Magi Craft Meister

22-31 gossip 43 hunger, nations are...

3458, the end of January.

Food shortages were finally becoming apparent due to the mold damage that had prevailed in the autumn of the previous year.

~ Shauro Empire ~

"The desiccant shipment seems to be going well."

Staring at the report at hand, the Empress, Gerhard Hilde von Rubies-Schouro, smiled at the Chancellor.

"was exporting to the kingdoms of Klein and Franz, and Egerea, and we have also heard that a connection came from the kingdom of Elias in the past"

The Prime Minister answers the dossier at hand after he has done so. The Empress nods satisfactorily at the answer.

"I wonder what's going on with food aid?

"is sending out a hundred tons of wheat and a hundred tons of barley, even though our country doesn't have that luxurious stockpile"

Per person, I consume about 150 kilos a year when I say it in wheat, so 12.5 kilos if I fix it on the moon. In combination with barley wheat, it can feed 16,000 people for a month.

That's the limit.

"Yes, there are aid supplies coming from the kingdom of Elias, etc."

~ Kingdom of Areas ~

"Release 100 tons of topopo as aid."

King of the Kingdom of Elias, Blitzen Scala Elias XII, gave his life immediately to the Marquis of Florenciano.

This will keep 8,000 people from starving for a month. Saving money would save 10,000 people.

"will be arranged as soon as possible. Others are in the process of increasing production of 'dried fish', and it seems that this can be shipped sequentially"

"Uhm, thank you"

Unlike cereals, seafood resources can be expected to increase considerably in the short term.

The dried fish is convenient because it also keeps the sun up. In addition, salting is planned to be produced at the same time.

The kingdom of Elias, which had nothing to do with the harm of mold, was committed to averting famine within a small group.

~ Kingdom of Egerea ~

"How is the situation in our country?

In neighbouring countries, in the Rebus region of the Kingdom of Celluloa, King of the Kingdom of Egerea, Harold Ruan Autoclase-Egerea, who heard of food shortages, even if they did not go hungry, asked Home Secretary William a question. My face looks a little harsh.

"Ha, no problem at all, but only the northern region is lacking. We have no problems in the South and we have a slight surplus, so we have arranged to provide assistance to the North."

The king was relieved by the answer, and his rugged face loosened slightly.

"Are you sure you don't want to worry about famine in my country?

"Yes, Your Majesty."

~ Kingdom of Franz ~

"Do something!

In the conference room, the voice of King Rijoun de Barkley sounded.

Lijoun weighs 89 kg, while he is 170 cm tall. It is clearly unhealthy lateral width.

"Your Majesty, even if I say so, I cannot refuse a request from the Kingdom of Cellulose"


The other day, I received an order for 500 tons of wheat.

Mold damage had also occurred here in the Kingdom of Franz, and it was visible that the majority of the people would remain in a state of light hunger.

but if we endure until June, the wheat harvest season, we should have managed to snort it without causing much damage...... but if we send 500 tons of wheat to the Kingdom of Cellular, that estimate will collapse from the ground up.

When it comes to 500 tonnes, 10,000 people spend four months… in February, March, April and May. If they took that away, there was no doubt that there would be significant damage.

Even now, the majority of farmers were unable to mouth wheat or barley, looking for weeds and nuts to outgrow paste mouths.

Even that, I don't know how far ahead I'll keep it.

~ Klein Kingdom ~

"The desiccant is working. Since its introduction, no mold damage has occurred"

"Oh, well."

"In addition, the effect of that 'dehumidifier' is significant. We use desiccants to the region, dehumidifiers near the capital and separately."

"Hmm, that's good news."

Within the Royal Castle of the Kingdom of Klein, there were also daily meetings to prevent famine.

"They're sending aid supplies from the kingdom of Elias,"

"Mm-hmm. About that, the temporary streets through the kingdom of Leonard have opened up a great deal"

Streets connecting the kingdoms of Klein and Egerea without going through the Kingdom of Celluloa. That would be of great benefit to the two countries.

And fast, it's helping with these logistics.

"Whether it's enough or not..."

King, the complexion of Alois III cannot be dismissed.

"But without the aid of each country, it would undoubtedly have been a famine"

"Hmmm.... I should take this as a lesson"

~ Cellular kingdom ~

"Hmm, the famine in the vicinity of Wangdu has been averted, well done"

"Thank you for your kind words."

The Secretary of the Food Agency, Knut Ammont, had received compliments from King Richard.

Yet the farther away from the capital, Esaia, the voice of resentment among the people was increasing.

"... I don't have anything to eat anymore..."

"That's why you can't even get your hands on the seed..."

"Nevertheless, I'm starving to death as it is..."

The village of Irigo here in the western Ribus region was in danger. For, unlike the east, which lives on grazing, it was rural.

What I could eat had eaten up grass roots, even tree skins.

"Mayor! Something's coming!

The vigilante guarding the entrance to the village rushed in.

"What? Are you willing to take the country away from us any more..."

In the village where despair spreads.

The villagers breathe still in the house. Below the village chief, only a few stood at the entrance to the village, staring at the approaching formation. but.

"Hey, what?

Coming up close is the luggage car that the Golem pulls. That's dozens.

At the beginning, a golden-haired girl across a horse. The girl had an incomparably beautiful face.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the village of Iligo, we are the 'Paleonto Party (Nostalgia)'. A little, but I brought some food."

"What the hell!?

"Dried meat and dried fish are the main ones because wheat is not possible, but it will snort for a while"

"Oh, oh! Thanks!!

Dried meat, dried fish, plus dried vegetables and fresh fruit.

There was an amount of 180 or so villagers who could live for a month.

"Thank you, thank you......!

Thus, the "Pontifical Party (Nostalgia)" provided food aid to endangered villages.

As a result, it is likely that those who starve to death within the Kingdom of Celluloa will not have to leave, although it is painful.

~ Penglai ~

"Have you got 200 tons of wheat stockpiles, you're just one step away"

Old man compares and manages the production and stockpiling of agricultural products.

Throughout the year in Penglai, it is possible to work in tandem, and there is no synchronization disorder whether it is the effect of the free magic hormone (ether).

Therefore, in three months' time, there will be a single digit increase in wheat reserves.

Moreover, the stockpile of Soba is scheduled to reach 1,000 tonnes in two months.

These are the gifts of the plan to increase production, which we have struck since the possibility of famine arose.

Of course, it is not a charity, so we plan to assist each country in exchange for that.

"If you don't manage to hold out until then,"

The old man is planning assistance, including seafood, through the Pastoral Party (Nostalgia).

"All for the peace of your master (My Lord)"

It's a roundabout, but I think I can manage the prospect, and I'm relieved of you, too, old man.

The sky on Penglai Island was still blue and clear today.