Magi Craft Meister

56-14 Avalon and Penglai

On September 5, a conference was launched in Avalon to enact the 'AGS', or 'Alsgolem standard'.

Because the important thing was laid down last time, we're going to make that amendment and even more detailed arrangements this time.

Important fixes are about grades first.

"Grades range from 1 to 5. Grade 1 was the highest and Grade 5 the lowest ', but let's reverse that numbering.

In response, amendments were accepted without particular problems.

And this time the focus was likely to be 'on the balance between price and quality'.

"The immediate goal is to reduce the generic golem to a price that even ordinary people can manage to buy."

"I don't disagree with you in particular, but I think it's difficult to determine the quality of that 'generic golem'."

"I agree. Come on, I was wondering if it's dangerous to just make a decision here."

"Oh, they say good things. Exactly. If it ends up in the aerospace theory on the desk, it's the end of the line. This is how we gather for the world, not to let ourselves through."

Such meetings were relayed to Penglai Island through Jen's Split Doll (Doppel).

A conference room is shown in a large magic projection window (magic screen) in the dining room, so that you can see how the consideration is taking place.

"Oh, you're saying good things. Is that the representative of the Shauro Empire?

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I know. Those involved in making things are and always have the same aspirations."

I also hear myself talking about things like that.

Most importantly, the meeting in Avalon takes place in the afternoon for about eight hours, so as a Penglai power, we do not listen from start to finish, but sometimes come with a break and listen.

Also, the minutes are taken in Avalon, so they can be retrieved if necessary.

This day ended with this discussion of 'Minimum Quality of the Golem'.

"But is it the lowest quality of the golem? You never even thought about it..."

At dinner, Jen said it was pompous.

"Kufu, that's Ajin Dashi"

Saki mixes it back.

"I also want to know the lowest quality Jin makes."

Marcia mentioned that too.

"Who's the least performing golem Jin has ever made?

Reinhardt asked intriguingly.


Jen thinks a little before answering.

"Gon and gen made in Kaina village...... or I wonder if it's the early form of 'Hope'. Neither, because there was no satisfactory material at that time"

But Hope now has a performance that is not even within reach of the average golem. The same goes for Gon and Gen.

"I wonder if, in that sense, the golems I made for the general public. Arrow or Lotte."

Nevertheless, it boasted the performance to draw a line with the general golem.

Arrow has won the final of the golem boat competition at Potlock in the kingdom of Elias, in its last stage, after the Reinhardt-Elsa mermaid-shaped golem Lorelei and the Dead Heat.

Lotte also defended the royals with their thin hands and feet during the outbreak of the golem rampage at the Royal Castle of the Kingdom of Egerea.

"Yeah, that's a consultation Jin can't have!

Saki who seems happy for some reason.

"Kufu, there was an argument that Jin couldn't make."

"Well, there is. That's why he's one of us, and he's a family."

Jen answers with a bitter smile.

"Really. Is there something you can't do with this member?

Beana says that, too.

"Well, commercial relations would be relatively negligible"

Lewis answered with a serious face.

Jen's companions are science and engineering and political. I don't like economic relations.

"Except if you need it."

And, Jen. Indeed, there is little need for commerce in Penglai Momentum.

"You remind me of business, Mr. Ekalt."

Reinhardt told me to miss the old days.

"Mr. Ekalt? I miss you."

Jen nods too.

"Right. I met Jin and she asked me to... I was looking for a cat then."

Vivian also said in a nostalgic way.

"They showed me the ship, and that was sabotage."

"You sent a fifth row."

"Mm-hmm. And Bernstein, a ship made in the new project of the Empire of Shouro. It was different from the" Bridget "built by Ecarte during the virgin voyage."

"I hear so."

That dawned on a large ship… a wooden ship of 40 to 50 metres.

There is now a 50-metre class of ships in use worldwide. As a wooden ship, it's hard to make something bigger than this.

Temporarily, the use of metallic structural materials had also begun, but was frustrated by the "Magic League mess".

"It looks like the big ships are coming."

Marcia's father, Rodrigo, said it was pompous. Unlike his daughter, he was more interested in larger ships than smaller highways.

"I'd like to give you a little technical assistance."

In today's world, it seems that with a little assistance from aspiring technicians, you will be able to reach quite a few places on your own.

Don't worry about life expectancy. From Jens, who became a good body, the rush had disappeared.

"I hope we can do some research on this Penglai island and return the results to the world one by one."

Jen's words also spoke for everyone's feelings.

"Right. I'd still like to develop some useful tools."

Beana says the line of consent first.

"Adriana will be delighted."

The quiet Mirowina also hung those words on everyone smiling.

"Father, is the island of Tsetsi as it is for the time being?

Mini Reiko, who was sitting right on the table, made a statement.

Whatever the case, the island of Tsetsi is home to Sage (Magus) Shuki Tsetsi and the first generation of Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz, Adriana Barbora Tsetsi.

"I wonder if it will. So far, I'm keeping it out of sight in The Phantom Realm, so it'll be fine."

Plus I'm keeping an eye on the 'watchers' that are letting them deploy in satellite orbit, Jen continued.

"So what about the Tierra family graveyard?


The Tierra family gave birth to Adriana Tierra, wife, collaborator and pioneer of engineering magic, including golem technology.

Its cemetery is in the central north of the continent of Lauren.

A town called 'Naminthe' in the country called 'Newell'.

Jen once visited his companions and their land and met the Tierra family's Automatic Doll (Automata), "Bathes".

And from the Bathes, who kept the records of the Tierra family, the facility was transferred.

Since then, "Bathes" has changed its name to "Parma" and has served Jen.

"Four hundred years ago I did nothing?

"No, you have regularly sent" Craftsmen (Smith) "to try to maintain them."

"Then why now?

It would be natural for Jen to have that kind of question.

That's when you said,

"Master (My Lord), let me explain that to you."

That's what I've said.