Magi Craft Meister

70-32 Agent

Jen D and Reiko found submarines at the base of 'Origin' in the northern part of the former Kingdom of Leonard.

The submarine also found two that were designed as "submarines" and one that appeared to be "Original" in order to have a torpedo type.

"From which do you want to find out?

"Well, let's take a look at the design of Original."


Even Jen, who is operating, was very interested in what kind of submarine 'Origin' was building.

And it attracted more interest in designs that appeared to be 'Original'.

"This is it, this. I don't understand the design. I guess it's the result of putting functionality first and the structure behind..."

The 'submarine' is, by analogy, an 'airplane type torpedo'.

The total length is about ten meters. However, the submarine called 'Submarine' is about 20 meters, so it looks pretty small by comparison.

Even though it is' airplane type ', it is similar to the so-called' skewer '(tandem wing aircraft) because the main wing and tail are about the same size.

However, from the front, there are wings growing up, down, left and right, so I can't say 'skewer'.

"I guess this put a lot of emphasis on silence and stability, and athleticism"

"What do you mean?

"Yeah. I haven't seen what the propulsion is yet, but the lack of screws and injection openings makes me think it wouldn't be a normal mechanical propulsion machine"

Jen D will answer Reiko's questions and provide explanations.

"Changing the angle of the front, rear, top, bottom, left and right wings changes the attitude of the hull, so we can change direction. This guy's about 10 meters long, so I guess he's relatively athletic."

Reiko raises further questions there.

"But if you use something like" Force Generator, "don't you need an extra protrusion?

"Yeah, that's right. However, that method consumes a lot of Free Magnetin (ether). Origin was sending Free Magnetin (ether) on Ars into space, so the level of Free Magnetin (ether) in the southern hemisphere would have been low at that time."

In other words, Jen said it would also be designed to look at behavior in areas with low levels of free magic (ether).

"... so this is also golem piloting... or it must be equipped with a 'control core'"

That would greatly reduce gear compared to having a human occupant.

Just as the 'submarine' found at the bottom of the sea was remotely piloted, Jen imagined that this one was also designed and built as an unmanned ship from the beginning.

"... wait...?

"What's up?

Looking at Jen D, who seems to have come up with something, Reiko raised a question mark.

"No, you guessed before, but I thought" Original Ancestors "was more likely to have been doing pseudo-battles on these" submarines. "

"... I don't know."

"I guess.... just the right opportunity, I'll leave Jen D's maneuvering to you, and I'll ask the 'Elder' a bit"

"Okay. Take care, Father."

"Yeah. 'Cause I'm taking' Reiko Mini '"

Therefore, when Jen deposited Jen D's manoeuvre with the old gentleman, he transferred to the facility of Mount Tahoka, where everyone in the "Jen Family" was conducting a dossier survey at the "Transfer Gate (Warp Gate)".

Jen headed straight to "The Elder," where he was researching historically relevant material for "Original Ancestors (Origins)" with Nege, Rouge and others.

"Oh Lord Jin, is something wrong?

"No, I was just wondering, to 'The Elder'..."

"What is it?

"The Elder" stopped reading the material and turned to Jen.

"Yes, there were also three unmanned submarines at the base of the former Kingdom of Leonard. They all seem to have a 'control core', so to speak, a golem submarine, about it."

"Hmm, go on"

"Yes.... The 'submarine' found at the bottom of the ocean the other day was remotely piloted. And what I found this time was manipulation by Control Nucleus (Control Core). Can we think of this difference as a difference between factions?

"Oh, you've noticed a good spot. That's Lord Jin. I guess you're right."

"I knew it."

According to the "elders" explanation, "pioneers" prefer remote manipulation, and "invaders" prefer manipulation by controlled nuclei (control cores).

"... one more thing.... Is it possible that that 'submarine' was used in a feud between factions... or a competition?

'The Elder' seemed impressed by this word of Jen.

"Uhm, the insight of Lord Jin, I'll be awed"


"That's right. I can't say for sure that I (I) am 100 percent, but it seems that 'masters' used to fight surrogates as part of their entertainment."

That's why the submarine was likely built for surrogate combat, "Elder" summed it up.

"In doing so, the shape that would be suitable for ambushing something under the sea..."

"Um, literally to ambush the other party, I guess"

"Is that what happened..."

Now you know the purpose of that triangle-shaped flat submarine.

Whether it was a competition or a quarrel, Jen thought it was an unexpected discovery of the "Original Ancestors", which he was not sure would be pacifist by now.

"You came to the resource-rich Ars, so you fell for it."

"... yes, maybe"

It was a 'elder' who laughed bitterly but nodded.

Jen decided to ask about the status of confirmation of the materials when he arrived.

"How about confirming the material?

"Um, that would be rewarding for me. Anyway, it's a precious asset my masters have left me."

"I guess so. But don't you know most of it?

"Sure. But it's still a pleasure for me to touch the footprints of my masters."

The amount of knowledge in "Elders" is tremendous.

Because it is a "man-made human (homunculus)" made by the Originals for such support purposes.

But when it comes to 'artificial human beings (homunculus)', there is both will and emotion.

Especially after more than 5,000 years, the "elders" were causing a sentiment of admiration for the "masters", the "Originals".

It is these opportunities that are revealed.

Even though Jen could understand it, he did not pursue it any further.

"... so I guess the new information is that the 'info plates' here are high grade,"

"High grade, is it?

In abstract terms, Jen asked back to parrot return.

"Right. Should we have a look at the real thing?"

'The Elder' said so, placing one information plate before Jen.