Magi Craft Meister

80-20 Guidance 2

From the upper floor to the middle floor, it is down a flight of stairs, but there is a sturdy bulkhead along the way.

“There's a staircase beyond the bulkhead, but it's a dead end.”

Huh, is that a trap?

"Yes, Your Highness, Brother Wang. There is a strict bulkhead, which makes me think that this is the proper route, and I lure it into the pocket lane and then pour the poisonous water into it.”

"That's nasty..."

“Of course, we don't have that feature right now.But that was what the war was about. ”

"Yeah, you shouldn't look away from the past like that..."

And Marcel the king's brother murmured to himself.

Then, the normal route goes straight down the stairs and then through a narrow aisle for about 20 meters.

"There used to be a trap in this aisle, where spears jumped from the left and right walls, where lightning magic was emitted, where the floor suddenly broke out, and where the ceiling fell."Of course, the tricks have now been removed and the path has become normal. "

Oh, I see. Thank you, Gin-sama.

As expected of the king.

Through such a passage is the middle floor.

"This is the middle floor. There are various facilities here, including a management magic brain."

Specifically, various items include "air conditioning", "simple factories", "materials warehouses" and "energy supply".

First, let's go to the [General Management Magic Brain].


Cher guided the party to the magic brain chamber in the middle.

Welcome, Your Majesty.Please call me "Isaac". "


Are you related?

"Do you understand?"

Yes, the magic waveform looks similar.

"Oh, I see. He's my brother."

The other day, Jin had informed me of the results of the analysis by the [Magic Power Waveform Analyzer], so it seems that King Bozar was immediately relieved.

"[Isaac], I'm going to set up a command over you."

Jen explains.

"The first is His Majesty the King, the second is His Highness the King's younger brother, and the third is His Highness the Prime Minister."


Well then, let's set it up.... the "Master Slave" setting. 1st place, His Majesty King Bozar Valois de Celloa. 2nd place, His Highness King Marcel Valois de Celloa's younger brother, 3rd place, His Highness Prime Minister Dain Sameh de Perth. "

Now we have the right to order for the time being.

"Next, we will set up a special time frame for His Excellency Prime Minister Dain Saume de Perth." Slave (Master Slave) ..... "

This gives the authority to modify the power of order independently of the ranking of the power of order.It is called "order rank recognition right".

The condition can be exercised when the first position becomes vacant.If not exercised, the second position will remain the first position.

“What does this mean?”

Question from the Prime Minister.

"Yeah, it's been abandoned now, but it looks like it was a normal setting during the war"

I'll explain it to you from Ren.

“The power to order and the power to certify the ranking of orders,” he says.Even if you have the right to order, you don't have the right to order higher. ”

To cite a similar example, would it be closer to a coronation ceremony in which the pope would accredit the king?

Of course, you can't raise the rank of your authority.

Jen gave a series of such explanations.

I see. In case you forget to take over, can you change the order of command?

“Yes, and… it's not a very good story, but I'll make sure it's okay even in the worst case scenario.”

"Well, that's necessary."

King Bozar seemed to have figured out what Jen wanted to say.In other words, if the first-place object suddenly dies.

Fighting over the king's throne remains unchanged.It is obvious from looking at history.

It seems that such a system emerged during the wartime period because of the need for a clear order of command to the management magic mind.

After I've explained and set up my magic mind...

"Doris, say hello to your Majesty."


In response to Ren's words, [Doris], a grey-haired automaton, showed up.


"You look a lot like Cher."

"It is an auxiliary automatic doll (automata) of the magic brain.My name is Doris. Ladies and gentlemen, please name yourself.And through her, you'll be registered in the Magic Brain.This "registration" will have the same rank as the command authority to control the magic mind. "

Jen introduced Doris and explained her right to command her.

"My name is Doris, and I look forward to hosting you in the future.Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your Highness. "

"Hmm. King Bozar." "Doris, take care of me."

“I'm Marcel, the King's brother, and thank you.”.

"This is Dyne, Prime Minister. Nice to meet you."

Following the king, King's brother Marcel and Prime Minister Dyne were also named, and the authority over Doris was established here.

"Doris is an automatic doll (automata) that replaces the immobile magic mind... and becomes an eye or ear."Mild to moderate malfunction can be repaired.They also provide security. "

Ren explained the significance and ability of Doris.

“I see. I mean, Cell could do the same.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Cell and Doris... can also maintain each other, right?"

That's right, Your Highness.

You can reduce the probability of failure.

It will, my lord.

It seems that the three of them understood the relationship between the management magic brain and the auxiliary automatic doll (automata).

“Now, let me show you other facilities.”

Facilities such as air conditioning, simple factories, material warehouses, and energy supply remain on the middle floor.

There is no particular place to see the "air conditioning" equipment and "energy supply" equipment (since this is a facility repaired by Hitoshi himself).


"This is a simple factory."


It's simple, but it's quite a thing, isn't it?

“Yes, I can make a golem if I want to.”

"I knew it..."

"I don't think it's [simple] at all..."

The king was frankly impressed, the king's younger brother had doubts about the [simplification], and the prime minister put in the tsukkumi.