Magi Craft Meister

14-04 Enough clothing.

The next morning, Jen decided to return to the village of Kaina.

"Thank you, Jin. Best regards,"

"Lord Jin, thank you for the sword!

Although slight, Adamantite can be picked from the back mountain of Kaina village. It was used to reinforce and strengthen the normal sword.

That made it just an iron sword. It can be said that it was reborn into a rare era of famous swords.

Fu and Jen had the thought that people might be the same.

I, who was only a man, inherited the knowledge of Adriana Barbora Zetsy and became Magicraft Jazz, a magical engineer.

The same goes for ordinary people.

Wouldn't that boy soldier named Fred also change if he found something to be proud of? That may be knowledge, or martial arts.

And unearth buried talent to help the world. It was Jen who reinforced the thought that it was still education.

I was back in Kaina village before noon. Golem horses are convenient.

"Well, we need to get to this one as well as the neighboring village"

Get to Erdo Castle. No, Jen muttered about that.

"Master Jin, did they come up with anything?

Berche question. She is diligent to gain knowledge that is likely to be helpful in the territorial management of Reinhardt.

"I've been wondering what it means to make life richer."

Jen answers Berche's question without abdomen.

"Enrich your life..."

"After all, there's a lot of stuff, isn't that what you're saying?

Saki, who was listening on the side, makes such an opinion.

"... I don't think it's just things."

And, Elsa. Jen decided to move to the conference room.

Lunch shall precede discussion. The veil brought freshly baked bread. It's bread I baked using East.

"Yeah, this is delicious"

What we ate on the modern planet and a taste that doesn't suck. No, it's a completely natural material, no extra additives, and for the handmade, this one might be better.

It tastes good without butter or jam.

Food is not just about being nourished. A meal that does not bring pleasure to taste is tasteless. Jen, who was dealing with the children in the orphanage, is well aware of that.

Kids are more honest than adults who know patience. A delicious meal brightens the face of those who eat it. That is proof that my feelings have also become brighter.

Jen, who has such restraints, wants to seek abundance of food.

"Food abundance, kai"

Saki first agreed when Jen suggested so at the meeting after lunch.

"Agreed. Humans, you can't live without eating. Improving the quality of that diet will lead to richness."

"Oh. There's a saying in my world, 'Enough clothing and know courtesy'"

"Enough food and courtesy, is that it? … is it appropriate to say that you have enough to wear, enough to eat, and know courtesy and moderation?

There is no mistake in Berche's interpretation. Jen nods loudly.

"Not only is it a matter of quantity so that we can eat without shortages, but I think we also need a satisfactory flavour."

"... eating a lot of unsavory food is not satisfying, is it?

Elsa also perceives the meaning of Jen's words.

"Oh. That means increasing the production of agricultural products, as well as improving their quality and preservation and processing methods."

Nodding together. Looks like Jen figured out what he was trying to say.

"'Snow Room' in this village, is it? I think I'll make that one in the village of Kalz, too. May I?

Snow chambers are effective in terms of preservation. Ice and snow can also be created by magic.

"Absolutely.... I'd like to spread the refrigerator."

"The price of Magic Crystals and Magic Stones is a problem."

Saki is right. When ordinary people get their hands on demon guides, it's the price of demon crystals (Magi crystals) and demon stones (Magi stones) that make the neck.

"… in the end, will it result in an energy problem…"

At the same time that Jen leaked such a grunt, Saki also uttered her thoughts.

"I wish I could make a Magic Crystal."

Jen devoured the words of that casually murmured Saki.

"Saki, that's it!


"Can't you make Magic Crystals artificially?


Even Saki, the alchemist, Jen's suggestion sounded outrageous.

Whatever you eat, it doesn't start unless you use energy.

Even on the modern planet, the energy problem was real. Soaring gasoline and rising electricity prices are painful expenses for ordinary people.

"But there is a free magic potion (ether) in this world..."

I can't have a permanent institution, but I can make one if I can call it a 'free institution'. That's the combination of the Magnetic Converter (ether converter) and the Magic Furnace (mana driver) built in by Reiko and the others.

Turning the free magic hormone (ether) present in the air into energy could be described as a clean source of energy.

But there are many problems in spreading it to the public as it is. I fear it will be used for military purposes, and if it is abused, it is even more problematic.

"Can't you use magic crystals (Magi crystals) with a battery-like image..."

Jen even thought about it.

"Hmm, if I could do that, it would be revolutionary..."

"Brother Jin, do you know what the Magic Crystal is in the first place?

What Elsa says is best. There's no way I can make it even though I don't understand what I'm trying to make.

I even know it's a mineral containing magic potassium.

"That's where you start. But that sounds interesting!

"Dear Jin, if you can do that...... if the price is low, it will be amazing! Life could change!

Berche also pressed his heartbeat.

"Okay, let's start researching tomorrow"

Looking forward to it.

That concludes the day's meeting, and Jen finds herself in a new food revelation.

"Well, what is it?

"Hehe, you're looking forward to it."

Berche and Saki are also swelling their breasts to expectations.

"Oh dear!

"Oh, you're here."

Hannah's voice. If you look, most of the children from Kaina village were coming. I can also see Barbara and Eric. In addition, some forty people were gathered in total because of the arrival of villagers who were free of hand.

They were gathered in the grand hall on the first floor.

"Mr. Jin, what can you feed me?

I'm so excited about Barbara, I asked with a face like that.

"Oh, I'm coming out now.... Here."

Barrow, Verre, and the golem maids came with something white on the basin.


Look at what's been handed out, everybody round their eyes.

"Well, try it first without saying anything"

Served in a crystal vessel, it is carried into the mouth with a silver spoon.

"It's cold!



It was shaved ice. I hung citran juice. That's cold, sweet and sour, just the taste of summer.

Frozen water with ice based magic, scraped out with a shaker made by Elsa to help.

"If you eat too much, you'll break your stomach, up to two glasses a day. However, the interval between the first and second cups shall be at least three hours."

It was Jen, who started selling shaved ice at Nido Castle at a cheap price of 10 torrs per cup (about 100 yen).

He seems to have taken proper measures not to break his stomach.

The shake ice will have a great reputation, and this idea and shake ice equipment will also be sold to the Raglan Chamber of Commerce in the capital city of Alban for a consideration of 100,000 torres.

There was no tie of two cups a day in Alban, so something that broke my stomach from eating too much continued......