are you saying?

The atmosphere of "Pose" seemed to have changed slightly for Land 11.

... tell me more about that story.

Specifically, I feel that the tone of voice has become low.

No, because Land 11's hearing sensors are normal, we know that half-sounds are definitely low.

I don't know what that means until now.

"Did you know that there were eight Original egos in Mementas that were preserved?

Of course. I've been in the same facility for about 4,000 years.

And "Pose" was a "preservation", but therefore it was judged to fall within the critical scope of "ethics".

But... "Salvage"? What's that supposed to mean?


Here MG-1 realized that he had made a mistake, but it was already too late.

Salvage the 'ego' that was' saved '? Does that mean you gave him a "body"?

"That's right...."

When did you do that?

I thought Land 11 and Land 12 were bad, but there was no time, and the name leaked from the mouth of MG-1.

"Lord Jin...... the producer of the land there..."

Wow, is that a gin? A person who can create Land 11 and Land 12, have the means to fly in the sky, and give the "body" to the "ego" that is supposed to be just data.

The tone of "Pose" changed. The soft tone makes it hard.

Revive the "ego" that cannot be in this world. This is a forbidden act.

Lands 11 and 12 perceived that it appeared to be in conflict with the "Pose" ethics. Take a combat stance again.

Where is this guy named Jin?

Rather than asking anyone, it was a question for everyone present.

"I'm not obliged to answer."

The answer was Land 11.

... it's no use resisting. I just need to make you malfunctioning and read the control core.

That's impossible.


"We can destroy ourselves in that case."

Hmm. That's how I'm going to protect the maker. Is that your will? Or is that a directive?

"It's your own will. Master hates to break the fabric."


It had a slightly impressive atmosphere, but "Pose" soon returned to its original stiff state.

But did you say MG-1? You can't do that. "

Land 11 tells "Pose" who wants to turn the spear into MG-1's.

"You don't know much about MG-1?

What? … I see. I guess so.

"Pose" instantly realized that if Ren was not at the "Mentas Base" and its associated facilities, MG-1 and the others would not be able to answer.

"In the first place, does it conflict with 'ethics' to that extent?

I will. Think about it. Whatever vessel a human cannot be, can it exist again? Many people will stare. But what about the drawstring?

It makes sense to say "Pose."

For now, only Jin's will has been used to draw the line.

Then, Land 11 thought that the "Ren family" who had risen up as "artificial beings (Homunkurus)" would also conflict with the "ethics" of "Pose", and prepared that the earliest collision was inevitable.