Magi Craft Meister

50-04 Low speed competition!

Zeke 11, Jen's 'Zero' passes the goal line.

"Goal now!" Zero, "time is fifteen seconds nine! I cut sixteen seconds! Approximately 226 km/h!!

The cheer and applause just broke boiled.

"Well, I guess."

Get up from the cockpit and wave Jen. "Zero" was recovered by Reiko.

"Oh, thank you"

Jen, who stroked Reiko's head, paid attention to the next flight.

"Zeke 12 is Lord Rhodotos! Tapered wing aircraft 'Swallow', start!!

"Swallow" floated after a slight glide.

"Oh, the wing surface weighting seems small"

Jen accidentally leaked to herself when she saw it. It was such a light move.

Besides, what a double inverted propeller it had.

"Fast, fast! We are accelerating Gungu!!

In addition, "Swallow" showed eye-catching acceleration as it appeared to be loaded with powerful engines.

"Because the fuselage is light, it is susceptible to anti-torque. You hated it and turned it into a double-inverted propeller."

"Swallow," which showed a steady flight, twirled around the pole.

"It's light, so you're smart around here."

Jen was impressed that the design made the most of the condition of windlessness by the junction.

'It's a goal now! Time is fifteen seconds and nine! Same time as Jin!!

Once again, the venue was engulfed with a burst of cheer.

'Come on, the last flight is Zeke 13, Master Malika! Tapered wing aircraft' Eagle '! Start now!!

This fuselage also seems to be lightweight for its size, and after it has fluttered and risen, it will increase its speed lightly.

'Whoa, this is fast too!

"Sounds like you designed it to keep air resistance as low as possible."

As the commentary says, Malika's "Eagle" is the thinnest of the participating airframes, and the main wing seems thin.

This would appear to reduce the air resistance of the larger fuselage.

For this reason, the maximum speed growth was good, and the attitude around the pole was stable.

"Fast, fast! This is going to have an awesome record too! Goal now!

Malika's time was 16-second flat, approximately 225 km/h.

Now everyone's flight is over.

As a result,

# 1 Jen

# 1 Road Toss

Third place, Malika.

And even if I didn't try to, I took first to third place exclusively with three of my guests.


4th Rubina Garrett (1st Place in Competitive Rank Target) 100 points

5th Werner Randall (2nd Place in Competitive Rank Target) 80 points

6th Florence Foulheit (3rd Place in Competitive Rank Target) 60 points

7th Shu Nido (4th Place in Competitive Rank Target) 40 points

8th Sydney Marek (5th Place in Competitive Rank Target) 20 points

Ninth, Natalia.

10th, Elvis Alcott.

Eleventh, Greena Kuzma.

12th, Eugene Fowl.

Thirteenth, Sheeneen Eschenbach.

It is.

"Oh, we made it."

Before entering the next competition, 'Low Speed Flight', the Scion of 'Shinra' came.

I couldn't make it to the start of the speed competition because of some errands that I couldn't take off in the Nord Federation, but I'm finally rushing right now.

"Master Zion is here for you!

When MC Rackhart announced, applause arose from the audience.

"Now we ask Theon to explain it as well."

"I can't say anything technical in my case, so I think it's going to be sentimental."

Still, Zion's popularity was high, and the applause didn't quite stop ringing.

'Yeah, I'm going to ask Master Zion to provide a commentary as well. In advance, we will begin the competition part two, the' Low Speed Flight Competition '!

"It's a floating plane using aerodynamics, so it's hard enough to get to low speeds"

'For that reason, three tries will be made this time and they will compete at the slowest time. And unlike the last speed competition, we start time measurement after take-off'

"You can't deliberately delay take-off and earn time,"

Theon asked the question here.

"Is there any countermeasure to the crash?

Because it's low speed, so it could stall and crash.

'Yes, there was a junction fifty centimeters above the ground, and we're starting to take it. Of course, if you come into contact, you're disqualified.'

"I see."

'And there was also a connection on the outside of the course to prevent you from buying time due to overturning, and if you come into contact there, you will be disqualified. By the way, the course is about ten meters wide.'

"Thank you. I understand more or less."

And it's finally the start of a low-speed competition.

As a matter of fact, Jen thinks this competition is the show of arms.

So I decided that I could make three tries.

"Zekken1 Natalia, the three-leaf machine Halcyon"! Now, here we go!

Take-off, time measurement begins just beyond "Crash Determination Altitude," which ends when you come to the same position in two circles.

This measurement is taken by the Golem, which makes the human error as small as possible.

'... really, you're gonna fly slowly'

"The wind is windless due to the wind junction in the arena, so the wind influence can be ignored."

MC Rackhardt, the multiplication of Scion and Staehardt in the narrative. Quite well balanced, Jen thought relaxed.

But the audience is staring at a plane that spits and flies at low speeds.

I would go around the two poles as well as the fast competition, but this time the pole spacing is 25 meters, calculated to be 100 meters in two circles.

"Halcyon" circled the pole in a relaxed flight where the phonetic sound seemed fitting.

'It seems to have turned well! Turns at low speeds are easy to stall or drop altitude, but Natalia maneuvers well!!

"You're going around without lowering altitude even at deep bank angles..."

Jen is impressed, too. I guess I practiced quite a bit.

"These low-speed flights don't look familiar either."

Normally it is a competition like doing indoors, but thanks to the junction it can be done outdoors.

'It's a goal coming soon....... GOAL NOW!! Time is 33 seconds and five! It's roughly 10.7 km/h!

The maximum speed is around 200 km/h and the lowest speed is around 10 km/h. This must be awesome.

"I knew it was funny"

Jen is excited.

"Zeke 2 Shu Nido, the retracted wing aircraft" Electric Light "has started!

"Oh, that's a little unstable."

"The retractable wing is based on high-speed usage."

Slightly fluttering 'electric light'. And he stalled at the turn, his altitude dropped, and he was disqualified.

It is a good measure that the fuselage cannot be broken due to the junction.

'I'm sorry, but I can try two more times, so let's hope'

"Zeke 3 Eugene Fowl, Tapered Wings, Start!

"You feel a little fast."

"Oh, really. But you're stable. '

As assessed, the tapered wing aircraft also did a steady turn and scored a goal in a time of 25 seconds 2. The speed is approximately 14.3 km/h.

"First of all, once, done... no, maybe he's aiming to complete the flight"

That's another operation, Jen thought.

"Zeke 4 Greena Kuzma, Oval Wing Aircraft 'Tempest' Start!!

"Steady, nice."

"You're slow, too."

'Tempest' flies fairly slowly, though not as well as a three-leaf aircraft.

Its time is 30 seconds 9 and its speed is roughly 11.7 km/h.

She also seems to have started from the point of completion of the flight.

All participants insisted that this low-speed flight was a showcase of technology… manipulation techniques (techniques) and manufacturing technologies (technologies).