Magi Craft Meister

57-18 Dual Path

At a banquet at Nido Castle, Jen had been consulted by Rubina.

The content is "Is a wind floater (blow floater) a technology that is not compatible with" airplane "?"

I don't feel like talking about it at a banquet, but I can't help it because I'm an old Rubina who can't drink alcohol.

And Jen himself, he likes to talk like this.

"As far as I'm concerned, I think it's more developmental than incompatible."


"Yes, based on Malika's" wind floater ", it developed in the direction of maneuverability and speed…" wind plane "

"" Wind Plane "?"

To the new term, Rubina tilted her neck.

"Ah, oh. I thought I'd call it the Wind Floater, which uses aerodynamics to control posture and change direction."

"'Wind Plane (Blowplane)'? Ah... Maybe something cool."


Jen further stated that

"It can also be said that the" hurricane "is the one that enlarged the" wind floater (blow floater) "and increased the conveyance."

Hurricanes are in the form of airships, but the principle is wind floaters.

"Oh well...... It's so different in size, I almost forget sometimes."

Rubina chuckled.

There, Lordtoss also joins.

"Are you talking about Wind Planes? Everyone was keeping an eye out for Jin's" Taube Modification. "

"Right.... As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to try a lot more of the shape of the main wing."

The wind area emitted by the blowing engine (blowing engine) is not limited to circular. It can also be oval or square.

Since it can be changed by describing the Magi Formula, it is advantageous not to gain weight.

"That would make things closer to 'tailless aircraft', and I think that would increase air-powered maneuverability."

"Oh, that sounds fun!

"I'd love to make it!

Rhodotos and Rubina both said so motivating.

"Right. So... it's a banquet, so after tomorrow, we can talk slowly somewhere."



That's what happened.

And the banquet is held with ease.

It's like half my body, so even if I was an opponent, I wouldn't have a bad vibe.

The face of the Nord Federation enjoyed glorifying each other's skills or pointing out what was missing.

Ellis and Freddie also said that such a lively feast at Nido Castle was the first time they had seen or participated.

"But the atmosphere is very nice"

And, he seemed to enjoy it, and Jen was relieved.

For the record, in the village of Kaina, people came to see how things were going because they heard a pleasant voice coming from Nido Castle, who said Butler B and C distracted them and did the beverage.

Listening to it, and then the villagers came pounding, is further discourse.

The next morning, Rhodotos and the others returned to the "Nord Federation" in their own "Wind Floater (Blow Floater)".

Unsurvivable assistants, family, and Theon are sent by Jen in a 'hurricane'.

Rubina, Amanda, Greena and three others remained in the village of Kaina, and with Freddie and Ellis, who also remained, they were to relax for a couple of days.

Most importantly, since Ellis and Freddie are the official lords of the village of Kaina, perhaps we should refer to Greena and the other three as the 'hospitality' side.

"Take it easy."

said Ellis, but Greena and Freddie were obsessed with getting along because it was a long time ago, and Rubina was caged in the library room at Nido Castle to read and fish the material.

Especially the book on Jen's World's 'Plane'.

"Yeah, this is what's happening..."

The content centers on the description of the model plane Jen remembered, and the results of various experiments in this world that followed.

It was great for Rubina's purpose because it was more practical than theoretical.


I kind of remembered it when I read it before, but when I actually learned to make stuff and then read it back, it seemed like a lot of new discoveries had been made.

"The rudder and the auxiliary wing are completely different, even though they help to reorient the fuselage..."

On model planes, the fuselage swirls even if the ladder alone.

In fact, however, by tilting the fuselage to the side, it causes a lateral slip and pivots the force as a force of interest.

They actually use Elron and Ladder together.

"The model plane is small and light, so the ladder was enough, but the actual plane is big and heavy, so I guess I'll use it together."

It was Rubina who interpreted herself as she proceeded to read.

"It seems difficult to balance a tailless aircraft... Master Jin was doing well..."

Rubina was also able to gain a deeper understanding of 'Elevon', or 'Elron + Elevator', which Jen used this time.

"That was amazing, Master Jin's flight."

"Yeah, really"

Freddie and Greena were once again rebellious and impressed with the Jen technology they had witnessed.

As for the topic of dating, it is a whole colorless content, but we are both technicians, so it is not a problem. The point is that they are alike.

"I'd love to fly in the sky someday, too."

"Me too."

Greena in response to Freddie's words, but

"What, Greena hasn't flown in the sky on the plane she made yet?

And, surprised Freddie asked.

"Yeah.... I've tried flying a little bit, to be exact, but I've never been free like that"

"Really? Doing so..."

Freddie, after a slightly distant glance,

"If you like, why don't we develop it together?

and told Greena.

"Oh, good."

Greena's on board with that suggestion.

"All of a sudden it's too reckless to aim for the level of Master Jin, so I'd like to build the strength to make sure I can fly safely first"

"I agree."

So far, Greena is still better at magic engineering, but she thought she was going to be lined up and outrun soon when she kept going.

But that divides it as something I can't help it, and it's Greena who's content to have herself happy that her thinkers are going to add such strength.

It was because she had such a side that she might have spared Rubina a a favor in the 'Magicraft King/Queen' selection.

"Well, let's do it in Erdo Castle's workshop."

Of course, I would say no to Jen, but I don't think he would say no for those purposes.

"Yeah, fine."

Greena also rode with two replies.