Magi Craft Meister

Where to fly 80-14?

Seeing that Arnold's excitement had subsided a little after the first Hurricane, Jen asked a question.

"I said" hot air balloon "or" hot air balloon "earlier, which is the official name?"

"Huh? Yeah," hot air balloon "is generally used in the sense of" hot air balloon ", but I call it" hot air balloon "because I think it is a hot air balloon."... so there were a few people who agreed with me. "

"Is that so?" I call it a hot air balloon. "

"Oh, comrade."

That said, Arnold laughed.

Master, I'll be passing over [Mount Ono Uni] soon.

Hope, the pilot, taught me.

"Mt. Ono Uni"? I miss you so much! "

Well, wait a minute.

Jen took control of Arnold, who was about to fly to the window, and opened the floor window of the [hurricane].

Oh, this is great!

Isn't that right?

Floor to ceiling windows for looking down.

Arnold crawled and looked into the landscape.

"Ah, it's Mount Ono Uni... I wonder if the valley has changed a bit? It won't be 700 years... Oh, the camp terrain is still there!"

A nostalgic murmur.

Jen lowered her altitude to Hope and instructed her to circle around Mount Ononi.

"Oh?... thank you, Jin.... I don't think I'm going to be able to see Mount Ono Uni from the sky... I feel like a bird."

Sometimes I wanted to fly in a hot air balloon, but it was military, so it was a dream at the time to use it by one person, Arnold said.

After making four laps around Mount Ono Uni, the [Hurricane] raised its altitude slightly and headed north again.

"Ah, the Bororon Plains...!"

It's now called the Bororon Wilderness.

"Is that so?"... this was a meadow, but it was devastated by the [War of Magic].But after 700 years, it's still rough... oh, right! "

Arnold shouted at the thought of something.

What's the matter?

"Heavy metal contamination."


"Yeah, there's been enough fighting here to bet the survival of both species."As a result, humans lost, but then they scattered heavy metal ions here. "

You've done a terrible thing to me.

"At that time, everyone was insane."

Arnold said that acts such as narrowing one's own future were also accepted to survive "now"... it was such an era.

"I see, that's why the plants barely grow... but how much area did they contaminate..."

Jen's voice contained a bit of anger.

It must be pretty hard to purify this much area.

“I agree, although I can contaminate it in a short time.”

At best, it was thought to be 5,000 square kilometers.

Even if one square kilometer per day is purified, it is a calculation that takes nearly 5,000 days... 14 years.

"I think we should report it to the Cellulore Kingdom..."

Jen thought that it would be a national-scale project.

After that, Hurricane continued to fly and hit the northern border of the Cellulore Kingdom.

Yes, it is the "Kruger Great Mountains".

"Wow... I didn't expect to see this from the sky...!"

Arnold was in a good mood when he saw the mountain range he admired.

"Ahh, the glacier is hanging... the area around the summit is closed by snow... it must still be cold..."

[Hurricane] turns eastward and flies like a trail over the Kruger Great Mountains.

Arnold was pleased to see the mountain range he admired from above.

By the way, it's not celluloid anymore, is it?

"Oh, the Kingdom of Franz. If you go a little further, you'll become a kingdom of Klein."

“Are you all right? It's noisy to cross the border....."

"Oh, that's fine." I'm a free pass to travel between countries. "

"Hah, I see. It's Magic Engineer [Magic Craft Jazz], right?"

I don't think so.

"It's a lot."

In the meantime, Hurricane Klein entered the Kingdom.

You should be able to see Mount Taikazo, the highest peak in the Kruger Mountains, in just a few moments.

"Oh, there it is! I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes!"... wow, that's it!! "

The second peak toward the left, and the first peak towering in the back,

Both of them received silver snow and were divine.

"I wanted to stand on that peak..."

"I think I can do it now... no, I see."

It was Jen who gave nothing back to Arnold's words, but noticed the discrepancy in their content and swallowed the words along the way.

No matter how much the [human] body is, it is still different from the physical body.

It was Jen who thought that the sense of accomplishment of the climb would be small.

"Well, here's a suggestion."

Hurricane Taikazo stops at a spot with a close view of Mount Taikazo.

Jen decided to ask Arnold and Cher to make important choices.

What is it?

What is it?

"Where we're going."

Jen cut out her words and stared at Arnold and Cher's expression.

Both are automatic dolls, but they have a rare structure in which emotions appear on their faces.However, both of them were worked on by Jin.

Where are you going?

"... whether to return to the route you came from, continue east, head south, or head north..."

Headed east, it was the sea that covered the northern part of the Old Kingdom of Leonard.

To the south is the kingdom of Klein.

And in the north... "

Demon Territory... no, the [Nordic Federation]

"Yes, it is."

I see, I can see why Jin asked me about it.

What do we do?

"Before I do that, let me check."... Jin knows someone in the [Nordic Federation], right? "

Yeah, I'm here.

"All right.... head north."

It's okay, right?


All right.

After such exchanges, Hurricane took the helm to the north.