Magi Craft Meister

39-13 riddle

Elena welcomed Donald down to the basement.

"I'm fine. I don't know how, but I'm not starving."

This area comes from know-how that has surveyed several sites in the past.

"I don't think there's any danger. Look, I care about that door."

But Donald's light magic guide alone was too dark to confirm what Elena was looking at.

"Elena, it's a little dark."

"Oh, I'm sorry"

It looked bright enough in Elena's eyes, so she apologizes for a word and decides to light the light.

"" Ball of Light (Lightball) ""

Now it's brighter and Donald has a good view of the basement.

"I see there's nothing else in this room besides the door..."

In contrast, I feel like there is one door in the poke and something behind it, as Elena says.

"Let's go"

"Right... right"

Either way, if we don't go, we don't know anything. Donald and Elena turned to the door.

The door had an old-fashioned door knob, which was slightly open, but slowly opened.

The moment I opened the door, the lights lit inside. The magic device is still alive and seems to be ventilated.

"What is this place?

"Looks like a library."

A book tightly packed on the shelf between walls.

With a little dust, Donald covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

"The hall wasn't dusty earlier."

"Speaking of which, yeah. I wonder if there's a reason for that."

Elena looks over the room. and that gaze stopped in the corner of the room.


What was there was like a magic puppet that could neither be a golem nor an automatic puppet (automatic).

The shape is feminine.

Elena approached the golem to confirm. Donald followed suit.

This is a golem.

"Right. But you tried to bring your appearance closer to a human being."

If automatic dolls (automata) are to be referred to as "dolls" in modern Japan, this golem would be a whisper "figure".

The whole thing is made of metal, and naturally the hair is made of metal.

Perhaps the closest 'Lotte' made by Jen for Prince Ernesto of the Kingdom of Egerea.

Looks like it's not broken.

"You seem to be just dormant."

Donald and Elena gently examined the golem. That, although old, did not seem to have malfunctioned.

"You want to reboot this?"

Interestingly Donald said.

"Right. He could be like the clerk in this library."

But I didn't know how to reboot.

"Hmmm... it doesn't seem to work automatically with Magic Detection"

"'Demon Keywords' doesn't seem to work either. I've tried the old ones, the new ones, but they're not responding."

"It's not like the internal functions are gone."

"Right. Perhaps the next thing I can think of is some kind of magic kit for startup."

By Elena's guess, the two decided to check the room. And it pays off quickly.

"Elena, isn't this it?

Donald found something that looked like a control device.

Nevertheless, it was not like a remote control of a TV, but rather close in size and shape to a brown tube TV.

"It's a magic guide."

"Is this the trick to start it?

Elena and Donald analyzed the trick carefully.

"Definitely, this should do it."

When Elena pressed the 'Startup Switch', some of the controls were brightened. It appears to be a magic screen.

"Elena, it says something."

"It's a little old.... uh," If you want knowledge, show the right wisdom. "

While I was saying that, the letters displayed changed.

"What is' four legs, one with a back but no body '?

"It's a mystery."

Elena read it out and Donald roared.

"... chairs, huh. The one with the back."

Elena muttered so much, while the letters on the screen switched.

"I wonder if the mystery will continue.... 'One leg for the first aunt, what is this'?

"What, is that?

Elena tilted her neck and Donald twisted her head too.

As soon as Jen asks, this has been around for a long time in Japan.

"Isn't that a sewing needle?

I heard voices from behind Elena and Donald. If you look at it, it is a guard.

"It's hard to come back, so I came looking for you. There's a rope ladder, so it's easy to go back."

He said to judge independently, so I can't complain about this.

In addition, there is no particular danger, and furthermore,

"'What makes you lower if you stand and higher if you sit'"

and the next riddle was displayed.

"It's the ceiling."

Also the escort answered and the screen switched.

"Oh, you seemed right. Damn, that's a big deal."

Donald praised the silent escort.

"No, I just heard such a mystery in my hometown"

"Right. My hometown is..."

"Donald, I'll see you later. Looks like it's finally starting up."

Elena blocked Donald's words.

And the light lit the eyes of the Golem, which was at a standstill, as it was said.