Magi’s Grandson

Original Magus


"Nah, what is that!?

The General must have seen the Magus for the first time.

I looked at Hao who turned into a magician and roared, and raised a very confused voice.

"Hmm, really... that..."

This is probably the first time I've seen Mr. Shaolin's magical hao, and he's trembling.

Looking closely, not only Mr. Shaolin but also Mr. Reefan were desperately trying to contain the tremors.

"Well, this is the first time the Shaolins have seen it. It's a monster... a magician."

"Ma, monsterization!? Humans!?

"Hey! What's up!? You know something!?

Unlike the soldiers who are trembling and are under pressure from the evil magic released by the Magus, we have fought with the Magus in a scattered way, and we will not be disturbed just because we now face the Magus.

I suppose you thought we knew something from that and your interaction with Mr. Shaolin.

The general shouted at us.

Ah, that's what humans have demonized!!

Mr. Shaolin shouted to the general at his own will, not our interpreter.

Monsterization!? No way... is that the culprit!?


I don't suppose Mr. Shaolin could understand what the General shouted.

This time, Mr. Shaolin looked confused.

"What is it? What about the general?

"Ah, well, when I said it was a monster, the general said it was the blame."

"The culprit? The sinner?"

"That's what I mean... why do you think the Magus is responsible...?

Mr. Shaolin taught me how to interact with the general earlier.

Why did the general say that?

"That's an interesting story. Unfortunately, time is running out."

When I saw Hao turned into a magician in the words of Aug, the roar that had been going on until now stopped and he stared at us.

Those eyes are bright red.

"Ah... ah... ah..."

That's not good.

Mr. Shaolin is swallowed by the evil magic of the Magus he saw for the first time.

My body doesn't seem to move because of fear.

"Sicily, can you get Mr. Shaolin back?

"I understand."

I entrusted Sicily with Mr. Shaolin and saw Hao again.

Hao, who had become a magician, smiled at the soldiers with his evil magic.


Oh, shit!

The soldiers are swallowed by the magic of the Magus!

Then the Magus attack will be irresistible.

With that thought, Hao unleashed magic on the soldiers.


The moment the magic landed on the soldiers, I stood between them and Hao and deployed the magic barrier in full.

Well, we made it!

"Stand back! Get your feet together!!

I say that to the soldier who is crawling in while preventing Hao's attack, but the soldier simply says, "Ah... ah..." and doesn't move at all.

Shit, I don't understand a word!

"Mr. Refan!!

"Ha!?" Hey, hey! Fall back! Your Highnesses are in our way!

Mr. Riphan, who understood my intentions, interpreted for me.

Then the soldiers who had been hardened by fear fled first.

I don't know about it as a soldier, but it would be good in terms of preventing a wasteful death.

"General, I'm sorry, but let me get out of here. That's good."

When Mr. Refan interpreted Aug's words, the general looked bitter.

"But... I will leave my country's problems to His Royal Highness the Prince of another country..."

"What if you're saying that? Besides, we have a long day to fight the Magus. I'm not going to take a step back."

Even more so, the general had a difficult face, but he finally gave up.

"... I see. I'll leave it to you."

"I've been entrusted."

The magic of Hao finally stopped when Aug and the General had finished interacting.

Hmm......? Ahhhhhh?

It must have been strange that no one was dead with the magic they had unleashed.

Hao tilted his neck before moaning.

"This guy... doesn't have any reason left."

This figure of Hao is very similar to that of the Magus I heard from my old grandfather.

There is no reason left, just moaning meaninglessly.

The magicians who have fought so far, Kurt was about half, but they all remained rational, so this look looks strange now.

I wonder if the original Magus is like this...

"Nice aaaaaaaaaaaa!!

While appearing as human beings, the evil magic drifts away, emitting meaningless words that have no shards of reason left.

Speaking of strength, rational magicians are overwhelmingly stronger, but I don't know...

"Ugh... I look like a person, but I feel stranger because my existence is completely a monster..."

Yes, Maria is right, this magician feels a more rooted fear just because she looks familiar.

Reasonable magicians didn't feel that way because they were no different from people except for their eyes and magic.

However, the Magus in front of us now takes the form of a man, but he doesn't behave as a man.

I'm sure that makes you feel strongly uncomfortable.



For the first time, Hao unleashed magic again in the gap where he was confused by seeing a magician who had lost his reason.

Not enough to break down the barrier, but we have to do something!

"Aug! What are we gonna do with this guy?! Can I take him down!?

"General! Oh, we can't turn back into humans anymore. Do you mind if I do?

Even though I became a magician, I was a human being from another country before I was brought to justice.

The Aug questioned the General when he wasn't sure if I could handle it.

The culprits are accustomed to fighting! I don't care if you kill me!!

A note came from the general.

Nevertheless, this is the courtyard of the emperor's residence.

You can't use magic to defeat Magus.

Well, then!


Remove the vibration sword from the different space storage and rush toward the magical Hao.

Before Hao unleashed his next magic spell, he cut it to pieces and threw it away.

Go...... ah......

When the sword flashed diagonally, Hao's body shifted diagonally.


With the sound of shuffling, Hao collapsed on the spot.

"Oh... ah..."

I didn't cut off my neck, so I was alive for a while, but eventually I couldn't move, and Hao was totally dead.


Even though he was completely weak compared to Strome, Zest, and Lawrence, this time the Magus was spiritually Kuru.

Even if it is in the same shape as ourselves, is it so disgusting when the contents become completely different?

I once again felt the fear of humans becoming magicians.

So I looked down at the hao I cut, and the aug stood nearby.

"Hmm. You've done the right thing this time. What's the matter with you?

That's the most rude thing I've ever said.

"You... this is the emperor's castle, right? There's no way you can let go of your magic in a place like that!

What the hell do you think I am?

We can fight to suit the situation!

"... Kurt's barley field"


I couldn't say anything back to Aug's words.

No, no... I don't know what happened to Sicily because she was targeted...

"Cha, you're really reflecting on it...?

When I said that I was afraid, Aug smiled with his nose.

"It's only natural. I can't take that for granted, so I can't always assume that I've learned common sense."


There was a noise.

I just can't say anything back!

"Well, for now, the series of disturbances is over. Then next...."

Aug said so, looking at the general and saying.

"What is the blame? Let me tell you around here."