Magi Craft Meister

49-36 Parent home visit

"Oh, is this the golem of the 'invaders'"

Jen just arrived, so Old Man decided to have you watch the footage.

"I see, the idea is that the emphasis is on practicality and design is second to none,"

"Yes, Master (My Road). In addition, please consider that you can construct a four-arm control formula."

"Sure. It's a big deal."

Even the 'four legs' control formula cannot be constructed satisfactorily in today's Ars world.

Humans are two arms.

But it's hard to let your left and right arms do something separate.

Even if you seem to be using both hands, the fact of the matter is that you are switching controls in a very short time.

Jen once again paid tribute to the technical skills of the Original Ancestors.

"Even when I say 'invaders', I mean calmer than I thought, or a gentleman's response... how could this be?

One thing, Jen, who speaks of what he was wondering. I wanted to ask your opinion.

"Dear Master (My Lord)," The Original Ancestors (Origins) "should have originally been a moderate race, so I wonder if it is to that extent when it comes to extremists among them"

"I know that, but look, there was something about Disaster."

"Disaster". It was once a mobile base that brought disaster to the Ars world. It was dominated by Jen and was now effectively utilized as' Avalon '.

"I think that's one way or another a runoff of management brains,"

"Can you even look at it that way?"

Jen was convinced, for now, that if he were told that it was not an act of his own.

"What's left is here and here that might be helpful"

Jen had Old Master analyze the structure in mind that a four-arm might be applied to a working golem.

Even though it is stopped, it is likely to be noticed when analyzing the control formula exactly, so unfortunately that is Jen who will stop.

Jen, who got some helpful information,

"Well done, old man. Good luck with Shinobi Squad."

And I worked for Shinobi Squad with Old Man.

"Master (My Lord), when I set the marker, I'm going to withdraw the Shinobi Squad."

"Yeah, that's fine"

"The only concern is that the third of the alien golems, which seems to be the Tori, is missing."


The other 99 bodies had no missing numbers and were lined up neatly, so I'm concerned about the missing numbers.

But I don't know what I don't even know when I think about it. Jen also decided to stop worrying about it.

Around the same time in "Avalon".

Fritz and Gloria had moved to their new home, the 'Family Building', where they were cleaning up.

It corresponds to an apartment with three LDK intervals, as we call it in modern Japan.

"Oh, I knew it was huge"

The bachelor was 1DK, so I can't help feeling that way either.

Most importantly, Fritz's home is a bigger one, but because he lived outside for a long time as a soldier, he gained a qualitative life.

"Bedrooms, studios, and rooms...... is that okay?

Fritz asks,

"I think so."

And the answer came back.

"But are you glad? Let me decorate my collection in the living room."

Gloria's collection is, naturally, a 'sword'.

Twenty swings of your favorite sword, brought from the home of the Klein kingdom. That was decorated on the wall.

"Oh, I hope so. I like swords, too."

"Thank you...... you"

"Oh, wow."

The two people who interacted like that turn bright red.


"The kitchen is finished"

And, the golem is coming. It's "Magenta" from Jen and Elsa.

"Thank you."

It was helpful to have this' magenta 'because Fritz was a soldier and Gloria was a knight, so I don't like family things one way or the other.

"... I guess it's a little easier to live in"

Outside of my own home, I've only stayed in castles, stuffed dormitories, camping tents, and inns, and I lived in a dressed room in "Avalon," so it's a good first for two people to be able to customize whatever they want.

As a matter of fact, for two whole days now, if not like this, I repeatedly changed the pattern and it was finally cleaned up reasonably convincingly.

"Well, three more days off."

The wedding is June 3rd and today it is the 8th.

The vacation is for a week, but shortly after the wedding, Fritz marched out for the exorcism of 54 Murderer Sea Serpents (Death Cesarpent) who attacked the eastern shore of the Kingdom of Elias, so he was on vacation until 11 days after an extended day.

Since there is no honeymoon habit in this world, they relaxed in their new home every day.

"It seems that Lord Jin was traveling the world on his honeymoon."

to Gloria that

"Shall we go somewhere, too?

and frizz to return.


Then I decided to travel somewhere in about two days a night.

After much discussion between the two of us, we decide to go to Alban, the capital of the Kingdom of Klein, and to the town of Echi in the Empire of Shouro.

Yeah, it's where we have two parents.

But there was one problem. The distance is too far away.

The recently developed Transition Gate (Warp Gate) network still consumes a lot of magic and can only be used for emergency purposes, which means regular flight use by airships.

There were now two daily round-trips between the morning and evening to the capitals. This also carries letters, food, daily items, etc.

Seats are fully reserved, but few people ride for personal use and are basically empty.

"I don't have a problem with Alban... oh, yeah"


The fritz I was thinking about seemed to come up with something good.

"Let's go to Loizato and talk to Lord Jin."

"Oh, I see. But is Lord Jin here?

Gloria, who knows Jen is busy flying around, looks a little worried. If I wasn't there, I'd be wasted.

"No, we'll just have to look at it then, Loizato"

You can go to your own home another time, Fritz said.


And Gloria also agreed.

So the next nine days we decided to go to Alban, the capital of the Kingdom of Klein, where Gloria's home is located, and Roizato, the capital of the Imperial Shouro, on the 10th.

Eleven days, the last day of vacation, shall be rest days to avoid leaving fatigue. Because physical control is also the job of 'Avalon' executives.

As a result, you were right to visit Alban first.

Column 5 (Quinta) Spica 7, commonly known as "Burgo," in charge of Alban, saw two people all over town and overheard the conversation.

Old man, who learns that you two are counting on Jen, immediately reports to Jen.

"All right, let's just say we're in Loizato for the 10th"

And he decided, and moved with Elsa, Reiko, and Yu and Mio to the mansion of Loizato.