Magi Craft Meister

76-13 National Technologies 2

"This is from the Kingdom of France."

"Well, you're working there, too."

It was so-called "air conditioning".

"Hmm... I can only adjust the temperature right now, but it says I want to adjust the humidity anyway."

"Technology in the developing world."

You can expect this again.

It was a product that made me feel that the technology and knowledge that formed the idea was growing.

Malika's Wind Floater (Blow Floater) was introduced in a separate room, and from the Nord Federation, it is a dish made from a specialty Cubic Zirconia.

"Oh, this is beautiful."

Excellent work.


It means that "engineering magic" was used to create the work.

Besides, engineering magic isn't the only way to create magic tools and machines (Magi machines).

Mitsuho gave me the latest bicycle.

It also looks like a "mountain bike" to Jen.

It has the functionality and toughness to run not only paved roads, but also bad roads.

I would have changed the factory settings and created it, but Ren really admired the idea and design.

This is good.

"Looks sturdy, it could be used in the suburbs."

"On the contrary, it seems that advanced people can climb mountains."


I still don't know if it will be popular as a new "foot".It was certain that it stopped in the eyes of the politicians.

And finally, Emperor Showrow.

It's a gift from the royal family.

It's from Berrich's workshop.

"That's Magic Engineer Magikraft Jazz, you know?"

It was a "farming golem."

In modern Japan, it is a "combination".

It does a variety of agricultural work on its own.

Moreover, Jin sees that there has been a considerable cost reduction, and it seems to be in a price range that ordinary farmers can manage to buy.

When he saw it, Jen remembered the runaway incident of the agricultural golem that occurred when he visited the Berrich workshop.

(Was the deputy workshop manager Ludovich Emile...?... was angry that the house had been scammed)

The muddy farming golem ran wild and ruined the orchard.

Reiko, who happened to be there, stopped it, and Jen gave Emile's house a lower version of Agri, a farming golem that looked old.

"Golem that helps people. It's also one of the wishes of the First Generation."

"Hmm, I'm glad that using these agricultural golems will increase production."

That's right.

The Principality of Mercana and the Principality of Jagus Mimaka Norja Durrat on the Pandora continent have not been given, so this concludes the introduction of the work from various countries.

"I would like to replace the exhibition in this room from time to time."

I see.

"That's what I'm talking about."

The conference countries were satisfied that the works donated by each country were exhibited one by one.

At the same time, knowing the high level of technology of "Magic Engineer Magikraft Jazz", I was distracted that a semi-life work could still expose the country's shame.

Next, Jin guided the guests to the southwest room.

This is the documentation room.


"This is...."

Su, wow!

Some of the technicians seemed to know the value and meaning of it, and unexpectedly raised their voices.

As the name suggests, there are various materials on magic engineering on display.

For example, a Golem skeleton model.

The "Adriana formula" Golem structure is a model that can be easily observed.

Some viewers may feel a little grotesque...

"No, no, this is easy to understand."

"Left, you know better about joints and muscles."

Of course, seeing it does not make it possible to create an Adriana-style golem, but it will be of great significance to those who aspire to it.

There is also a variety of other materials on display, including a slice model of the "Wind Magic Propulsion (Wind Thruster)" (cut in half to show the internal structure), and a description of the operation sequence of the "Magic Lamp".

In addition, Jen

"As Elsa and I explained this time, we will have an automatic doll (automata) and golem instructor when it is open to the public."

That said, it was the first time that the staff was shown here.


30 Automatic Dolls (Automata).

All are female and have green hair.

It is an automatic doll (Automata) with the same specs as "Manon" and "Simone" given to "Avalon" 's Tomax Bertman.

"It's called Staffi. It's from 1 to 30.He will guide you through the building, clean up, shop staff, kitchen staff, garden maintenance, and more. "

"This is...."

That's very reliable.

Since it is an automatic doll (automata) made by Jen, it is a secret that everything is under your command and that Penglai will intervene as soon as anything happens.

Then, as the last guide upstairs, go to the west and northwest rooms.

"These two rooms are library-related facilities.The northwest room is the library room, and the west room is the reading room. "

As a librarian, since the earlier "Staffi" is attached, Jen explains that if you listen to the book you want to read and the book you are looking for, you can understand immediately.

Hmm, this is good.

"I want my country too....."

All the guests envied the abundance of library books and the excellence of the automatic doll (Automata) as a librarian.

And one day, I wanted to build similar cultural facilities in my country.

Since the time was near 3pm, Jin said it was just right to cut it off and took the guests back to the observatory cafeteria.

It's tea time.

"Juice-based and tea-based beverages are available.No alcohol, of course. "

"Of course I will."

"Ask Staffy or Maid Golem for your request."

On this day alone, not only Staffi, but also the five-color Golemmaid served as entertainment, so that guests would not be rude.

"Well, I'll have Persian juice."

"I'll have some tea."

"Would you like some citrus juice?"

"Honey Ramon, please."

"I want you to cum."

The customers will be surprised to be happy because they will respond to the orders within 20 seconds.

Jin, who confirmed that the drink was gone,

"If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

That said, I drank a sip of Persica juice.