Magic Gems Gourmet

Wangdu Escape Battle [After]

"I hate weird jokes about brave men standing in front of demon kings"

But I'm not willing to fight.

"Mm, I have... just a little bit. Yeah. I'm gonna get Marr out of here and put that woman back in her cell."

"Unfortunately, it won't. I don't think my sister's weak, but I just need a little time."

"- Are you licking me?

A frightening wave of magic that will make your hair feel better.

Even when the warriors wanted to escape, Ain stood with a kellow face.

It is not surprising from the relative archet.

"It's weird. Looks like it's not Marl."

And I had my natural doubts.

Marc, whom she knows well, is brave, but not strong enough to show now. On the contrary, you should have been able to control it without any difficulty, as if you were still twisting the baby's hands.

"Did I look like someone else?

What the hell is this leeway?

However, even if I don't know the answer, it doesn't change my purpose.

"Mm, I can't see. But I don't know, but it's getting stronger. Marl now is like..."

It feels as if it was in Cain the first time.

If it was still the White Soldier War, I thought of my brother who couldn't win for sure.

"Can I take my time? I think Marco and the others are about to leave King's Capital."

"Uh-oh, no!

I know better, Mr. Archet. I'm glad to hear it.

That's her personality.

The straightness of being foolish was a vendetta, and he was only distracted by the signs Ain't in front of him.

Although this is both her virtue and her faults.

It was Ein's idea that an individual named Archet, who was only not on the run, could not be such a major obstacle.

Well put, it's pure, and I just said it's simple if you put it on a little bit.

"Sorry, I'm going to give you a chance to talk to me again after time."

That's what Ain said. Saw Archet.

Soon afterwards.

The gardens of Demon King Castle roared and the ground thrived greatly.

Eventually the roots of the tree, which is the reason, show themselves. A few tree roots and dozens of them, some very normal human, appear to envelop the arse.

"It's about the root of a tree. - Huh?

If you use magic, the roots of the trees can be burned.

but in no time, the next root appears to envelop itself.

"I don't know... ugh!

"I mean,"

But Ain't got as much room as usual.

When I thought about it for some reason, I expected it might be caused by insufficient amount of magic. My body is slightly heavier and more casual than when I used it in modern times.

I didn't think I could do this, and Ain ran off like a rabbit.

I can't stop hearing Archet on my back. She was throwing words that would stop Ein, but Ein never stopped.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

In the woods near Wangdu were the raviolas who waited one foot ahead.

And Marco and Shannon arrived under her just a few dozen seconds ago now.

"Wow... this is brilliant"

It was Marco who raised his admirable voice.

At the end of his gaze are a few Wyburns. There was a wooden box with chains attached to Wyburn's neck that seemed to last about a room in a private house.

"It's a vehicle I invented. It's a simple construction of having a few taught Wyburns ready to carry."

And, says Warren.

A short distance from them were Raviola and Beria.

Raviola keeps her back in the tree, and Beria stands next to it.

"... I think it's time."

"Lady Raviola? Can I help you?

"Marc told me before I got here. After the two of you rendezvous, it's fine with my senses, so I'll take care of the departure. I'm sure I'll be there soon."

Then she moved out.

I just checked the luggage on the carrier and start watching Wyburn.

"Are you leaving!? We don't need Marc yet!?

It's also a matter of feeling.

"It's okay. Because Marc will be here any minute."

"Hey, why so..."

"'Cause that kid never breaks his promise to me. It's just a betrayal that Marc trusts me and I don't."

Raviola could only afford to smile.

"So, see, you help me with my last move, too. Right?"

"... Yes, I did. Leave it to me."

Well, the Wang Du is still noisy.

The wonders and moods were exalted together, the reason for the noise that reached all the way to the forest.

A pleasure before the festival, or an unprecedented exaltation. Is nature and heart attracted to Ain, who is about to do great things?

I look up at the sky and laugh all the time, and Marco opens his mouth.

"But these Wyburns, how do you prepare them?

"Oh, if that's the case -"

"It's our Elf's stuff. I have prepared it for you, Master Marc."

"I see... but is it good? Not surprisingly, this act was seen by Ishtarika as an act of bow pulling."

"We have a problem. But we pledge our allegiance only to Marc."

You say that, or Marco fucking laughs that you sure did.

The head of the Elves in modern times follows and sees Shannon quiet right beside him.

"So I don't even care about your suspicions. But just in case you do something that betrays him..."

Shannon mocked himself for the word betrayal.

"Pfft... you're not supposed to do that"

"Oh, you're more honest than I was asking. What's wrong, sir? Were you even held in a love affair for being saved?

"I don't know. I don't know because I've never had such feelings."

I just can't deny that I don't hate Ein.

I didn't answer this because they weren't asking me this, and I didn't need to. That said, when I touched my hand with him when I came to the barn, I also felt my heart melted by its warmth.

