Magi’s Grandson

Advice from Sin

"Hmm... quite a few"

Yuri muttered so as she turned the carnivorous dragon she had just crusaded into a different space storage.

Unlike Alice, who barely encountered carnivorous dragons, Yuri frequently encountered carnivorous dragons.

Crusade that carnivorous dragon using handmade magic props.

As much as I haven't converted magic into magic myself, it's less expensive, but it still gives me a sigh of sigh.

So much so that it was overflowing with dragons.

"I can't believe I'm this close to the village, it would have been dangerous if it had been a little late."

With that said, Yuri developed enemy magic.

Then I sensed a great amount of magic right around the corner.

Yuri looks at you in a hurry......

"Is Riu here..."


I met Alice, who shrugged like that with her unfocused eyes.

"A, Alisu!?

"Yuri... I didn't see the dragon...?

"Huh? What is a dragon... everywhere?

When Yuri said so, Alice looked around.

And when I look at Yuri just by the neck......

"You're not here..."

I said that with resentment.


To its so unusual appearance, Yuri felt terrified and accidentally screamed.

"What's wrong, Alice? Why are you so uptight?

"... that's it"

Alice told Yuri what had happened earlier.

Yuri, hearing that, sighed a lot.

"So it was decided to be so, huh? I can't argue with you when you say you used it to feed the carnivorous dragon."

"Keh, as it turns out, yes! In the first place, it's worse to faint so easily!

"So why use explosive magic to let herbivorous dragons escape?

"Why... would you be surprised if there was an explosion nearby?

"Well, that surprises me."

"I let some of them get away with it. He didn't run me in the direction I intended..."

Upon hearing Alice's words, Yuri made a suggestion to Alice in the face that she couldn't help it.

"Well, let's see how I do it, shall we?


"Yeah. I'm not as good at attacking magic as Alice, so hey. We have to work something out."

That's what Yuri said, unfolding the Enemy Magic.

"Ah. There's a few of them over there."

"This, the one a little away?

"Yeah. I don't know if it's a herbivore dragon until I go, but I've just been there."


Alice nodded so we both came to a place where we sensed magic.

"Oh, I was there. I knew it was a herbivore dragon."

"After all?"

"Yeah. Because it's a herd"

"Don't carnivorous dragons flock?

"I don't know if you've seen any carnivorous dragons in the herd so far."

When Yuri said so, she pulled out one cane that was stabbed in her hip holster.

"That's nice, isn't it"

"Ugh. Right? The guy in charge of leather goods at the bean factory made it for me."

When Yuri said so, she stroked the holster with her fingers with joy.

The face was oddly glossy.

"Heh... you look so happy"

"Huh? Ah, haha. Or because it looks good."

"... suspicious"

"Well, more than that, how do you let a herbivorous dragon escape, right?

"Something tells me you've been deluded... but here we go. So? How do you do it?

"Hehe. This is how we do it."

As Yuri waved her wand, a wall of dirt suddenly appeared in front of the grass-eating herbivorous dragon.


The herbivorous dragon that suddenly appeared on the dirt wall, and another herbivorous dragon that was surprised by it, also escapes simultaneously.

"It's not that way."

When Yuri waves the wand again, a wall of dirt just happens to appear in the direction he tried to escape.

The herbivorous dragon, blocked on the escape route, hurriedly flips and looks for the escape route.

Then I found a gap between the wall and the wall.

The herbivorous dragons succeeded in killing and escaping into the gap.

That direction is the direction where the habitat is located.

Yuri shrugged as she saw the herbivorous dragons fleeing.

"Looks like you're panicking, so I was wondering if you could go much deeper?

What Yuri has just done is the same way Singh used it: activate magic suddenly in front of him and let him panic and limit his escape route.

The only difference is between the type of magic used and whether it surrounds you all at once or gradually blocks your escape route.

Yuri took the method of gradually surrounding him because he could not exercise enough magic to surprise the dragon with as much precision as Singh.

And as I said unto Alice, they devise things.

Having seen this sight, Alice saw Yuri as impressed.

"Yuri, wow."

"Hehe. I'm not as magical as everyone else."

"But you know what? Don't you have to be flashy magic to just let them get away with it?"

"If you were Alice, wouldn't you be able to surround the dragons at once?

"That might be good!

Alice replied to Yuri gladly, feeling like she didn't have to stress because of Yuri.

"Well. We have to get to the next village soon, and let's do it next time."

"That's right."

The two unfolded enemy magic again to find the next dragon, finding a magical reaction that was solidifying at the same time.

"Oh? Does this mean it's solidified, herbivorous dragon?


"Bye. Let me do it next time!

"Hehe, that's fine."

