Magi Craft Meister

through 65-20 dishes

Dopa Knowles, who finished eating the dishes made by fake Elena, bowed his head just a little.

"Lord Elena, it was delicious"

"... but this pussy? How did you make it?

Rokou Bee Sihalo seems doubtful too.

"I wanted to make Wuster sauce, but I couldn't help but make this one because I didn't get the ingredients."

and foreshadowed and fake Elena briefly explained.

"Made with tomatoes, onions, sugar, salt, pepper and vinegar"

There are other garlic and sea urchins that give it a deeper flavor, False Elena explained.

"Uhm, so much flavor with such ingredients..."

With surprise, Dopa Knowles gave a report to the Duke.

"Wow, I didn't know that woman could cook such delicious food..."

King of the Principality of Jags, Niestre Kirillo Jags was interested.

"... take the dishes to the rest of the place tomorrow night because you need something to eat."

And he wanted to try it himself.

"Yes, I understand."

"... if there were more ingredients, we could make a better dish, we could just let the 'Nostalgia' guys bring the ingredients too"

And the next 24th night.

"Well, is this the dish that the woman made?

"Ha. Something delicious, even if it's slightly cold,"

"Isn't that egg-roasted?

That looked like egg-roasted, no matter what I saw.

"said, 'Dashimaki Egg'"


That was the name of the dish that the Duke also heard for the first time.

"Have you eaten?

"Yes, I'm sorry. It was delicious."

Dopa Knowles lowered her head looking sorry because it was strange not to get her hands on that spot.

"Hmm, okay."

Wave to Eagle Deep,

"Which, try it"

And, cut into bite-sized pieces, he stabbed it in the fork and carried it to his mouth.

"Uhm... this is... yummy!

The ingredients for the dashi rolled eggs are eggs, sugar, white juice, mayonnaise and water.

Simply mix all the ingredients and make them as egg rolls.

The trick is to make sure the mayonnaise doesn't mix completely.

By the way, mayonnaise is not in circulation in the Principality of Jags, so Fake Elena used eggs and vinegar, vegetable oil and a few peppers to make mayonnaise.

Also, because of the lack of white juice, it fell a few steps below the original dashimaki egg flavor, but it still seemed tastier than the dishes you can taste in today's Duchy of Jags.

"Uhm... can we make this much with just the ingredients we have in our country..."

And the Duke notices.

"Hey, you've been eating something more delicious, haven't you?

"Yes, sir"


Though for the sake of investigation, the Dopa that he had eaten something delicious that he had never eaten and the Rokow Bee Sihalo that he had eaten all along seemed a little hateful to the Duke.

"... but we can't get it out of the 'tower'..."

Even as a king, I wanted to eat these meals every day, so I came up with an idea.

The morning of the 25th.

"Dear Elena, thank you very much."

"Ha ha..."

It was the royal cook who came to The Tower.

The Duke's proposal was to help Fake Elena cook and make her remember the recipe, and make her make the same thing in the royal palace.

Morning contributions are reproduced the following morning, day after day, and night contributions are reproduced the following night.

There may be some degradation in the cooking method, but I thought it could be covered there by the quality of the ingredients.

That's why the two cooks were supposed to go under fake Elena alternating for one day.

And this was an unexpected development, but also a good opportunity for fake Elena to decide.

I will kindly and politely teach the cook of the young man who came.

"Dear Elena, can you tell me how to make this' Ma 'an Nezu '?

"Yeah, that's fine. This..."

I have no problem teaching because it is a common recipe in 'conference countries'.

"If you do, mix a little mustard to taste"

"Hmm, I see"


"Dear Elena, this' dashi 'thing is amazing."

"It's similar to Von, but when you use it separately from the plant, animal, and seafood systems, it gives you depth in cooking."

"Ha ha, I see..."

And something enthusiastic.

The next day the same cook will come the next day to make the recipe learned here to the Duke.

And the day after that, that is, the 27th.

"Dear Elena, Regards,"

"It's been two days. Did you cook well?

Smiling and fake Elena asked, the cook dyed his cheeks a little and nodded.

"Yes! Thanks to you, Your Majesty was satisfied!

"Yes, I'm glad to hear that"

Fake Elena smiled and the still young cook dyed her cheeks more and more.

"Come on, what do you make today..."

False Elena throws a mild public discourse between these explanations.

"Have you cooked your Majesty's food long enough?


"Since when did you learn to cook?

and other seemingly intractable questions.

But the answers, "I've been cooking for five years," and "I've been a cook since I was ten," speculate that this cook is not being forced to brainwash, but rather undergoing educational brainwashing.

It is also through communication with these royal officials that we are able to obtain information.

They are all sent to Penglai Island by a built-in Magnetic Communicator (Manacam).

Old man gradually accumulated information about the Principality of Jags.