Magi Craft Meister
68-06 A little progress
"Leggles49-Terral" explained how Marchitas has turned this world from 300 years ago to recently.
"Hmm... was there such a person? Besides, I didn't know you were entering the Pandora continent."
In times Golbert Marchitas disappeared from the stage in 3770 of the Continental Calendar, and it was 3884 of the Continental Calendar that he reappeared by changing his name to Guigermo Marchitas.
"Tri" was discovered by Niestre Armazov Mercana in 3780 and stopped in 3790. There is no contact.
"I see there's a good chance that Marchitas and the ship they built..."
"Terrals" explained that there is "little" of all metal ships in this world, so "Tries" concluded so.
"… there is another possibility"
I also said.
"What's that?
"... the possibility that the beings who made me made me, This is how I am here, so it's not strange to have those ships left."
"Sure, that's right"
'Terral' also agreed.
"That naturally means the ocean on the north side of the continent, right?
It will be the sea on the south side of the continent that has "Leven Island" where they are now.
"Don't be."
"So, is the base a pandoor continent?
"Hmm, that's a big possibility. A 100-meter-class, all-metal ship is a long enough distance to sail."
The old man who heard this conversation, he thought about it.
The time when "Tri" saw the mysterious ship was just when Reiko and Penglai were sealed, and therefore Lao did not know the situation in detail at the time either.
Naturally, it's not a Penglai ship.
"Hmm..." Mysterious Ship "and" Masked Man "... you have too little information to guess if it has anything to do with it"
"The Masked Man" is the mastermind that instigated (or was it) the "three giants" of the executives of the "Revolutionary Party" who scratched the "Duchy of Mercana".
They named him Ivan Ivanovich, but it would definitely be a pseudonym first.
I call him the 'masked man' because it means he's always wearing a mask.
"You've got more mysteries..."
Nevertheless, the reason it is a 'mystery' is due to a lack of information. In other words, if we gather information, the mystery will cease to be a mystery.
That's why Old Man first thought about searching for the ship in the Peeping Telescope (peeper).
Now, in the Duchy of Jags, King Niestre Kirillo Jags was eating dietary dishes at 'Elena (Fake Elena)' in 'Tower'.
"Yum, it's delicious there"
"It's a dietary dish, so it doesn't taste as superb as before"
Due to the limited ingredients available, the salt that causes swelling, the high caloric oils, and the understated sugar that is the hallmark of carbohydrates, the flavor really drops by one rank.
"No, all this flavor is enough"
When the Duke was advised by the Devil's Brain (Brain), he was also taught a menu for diets, all of which were unsavory.
"Because we are devising seasonings and stock for less salt"
"I see."
By the way, this noon menu includes Japanese buckwheat noodles and "Stir-fried Mushrooms in Olive Oil".
Yesterday it was "Stir-fried Chicken with Lemon".
I honestly don't have enough as a duke because the number and quantity of items are also decreasing, but I divide it from there for a diet.
(The Duchess Queen says she's on a diet together, and surprisingly, she's strong will, isn't she?)
Elena (false Elena) is also secretly impressed.
This is also because the trusted "Brain of Demons" was threatened with premature death.
And the Advanced Regiment (Progressor) finally rowed to the point of trying to fix the arm distortion of "Age 1".
'Age 1' with Adamantite exterior and skeleton.
Ruberk Bassi, who calls himself the head of The Advanced Regiment (Progressor), was using engineering magic with a ball of sweat on his forehead.
"... 'Deformation (Forming)'!!... Ugh..."
One of the four warped arms appears to have returned slightly.
"Why is it so hard to fix this?
Rodriguez's question. Here, Rodriguez is doing the questions to 'Age 1' in bulk.
It's because the metal has the magic of stabilization.
That's right. "Toughening", "Hardening", etc. I mean, it makes them less susceptible from outside. "
"I see. Right. Hard to be affected means hard to deform by magic."
"But I wonder how skilled your producers have been, having done so much processing..."
"My creator would be the best in the world."
"... um, it's horrible because that doesn't sound daunting. Compared to that, we're like babies."
"... Lord Rodriguez, isn't that a little too demeaning?
Ruberk embarrassed Rodriguez, who likened himself to a baby, with a sinister face.
"No, no, it's important to be objective about yourself."
That's what my colleague Louis Hart told me. Ruberk looked even more like him.
"... right. My creator will be able to make 30 true balls of Adamantite at the same time. In less than a second."
"Oh my God!"
"... you're the earliest monster..."
Unexpectedly the truth leaked out of Ruberk Bassi's mouth.
'Age 1' heard that.
"Rude. My creator is not a monster."
Rodriguez apologizes as his representative in a hurry.
"Excuse me for this. I didn't mean to."
"Hmm. I hope you understand."
"Now proceed with the repair"
Um, please.
"… 'Deformation (Forming)'! …… 'Deformation (Forming)'! '
"" Deformation (Forming) "!" Deformation (Forming) "!"
Ruberk Bassi and Louis Hart used engineering magic alternately, and one of their arms was finally almost exactly where it came from.
Oh, thank you.
"... hah... hah... no, no, no"
"... it helped, then... good..."
Louis Hart and Ruberk breathe constantly.
That was the end of the day's repairs.