Magi Craft Meister

28-18 Girls Talk IN Hot Springs

At the end of the explanation from Jen, Penglai was already on the verge of evening.

"Oh, this is already the time. We're both going to stay today, aren't we?

At Jen's invitation, Count Kuzma nodded.

"Um, I want you to let me. What about you, Reinhardt?

"Oh. Belle's weighty, so I'm going home, but I'm staying over tonight."

"Right. Then we can talk after this."

And Beana.

"Beana, are you okay? You don't look so good."

"Yeah, yeah.... It's kind of a lot going on and it's making my head tickle."

It was Beena, who answered Elsa's words with a weak laugh.

"Well, then, both of you, indulge me in the spa."

"Let me do that..."

"Which is better: mixed baths or sex?

"Holy shit......!

Beana that turns bright red. I still don't seem used to talking about this hand.

"Oh, please don't"

The Earl of Kuzma, who guessed, replied on his behalf.

"Whatever the mansion is, you don't need it until you're on your way."

That means Jen wondered if he was in there with me at the mansion, but I still thought about Beana, whose face was red, and I stopped putting it on my mouth.

"So, Beana, do you want to come in with me?

When Elsa spoke, Beana finally calmed down and shook her head vertically.

"... oh, good feeling"

"... n"

Elsa and Beana were soaking in the hot springs together.

"Beana, will Master Lewis be nice?

"What... yeah, yes"

Beena was suddenly asked and fed.

"Yes. You look happy, good"

"Thank you. Elsa... Elsa, too, engaged to Jin, happy?

It's still an old habit to say, Dear Elsa, Beana.


"Jin, you were an amazing person. I can't believe I was born and raised in another world... but I'm convinced of that knowledge."

Beana remembers that she cured my siblings, that she made popcorn, that she taught me that cold air goes down in the fridge, and so on.

"So, Elsa... what did you think about Gin?

"Yeah. When I first met him, I thought he seemed somewhat unreliable.... this, keep it to yourself"

Beana grinned and nodded.

"Oh, that, you might see"

"But we talked a little bit, and I thought he was a sweet guy. When I got to know him, I thought he was someone who knew things had changed. And... I started to think I was a reassuring person to be around."

"Right. Jin doesn't seem to have anything fancy about it, and there's something strange about it.... So?

"Hmm.... he taught me engineering magic so I could go back to the country again... and when I realized it, he was irreplaceable"

"I like that."

"Beana worked hard too. It wasn't easy studying as the Countess, it should be."

Elsa can tell. How hard it is for ordinary people to wear the upbringing they can do as Countess in a short period of time, and how hard it takes.

"Yeah, right. But when I think of Master Lewis, I did my best."

"Beana now, beautiful"


"Master Lewis loves me, Beana, she's beautiful"

"Oh... yeah? If you say that... Elsa too"


"Yeah. Much more... softer, I think"


"Yes. When I first met you, I didn't know what to say... because I felt like I couldn't get close. without reason that I was a common man."

"... so no"

Beana smiled.

"I guess so. Because I'm what I seem to know best and I don't actually know."

"Back then, I thought, maybe because I wasn't good with people,"

"Maybe so. I guess that's not all."

Because Beana doesn't know much about it either.

"But Elsa with Jin is so nice"

"Yes, thank you."

Meanwhile, in male water, Jen, Reinhardt, and Count Kuzma were immersed in hot springs.

"Lord Jin, I feel surprised for the rest of my life in a day."

"Lewis, we're not there yet. If I saw all the stuff Jin made, I'd be more surprised."

"I guess the later, the more surprising seeds"

"Yes. Me and Elsa had it revealed in the first place."

In that sense, I think Count Kuzma and Beana, who will be the youngest, will have a tough time.

"Shh, get used to it one by one"

When he heard Reinhardt's line, Count Kuzma asked Jen for it with his drawn face.

"... Okay, I get it"

Starfleet to battleships, submarines, the Army, Navy and Air Force, and the Navy. And when I showed her the spaceship, she was going to exceed her tolerance, and Jen decided to cancel some of her plans for tomorrow.

"This is the tatami, or..."

"You're new to this. I experienced it when I came with Elsa. Elsa wanted to. You liked it."

Two people were to stay at Jen's 'house'.

A futon is laid in the tatami room.

"... but this futon is fantastic"

It is a futon of "Magi Silk", woven from yarn produced by underground potato worms (Grand Caterpillar).

This one has been further improved to make it more comfortable to sleep.

Futons can't just be soft.

A futon made to create soft and slightly stiff areas so as to support the body exactly and prevent the spine from bending was now the Penglai standard.

"Thank you, Beana."

"What's wrong all of a sudden?

"No, I knew Lord Jin, and he invited me to such a wonderful place, because Beana was my wife," he said.

"Is that so? The other way around. Because you're here, I can be here now."

I didn't put it in my mouth, but once in Count Galana's mansion, anxiety when I was about to be jeopardized and relief when I was helped. I'll never forget that one, Beana thinks.

That's why I didn't marry you for benevolence.

Lewis, because I really like him. That's why I think I'm going to stay next door and support you now and in the future.

"Thank you, you"

"Heh heh, you're the one who suddenly did what?

"I just wanted to say"

"Right. Then I'll say it because I want to say it too. Thank you, Beana."

And the evening on Penglai is getting worse.