Magi Craft Meister

39-29 Asunt sights

"This is Main Street"

"Wow, wow!

The central street of Asunt, the capital of the Kingdom of Egerea, is about ten lane roads wide, which is what modern Japan calls it.

A liturgical sidewalk was set up in the center, and street trees were planted on both sides of it, and Kamakura, if you like, resembled a little bit of Takashi (Dan Kazura), the way of the Hachimangu Palace in Tsuruoka.

That part is used by those who are more than aristocrats on their way to or from the royal castle, and is usually closed.

While receiving such explanations from Lianna, Jen-ichi had begun the Asunt sight.

"What about the clothing store?

I thought of Elsa, Hannah, and Lisia's interests, and when Jen asked, Lianna responded immediately.

"Yes, there is. This way."

Among the central streets, a line was guided to a shop on first class.


The design of the Kingdom of Egerea is slightly different from that of the Empire of Shouro and the Kingdom of Klein.

It's more open and decorative than the function-focused empire of Shouro and the climate-proof kingdom of Klein.

This seemed unmissable to women, and Elsa, Hannah and Lisia had taken or tried on blouses and jackets.

Jen, on the other hand, although understandably shabby of the women, had a bit of a hard time dating them to the end.

So I gently told Lianna,

("Wouldn't the magic guide store be nearby?")

I'll ask.

("Yes, I do. Two neighbors do")

And the answer came back, so I left the rest to Lianna and Edgar, and Jen gently left the store. The only companion is Reiko.

"Oh, I knew I wasn't good"

"Heh heh, your father didn't fit the shop after all."

Reiko smiles and says to Jen. I haven't been alone in a long time, so I'm in a good mood.

"Right here."

The store structure is quite splendid. Above the Raglan Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Klein.

The size of the store is about two school classrooms, about half a shelf of merchandise.

When Jen entered the store, he had about ten customers. Half of them are accompanied by clerks to provide explanations.

Jen also had a clerk stop by, but refused because he wanted to take the time to look in the store.

"Yeah, that's a pretty good assortment"

Corners were divided into weapons, accessories, living tools, hobby items, etc., each displaying several to more than a dozen items.

"Oh, there's a fridge here too"

I'll come closer to a familiar magic guide, Jen.

"This is Beana's work."

Looks like something I bought from Blueland. It also contains the mark of a proper beana.

I guess the fact that we are wholesale of these demonic conductors to the capital is not a bad economic situation for Blueland, Jen thought. Of course you can't be sure with one of these.

"Father, this looks like Beana's work too"

"Which... oh, this is"

That's a 'water heater'. It was once made when Jen was developing something for sale in an outdoor store with Beana in Blueland, incorporating a heat generator into a wooden barrel.

But what was in front of me was much more sophisticated.

Instead of a barrel, it is a 'toughened' treated ceramic bottle (kame), which is easy to seal, thus preventing dust and debris from entering and improving thermal efficiency.

"Ha ha, are you incorporating the heat generator into the bottom of the bottle and baking it up"

A heat-resistant guided circuit board (plate) can certainly withstand the firing temperature of the ceramic.

"Beana's doing her best, too."

Jen didn't know that he had developed such a magic guide because he hadn't seen him recently as a "Jen Family".

"I wish I could live with everyone in the 'family'...... that's a dream. Not realistic."

Because we all have our own lives.

There's a transfer gate and a Magnetic Communicator.

Jen told herself that she could contact me whenever she needed to.

"Father, let's have a look around."

Did you take such Jen's mood into account (her tits), Reiko invited Jen to the accessory corner.

"Hmm... heh..."

This one is out of specialty in a way, so I also forgot that I was a little depressed, and Jen looked at it with interest.

"Because it's a magic guide, it seems to have a lot of effects at once."

The brooch had only a slight 'cure' magic effect.

(With this on, you're going to be able to prevent it if you're about motion sickness)

Jen is a little impressed with the idea.

(But this quality would expire within two years...)

The only demonic crystal attached to the brooch is that if the free magic element (ether) to be encapsulated is depleted, it ends there.

I'd configure it to only activate when I need it.

But there was no other way I could do it than Jen, such as such detailed 'writing', and it had become such a mess of magic tools.

"Is this a weapon? That's a dagger."

He's not a weapons dealer, so he only seems to keep about a dagger as a magic guide.

"This is... yeah?

Jen tried Analyze and Inspect, and the dagger was starting to activate the magic of Paralysis.

(On the same level as "The Cane of Paralysis" that Beana had when we met, or... Maybe the producers are the same)

Nevertheless, Jen had no idea what it meant to have the effect of paralysis on a dagger capable of killing.

"Father, wouldn't it make sense if they just scratched it?"

Reiko advised in a low voice.

"Oh, sure. Thank you, Reiko. It's refreshing."

As Reiko broke through, the effect of paralysis is activated simply by rubbing or touching it, so it is surprisingly treasured that these swords and spears have the effect of paralysis.

And Jen and Reiko go to the hobby stuff corner.

"Oh, this place is funny"

A place overflowing with the most cluttered and messy products.

"But you're not a magic guide."

It was really just a hobby corner.

"Dolls, stuffed animals, and this is... what is it?

There were several like painted faces on egg shells. The colors are colorful and look good for children.

"That's Fun Eggs."

"Oh, Rianna."

If you noticed, Elsa, Hannah, and Lisia were coming too.

"I'm going to put a treat in the egg shell and give it to a little kid. Lately, I've heard more lovers mix in sweets and put rings and such."


I guess it's a custom like 'Easter Egg' on modern earth, Jen thought. Well, Jen doesn't know much about Easter Eggs either.

"Brother Jin, this, is funny"

Looks like Elsa found something.

"Oh, this is cute"

A little over there, Hannah also takes the display.

"Wow, this is nice"

And Lisia too......

Around herself, which suddenly became busy, Jen was smiling bitterly while feeling happy that she was not alone.