Magi Craft Meister

Operation 84-36, phase one.

Jen gives an overview of the operation.

First, I'll get the 'Ring of Dominance'.

But you just said it wasn't easy.

I said, "But it's not that I can't."

The point is that you don't have to feel like you've been abducted for 'research'.

"Well, think of it as having that kind of hand. I just want to explain."

"Okay, I got it."

We analyzed the [Ring of Dominance] and released it accordingly.

Makina unleashed her subordinates and released them, as long as she just took them out of her head.

If you suddenly take it off, you can paralyze everyone first, then control Daemon before dealing with it.

Alternatively, we may need to capture the manipulative Daiyuan, give him instructions, keep him away from the city, and then remove him.

"That's what it's all about."


"I guess I can because Jin says so."

"in a joint operation with Machina."

In fact, both are the strength of Ren, but external persuasion is important.

The explanation is fairly simple, but it's not really going to be there, so Ella and Becker have nothing to complain about.

Moreover, it is even more important because it shows the progress in a special seat.

"First, I'll secure one."

The candidate is a farmer who works in a field outside the town.

I'm just about to get back to town after work.

Strangely enough, he was the man who took Groma away.

First, the three [5th row (quinta)] disguised as bandits are taken out of the field and into the forest. Now we can hide it visually.

Next, I let you sleep with the sleep magic "Sleep (Schluff)".

Even if you're manipulated, if your body falls asleep, there's nothing you can do.

I see.

It's a good trick, isn't it?

The situation could be seen one by one in the video sent from the "fifth row (quinter)".

Okay, here we go.

Sample... [Dominating Ring] fitted to the farmer's head.

Is this a "reply" to the pilot or not?

"... apparently, I don't have any feedback."

In a report from the "fifth row (quinter)", Jen decided that the "wheel of control (dominating ring)" did not communicate with the pilot.

This should make it much easier for you to do it.

What are you going to do?

"I'm going to analyze it directly."

In response to a question from Eila, Jen instructs her to bring the captured farmer to the "hurricane" while she was asleep.

Three minutes later, in the cabin (cabin) of the [Hurricane], there was a farmer tied up asleep.

The silver [Dominating Ring] is attached to the head.

Also, Reiko is on the line to make sure you don't get mad in the unlikely event.

"Okay, let's check it out."...... "Analyze"...... Hmm... I see "

Why, do you know from a single [analysis]?

Gin, you're a gin.

Berrich Becker was surprised, but Eira was used to it.

"This [Dominating Ring] seems to permanently cast the magic of [Hypnosis] while it is in place."

I see, so?

"If you take it off, you'll be free of the [hypnosis] curse."

Is there any danger?

From the structure and the magic used, it will be okay.

The results of this investigation have also been sent to the old man of Penglai Island, and they have also been judged by him.

And that's what the old man didn't say anything about it.

Well then, let's take it off.

"Father, I..."

When Ren tried to remove the [Dominating Ring], Reiko went instead.

It was relatively easy to remove.

"That's it. If it's the same as the hypnotic magic, you'll remember how long it was manipulated when you woke up."

"Let's wake up. Let's wake up."

Reiko used her Awakening Magic to open the farmers' eyes.

"... uuuuuuuu...?"

Have you noticed?

"Huh? Why am I tied up... ahh, being attacked by bandits..."

"I saved him from the bandits. I'll figure it out now."

Reiko untied the farmer's rope while keeping an eye on him.

"Thank you for your help."

I was thanked.

In a way, it's a match pump, so it's a little uncomfortable, but this is part of the operation.

So, something like this was attached to your head, do you remember anything?

Jen tried to show the farmers the [Ring of Dominance] that she had removed.

"This is..."

“Do you remember?”

"Heh.... one day, I was forced to put this on my head."

“Where and to whom?”

“A building in the center of town, like a golem or something.”

"Do you remember what happened after that?"

"Huh. Somehow, I heard a voice in my head, and I couldn't defy that voice... yes, I even took someone from my trip."

"A traveler!?"

Eila jumped at the word.

"What were you wearing?"

"Well, he said he came from the town of Urau. I think I'm about thirty years old. my clothes...."

I'm sure Ella heard the explanation.


"Sounds like it. Ella's right."

Um, do you know each other?

"Yeah, I'm a colleague."

"Oh, I'm sorry for what I did."

I apologize to the farmer, but Ella forgave me.

"No, if it was manipulated, I can't help it." You're not going to do the same thing anymore, are you? "


Well, that's fine.

Thus, a lot of information was gathered about the "Ring of Dominance" (Dominating Ring).

The farmer would be protected as is, but the room would be separated so that the operation would not be known.

"Stay here for a while."

Oh, I see.

The farmer was also convinced that the town was controlled by something with a "head wheel" attached.

So, it seems like you'll be quietly in Hurricane.

Of course, as a watchdog and caretaker, I wore the five-color golemma "Ruby 22".

Okay, that's it.

The operation enters the next stage.