Alice had figured out a way to let herbivorous dragons escape in any direction herself after seeing Yuri's response earlier.

The method was to surround the herbivorous dragons with the magic of fire, the same as the method of Sin, but the method could not be tested.


"Hey, Yuri"


"Earlier, you said the herbivore was the herbivore dragon, right?

"I told you."

"This... no matter what you think, it's a carnivorous dragon, right?


At the end of their gaze was a very small dragon compared to the dragon they had ever seen.

But its appearance was very similar to that of a carnivorous dragon I had ever seen.

Small, but carnivorous.

"Uh, hey, you know, hunting in a herd because your body's small?

"I guess so."

"So long."


"Guys, haven't you seen us?

"I'm watching you."

While Alice and Yuri had such a conversation, the small carnivorous dragon had locked them on.

The dragon, who recognized the two as prey, began to act.

There were dragons coming straight at us and dragons scattered around us.

"I'm not going to go around"

"Well, surprisingly, wisdom turns."

"Is that your hunting instinct?

"Either way."

Alice says so, activates magic.

This time it's a crusade rather than letting it escape, so I didn't hesitate to unleash magic on the dragon.

Some dragons were caught in the magic of the flames unleashed, but the smaller body dragons are as quick as they seem.

Several avoided magic.

"Wow! I was avoided!?

Alice stopped surprised and moved by what had happened in front of her, thinking that if she shot the big magic, it would be over.

The dragon has poked at the gap.


Alice was in a hurry to expand her magic, but a critical line to see if she could make it.

Alice was also the one who thought about fleeing over in jet boots, but I could hear a relaxed voice in those ears.

"Already. Wolford, if you see me like this, it's a sermon, isn't it?

That's what Yuri said, pulling another wand from the holster toward the attacking dragon.


It was a distracting hanging, but activated from the wand was the same flaming magic as Alice earlier.

But this one is pretty small compared to Alice's.

This means that the power is also reduced, but the activation time is short for that matter, and it can be fired continuously.

Countless flaming bullets fired from the wand.

Yuri fired at the dragon without setting a particular target.

Yuri's flaming bullets landed one after the other on the coming dragon, one by one, but surely they cut themselves off.

At the end of the day, part of the dragon's body was minced, clearly desperate.

"Wow... Egg..."

"Oh, shit, over here."

Ignoring Alice's whining, Yuri turned around with her magic fired from the tip of her wand.

There was another dragon that was about to go around, and the dragon was also Yuri's magical bait.

When Singh sees it, he says, "Is it a machine gun sweep?" It's a sight that could be penetrated.

Anyway, all the dragons that came under attack thanks to Yuri were defeated.

All that remains is a sight to behold.

"... can you take this, leather?

"Well... but I couldn't care less about that."

He didn't have that much room because he looked like he hunted lightly for it, but couldn't even leave his value as a material.

"Wolford, you'd make headshots in this situation, but hey."


I can only imagine, but I assured him that I could definitely do it just by watching all the Winged Dragons ended up with headshots.

"And you had a cane like that, too?

"That's for little enemies now. You can't do magic if you're quick."


"Well, I've got a lot of things for you to shoot at, and one big shot."

With that said, Yuri stroked some wands hanging in the holster.

"Yeah, that's great. You're all set."

I was impressed to say that, Alice, but it's a bitter laugh to be floating in the face of praised Yuri.

"I didn't even say that. This was your idea, Walford."

"Sin, yours?

"Yes. At first I just had all kinds of canes available like fire, water and dirt. Wolford advised me to split it by purpose."

"Oh, yeah."

Previously, all Yuri prepared during the Battle of the Demon King was the great magic of the power of each attribute.

But from Sin's point of view, there's no big difference in the damage done to the opponent, whether it's fire, dirt or wind, which is more powerful.

Then wouldn't it be more convenient to have the magic of great power in one and shoot out countless smaller magics, like now, or build dirt walls for defense? I advised him.

"I'd like to see it in your head for once, Singh."

"I agree with that. Wow."

Being that has pushed us to the top of humanity.

Using magic that no one could think of, its power only has the power to ruin the world without joking.

That was convinced in the battle against Strohm.

Alice said this in a mild tone, purely so, wondering what Sin's head always thinks.

"Surprisingly, it can be truly clogged with memories of previous life"

There is no seriousness in Alice's face to say so.

It's only a joke.

"All right! We're gonna find the next dragon. Whoa!

To the evidence, Alice quickly forgot that statement and began to deploy enemy magic to look for dragons.

But Yuri, who heard Alice...

"It could be."

I shrugged like that with an extremely serious face.

The voice didn't sound like Alice concentrating on enemy magic.