Magi Craft Meister

06-04 Welcome to Koh Chang

The next morning, in front of the castle gate in Blueland.

"Oh, here I come, here I come"

In Jen's eyes, who has been waiting for a while now, a carriage comes out of the gate. That was the four-headed standing carriage of Reinhardt that could be seen.

The carriage stopped in front of Jen and Reiko, and the door opened and Reinhardt, Elsa, came out.

And further down came Adberg, Elsa's butler, and Meine, the nanny.

Moreover, the last person that Jen did not expect, namely the red-haired girl, Beana, came out.

"Jin! I missed you!

As he descended to the ground, Beana rushed over to Jen and said so.

"At that time, I didn't just say what I said unilaterally! I wanted to thank you properly......!

Beana, just a little smaller than Jen, but her eyes were as powerful as Jen's because she stuffed her nails ahead of her.

"Oh, sorry."

On the contrary, Jen accidentally apologizes. But did you see Jen like that, or did you have something to think about Beana's attitude?

"Jin, it is strange that you should be confused. You, too, go further away."

How dare Elsa go in between them and pull Beana away from Jen?

"Ugh, I get it.... Jin, you don't have to. I just wanted to thank you."

The three of us were watching that.

Reinhardt smiled at Elsa's tricks,

Adberg, the butler, looked at Elsa, who had changed, as if to see something dazzling,

My nanny, Meine, was staring at Jen.

"Well, Jin, Miss Beana said she really wanted to see you, so I brought you here, but was it a bad idea?

Jen replied, "That's not true. And

"There are two of us who can come with us to set up the transfer gate (warp gate)..."

"Oh, I know. Actually, Count Kuzma also said something about saying hello, etc., but he couldn't come because he seemed to have affairs. So, Adberg and Meine are just dropping off."

But that meane,

"Master Reinhardt! Are you really going to go to a place where you two just can't figure that out!?

and so on. He doesn't even notice Reiko's gaze.

Reinhardt suppressed such a meine,

"It's okay. I'm here, and you know how much Jin cared about Elsa during your journey."

"That's right..."

Adberg was forgiving Meine for saying something about how she still wasn't convinced.

"Jin! Oh, me too... well, why don't you go to your house... no?

With those Reinhardts on her ass, Beana was mouthing what she wanted to say number one.

"You've been wondering since you were helping me. Please!"

Jen wonders what to do.

I built the Penglai Island house because of the measures I had taken when I was supposed to bring Beana.

I just don't know what to do with what I said I could only take the two of you.

You read Jen's thoughts like that.

"Father, I think I can take you with me if you're alone."

and Reiko put out a help ship.

"Oh well. Then you're gonna figure it out."

And Jen turned to the line,

"Uh, the Transition Gate (Warp Gate) only responds to my magic. So, if you're caught in my hand, I can go with you. That's why I said," If there's one Reiko, I can take him. "

Explain that. Although there are many penetrating explanations, Jen was fortunate not to have to be particularly penetrated that it is a transfer gate (warp gate), which is an ancient relic (artifact).

"Then make sure you take me..."

Meine was still watching, but Adberg distracted her and dragged her to the carriage, so she became quiet.

"Well, let's go"

Jen walks out and Reinhardt, Elsa and Beana continue. Reiko is a lord.

Immediately Elsa lines up Jen and tangles her left arm in its right arm. Beana, who saw it, stuck to Jen's left arm.

Reinhardt saw it from behind, slightly while

"Your father's in trouble, too."

And he spoke to Reiko walking behind him. How grumpy that Reiko seems.

ten minutes to walk, neither Reinhardt nor Elsa, nor, of course, Beana looked tired, but Jen stopped,


and called his beloved horse Golem.

Horse Golem's "comma" came out of the woods with two homogeneous horse golems. As a result,

"Hey, what's this?"

I saw it. Beana's face caught on,

"... sounds interesting"

Elsa let her face shine,

"A horse golem! That's just great, Jin!

Reinhardt admired it.

"It's a golem horse. This is how we get on."

Jen had his arms released from Elsa and Beana and showed them across the 'comma'.

"Take this here, twist it like this and it moves. I also have autonomy, so if you give me proper directions where to go, I'll just be on it."

Truth be told, I realized in the morning that it was a waste of time to let Reinhardt and the others walk the distance to the Transition Gate (Warp Gate), so it could be a golem horse made quickly, except for "Koma".

"Oh, I'm a skirt,"

Because Beana blushed and said so.


I didn't realize that, Jen. But Elsa doesn't seem to care about that, she was already across the golem horse.

"Jin, this is interesting"

Elsa is manipulating the handle well and letting her walk around the bladder and there. I can't help but look down at Beana and laugh.

"Yeah, I didn't have this idea."

Reinhardt is also on his other head and riding around trying a lot.

Originally, only two golem horses were planned to be brought.

(Have me ride with Elsa, no, I'm not used to anything. It's not safe with Elsa.)

I should hang a speed limiter for once, but I'm anxious in case you think about it.

When it does, it means Jen's 'comma'.

"I don't have a choice."

So Jen went 'comma' all the way to the side of Beana,

"Look, Beana, get in here."

And I offered my hand.

At first, he said, "Huh? 'He didn't seem to know very well,' but understanding what Jen intended,

"Ugh, yeah!

When I shook Jen's hand for a while, I got in on 'Koma' from myself. And sit sideways in front of Jen.


To Elsa staring at those two, Beana threw a proud glance, clinging to Jen.

"Let's go. Jin's house, I've been interested for a long time!

Go behind the woods in the order of Jen, Elsa and Reinhardt. Reiko goes in the play position, keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Well, I know this forest is only about small animals and birds.

It goes at a slightly faster rate than a person walks.

Less than half an hour later, he came to the foot of the big rock, behind the woods.

"Well, get off my horse here"

That's what I said. I got off first, and I helped Beana get off on the ground, too.

Reinhardt got off himself as soon as possible,

"Look, Elsa"

That's what I said. I tried to give Elsa a hand,

"Fine. I can get off alone"

That's what I said and jumped like I was just a little obstinate.

Jen circled the Great Rock and led everyone to the cave behind him.

"This is the entrance. Take my hand. 'Cause that way you won't get caught in the junction."

When I said that and got my hands on it, Beana on my right and Elsa quickly grabbed me on my left.

"Uh, Reinhardt, take Reiko's hand. Reiko, please."

"Yes, Father."

Reinhardt took that hand, grinning bitterly at Reiko, who offered his hand toward Reinhardt with a disgusting look on his face.

At that time, Reiko's hands felt softer and more warm than she thought, so I was surprised inside.

"Well, let's go then"

That's what Jen said. He crept through the cave. Beana and Elsa come in line, too.


Inside it's brighter than I thought, so we're both surprised.

"There's a little light on the portal."

That said, Jen indicated a transfer gate (warp gate) in the back. My hands are blocked, so I thought it was bad behavior but with my jaw.

"Ooh! That's the transfer gate!

I'm excited to see the real thing for the first time Reinhardt. But Jen,

"Let's go."

That said, he steps out to the transfer gate (warp gate).

Elsa and Beana were hesitant, but they were holding hands with Jen, so they were pulled straight in and jumped into the transfer gate (warp gate).

In an instant the scenery changed, a line that went out into the stone basement.

Reiko and Reinhardt also came out of the transfer gate (warp gate) a little late. And the 'commas' and the golem horses come out at the end.

Jen unwrapped her hands from the two of them and held a gentle meeting.

Welcome to Koh Chang.