At the same time, it's a moment of strong understanding that he's really on our side.

- Well, the trees in the woods rocked a lot.

After a brisk strong breeze for a moment, Ain's figure appears in front of him all together.

"Please wait!

"Master Marc! What about Master Archet......!

"I made sure I couldn't move for a while, and then I came running!

"Are you Makoto!?

It was not only Marco who was surprised, but all but Raviola.

"But talk to you later! Now we have to hurry and run!

"Marc! You're right, I've kept you in line!

"Oh, that would help! Then let's get in quick!

Everyone hurries into the carriage and Warren gives instructions to Wyburn.

It jumps up in no time and carries everyone into the sky.

The King's capital, which has more lights than usual, leaves.

Together, the joy of having managed to do as planned prevailed over the exhilaration of being in the sky. Some wiped the sweat off his forehead and for the first time in a long time he had a calm look on his face.

"... wow"

It was Shannon who accidentally exclaimed.

He sparkled his eyes at the countless stars that covered the pitch-black sphere, spilling nature and a glimmer of tears.

He was behaving like no one would see him, but Ain and Raviola looked at each other and gave him a gracious look.

"Hey, where are you going?

"I've already told Warren, we're heading southeast from here."

Over there, I'm sure it's easier to live in than anywhere else.

In addition, even if the chaser is released, it is at a distance that cannot be reached for some time.

"Momentum got us out of King's Landing, and we need to figure out what we're going to do."

"It was already... really sudden, wasn't it?

"I'm sorry. But I'll see what I can do."

For one thing, we need to have Shannon's punishment withdrawn.

Sometimes it's more important than anything.

(Win or lose, how do I decide?)

Come on. I want to make this clear, too.

It's odd that I don't have any clues, but I actually had some thoughts about the magnitude of the recent movements here.

(At least I didn't lose)

That said, the current move should be the right one.

Assuming it was right to take Shannon's life, Ain't already defeated. Then again, the current state of affairs is not moving incorrectly.

Instead, to say you haven't lost should be close to victory.

I'm also half-hearted about defeating Oz.

If that's the case, it won't be another difficult battle if you say so.

Will Lyle, the first prince to be conquered with genius, challenge such a battle? I don't feel different no matter how many times I think about it.

(What His Majesty didn't do... No, accomplish what he couldn't...)

This is going to stick, and that's all I can do anymore.

So, what is the subject of it - Ein accidentally hacked.

(Is that what you're saying)

Thinking about Ishtarika's history, I got to the answer.

This is all I have left. The only thing Marc, the first king, couldn't do.

Ain't realizing this couldn't stop Ein from laughing bitterly just thinking about the way to accomplish it.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

It's been awhile since I took off the King's Capital.

Already when the morning sun rose and the continent Ishtal was illuminated.

Awakened Ain opened his eyes to a warm and soft feeling that supported his own head.

"Is that it?"

"Are you awake? You can sleep in places like this a lot."

"... Huh!?

When I open my eyes, I have Shannon's face a few dozen centimeters away.

When I look around upset, I look at Raviola sleeping round my chest.

When you calm down a little and then turn your consciousness towards your head.

"Are you knee-pillow?

"You'll see."

"No, I know, but the question is, why are you doing that?"

"... nothing. I was just wondering because it seemed like a hard night's sleep."

If you look closely, what supports Raviola's head is the jacket Shannon was coming for.

"It's not fair to be alone with you."

"... for now. Thanks to you, I'm not even physically stiff."

"Yeah, you're welcome"

Then there was silence between them.

Everyone around them seems to be asleep, with no sign of waking up.

The only two people awake are Ain and Shannon.

Ein wakes up his body for now.

Then I put the cloth back on the raviola, and I get up. Then he took off his coat and hung it on Shannon's shoulder and nodded.

"It's cold in the morning."

"I'm good at cold. Even magic did, didn't it?

"Even so, I'm a little concerned that they're putting my shoulder out in front of me. It's not that I don't have a problem with my eyes, it simply makes me look cold."

"... Oh, thank you"

Fine, answer short. Ain't stopping at the end of the carrier.

"Looks like we're almost there."

Spreading under your eyes is a familiar terrain.

I don't see a building that looks like a building in this day and age, but when I'm here, I feel like I'm home.

"Is this the destination you were talking about?

"Yeah. It's the perfect place to run, it's the best place to spend it."

"Phew, you knew so well about this far away. Why?"

"Ha ha... there's a lot going on with me too."

Shannon, looking at the side of Ain who said so, accidentally lost his word.

Because I was blinded by the look on his face, which I chuckled all the time, and I just blurted out and looked at him.

"- This neighborhood is called Kingsland."

That's only the future.

Maybe Marc named it, but until Ain came here, it must have been an anonymous land.

But Kingsland, the future capital of Kingsland, was certainly here.