Magi Craft Meister

19-07 Elsa and Hannah

My name is Nido and I've been given a mansion next door.

Elsa took Edgar and went first to greet Count Woodruff Arbelline von Elm's house next door to his right.

"This is polite. Please wait a moment."

The elderly man, who looked like a family order who welcomed Elsa, pulled into the back of one end and brought back a woman who looked like a wife.

"Well, thanks for taking the time. The Nido family, right? I'm in Woodruff's house, I'm Jenna."

"It's Elsa Nido, nice to meet you, thank you. To mark your approach, and I brought it with me. Please accept."

Elsa asked Edgar to give her the fruit platter she was holding.

"Well, Citrum and... Persica. It's unusual. Thank you very much."

Countess Jenna is a casual person and invites her to the back when she holds Elsa's shoulder. The invited destination was a reception room with a bright atmosphere.

"My husband is away on business. That's why I'm bored. Just hang out with me for a little while."

"Ha, ha"

Cut to the skin, the lady began to talk as she rode herself out of the chair.

"You're happy to have a Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz brother! You can make most of them, right?

"My husband told me it was busy with the tech fair, right?

"You're a big man. I'm sorry I kept talking to you."

"My husband is the head of the technical department of the Ministry of Magic and Technology, right? You might know your brother, don't you?

"If you have any problems, you can always count on me"

"Yes, if you're the wife next door..."

"At the Count's party in the meantime..."

"What's a popular skirt right now..."

For roughly an hour, Elsa was accompanied by the Countess's chatter.

"... tired"

It was a spiritually beaten Elsa, but I have to head to the next house to say hello.

Towards the left, next door, is the Viscount Volker Goltman von Ork family.

This was also my husband's Viscount serving, so Viscount Sharona Goltman von Tanne responded.

"Fair enough, being a pretty lady. Your brother's a magic engineer, Magicraft Jazz, right? He also congratulates His Majesty on his memory, it's no big deal."

This one also seemed free during the day and was once again Elsa accompanied by a chat for about an hour.


"Dear Elsa, are you okay?

Edgar, worried about Elsa, who was slightly pale, spoke up, but Elsa replied briefly, okay.

"This will be the last time"

Of the other three houses, both neighbours of the Viscount Jorgens Hechelat von Paddock house directly across the street were empty, so greeting the Viscount house is the end of today's appointment.

For Elsa, who had never been in the social world, the ladies' chatter was amazing.

(... that's all I can talk about often...)

So much so that I wonder if the chatter is also a sagging of the aristocracy.

(But I...)

Elsa thinks Jen doesn't like the noise one way or the other.

(You can keep it that way, right?

Nobody answers the questions I have in my heart.

"Well be polite. You're Sir Jin Nido's sister, aren't you?

Here too, it was the Viscountess who responded. Lexia Hechelato von Camerere, named

"Elsa Nido, sir."

"Mr. Elsa, right? Nice to meet you across the street. Yeah, yeah, you, how old are you?

"Yes, to seventeen, will be"

"Yes. About your age. Single, isn't it?

Looking at Elsa's left hand, the Viscountess told her to confirm rather than ask a question.

"... Yes"

"Do you have a decided opponent?

"Yes, no, especially"

The Viscount has only eaten at my mercy for the answer.

"Well, do you? You know, my nephew, he's got a kid who's gonna be 21. He's enlisted in the Kingsguard Knights, and he's still an obedient knight now, but he's a promising good kid in the future, isn't he? What do you say?"

No matter what they say, Elsa has no answer.

"Oh, you know, that kind of story, me, not yet"

Elsa has no choice but to say no.

"Really? You're such a good girl, aren't you? Oh, or do you have a temple?


Elsa's cheeks turned just a little red to the word "hallowed".

"Fair enough, you are. Then I have no choice. I'd like to know his name, but I just met him for the first time, and that's rude."


Thus, Elsa somehow ended up greeting the neighbors.

"Let's go over there!

Hannah was walking around fine when she went on a city tour of Loizato with Belle.

"Dear Hannah, Aren't you tired?

"Yeah, well, yeah, right?

After viewing the mall, Hannah came all the way to the park.

"No flowers."

"Well, it's already autumn."

"Oh, but it has some fruit."

There was a corner with lots of round, rolling brown fruit.

Hannah crouched in and started picking it up.

"Castani fruit."

It is a tree with large leaves like a heavenly dog feather fan in Japan. Autumn leaves yellow.

"Can you tap?

"Er, you can't eat it without crushing it and exposing it with water."

I've never had a veil either, but I was listening.


Hannah still keeps picking it up while I say that.

Hannah, whose head hit another head, kept picking it up as she leaned down and stared at the ground.


"I want to be there."

"So, are you okay!?

I didn't think I'd bump into you. Baele rushes over.

The person I bumped into was also a girl as old as Hannah. She seemed like a good lady, and someone with her was rushing over.

Slightly wavy blonde hair, blue eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"I'm the one, I'm sorry!

We're holding each other's heads and buttocks on, surrounded by the castani fruit we've picked up so far.

"Ma'am, are you okay? Is your daughter hurt?

"Howlo, yeah, it's good."

"Yeah, me too."

"Seede is called Seede."

"Me, Hannah"

"Hannah, nice to meet you"

"Yeah, Sheede, nice to meet you!

Was there anything that would lead to each other, the two of us getting along with our buttcakes on.