Magic? Muscle Is Much More Important Than Such A Thing!

Sixty-six stories. When you grow up, a lot of people lose bugs.

Phyllia's cold healed, so we both took a guild request.

Sometimes it is a sickness, and it is a light request of the C-rank.

Request details include securing demons to pet.

For that reason, Phyllia and I were waiting for the demon in the woods.

"Hey Phyllia, don't move. It can be grass."

I give that instruction to Phyllia beside me.

The demon of purpose doesn't show up yet, but he prefers the waterfront.

So if you're hiding in a bush near the water's edge, it should come eventually.

"Yu, Yuri. I'm ticklish..."

Phyllia leaks dissatisfaction.

Apparently, I find it intolerable that grass rubs on Filia's sensitive white skin.

"Patience. If they find out, they won't come any closer."

"Ugh...... It's itchy......"

Phyllia manages to endure with boredom.

While Phyllia was being patient, I decided to look for the target demon.

However, it is not convenient to find them, but time passes while they remain hidden in the bush.


And suddenly Phyllia raises her voice.

When I saw it, there were several small bug demons stuck to Phyllia's body.

"Oh, it's coming up!? Yu, Yuri, bugs are coming up as they wander through my body......!

"Don't put it in such a sad way. Come on, Phylia."

"No more..."

Feelia shakes her head without force as she sifts.


At that moment, the demon of purpose came to the water.

The name of that lizard-like demon is Nigetokan.

It's not particularly strong, but it's a demon that's probably hard to catch because of its habit of using wind magic to escape to the sky at high speeds independently of its own will when it feels in danger.

But there's no way you can catch me.

"Whoa, whoa!

I approach Nigetcan with a loud voice.

Nigetkan escapes to the sky with wind magic, but I walk through the air and chase it, successfully capturing it.

On the way home from the woods, Phyllia follows Tobotobo and me in such a way as to quench her mind.

"It has been defiled…………"

"My clothes."

It seems that the demons that were wrapped around Phyllia's body had the habit of scattering fluids for marking, and Phyllia's clothes became patterned when the portions remained green.

"I'm shocked..."

"You don't have to be depressed like that, you can fix it right?

Anyway, if it's torn, if it's just dirty with body fluids, it should be clean enough with life magic.

Hearing that, Phyllia leaned down and raised her face.

"Ah, that's right. Clean it up. …… now!

"Well, good for you."

Looks like Filia's mood has been fixed with her clothes, and most importantly.

"But I will never take this request again. It's enough for once to think like that. My clothes are dirty."

Phyllia speaks with a hard expression.

Apparently, it was a rather unpleasant experience to get caught up in worms.

But I enjoyed it inside. I don't usually do covert behavior, so it was fresh.

I think it would be nice to make a request like this once in a while.

That's how I open my mouth.

"Really? I'm having fun."

"My clothes are dirty, too. Shh!

"That's right. Okay, I'm not taking it anymore"

Pushed by Phyllia's temper, I gave up taking this request from now on.

"Good luck. Request complete."


Reporting that we have completed our request to the Alliance, we intend to return to the Inn.

and then a new adventurer came to the guild.

Red smooth twin-tailed hair like ruby, twitchy eyes with a feisty look, and half pants.

There is only one such adventurer as far as I know. It is Ashley.

Ashley looks at Phyllia and his face shines and shouts out.

"Sister Phyllia! You were here!

"Ashley. I'm just leaving."

Ashley running over to Totetote and Phyllia.

"If you were here, tell me. If I'd known, I'd have flown in."

"I'm sorry."

Phyllia has Ashley's head.

Ashley closed her eyes and accepted it feeling good.

"Phyllia, if my sister could work with me, she'd be the strongest."


"I'm the strongest."

"You two would never lose to muscle lilies!

What? Are you going to fight me again? Besides, now you two are together...?

"Set the date, time and place quickly! My hope is here and now!

"Mr. Yuri, please don't wuss. I won't fight."

What, you don't fight? I'm disappointed.

"Well, we're leaving now, then."

"Uh, too bad. I'll see you again, won't I?

"Of course, again."

We break up with Ashley and leave the guild.

"Ashley, you're cute, aren't you?"


I don't think it's a bad one, but I think it's rather busy than cute.

"Isn't that cute? I wanted to be my friend at first, but it kind of really made me feel like my sister."


Well, it's nothing good if the admired Phyllia thinks so.

Nothing harmful to me, either.

When I returned to the inn, I watched the city from the upstairs window.

People are moving at all costs compared to Mussenmorgues. Jeep seems to be the heart of the economy around here.

"What shall we do tomorrow?

Feelia asked me as I sat back in the soft bed.

"I want to train for a while from tomorrow without taking any requests. How's Phyllia?

"That's right...... I'm going to blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

At first it was an exploratory exploration, Phyllia also recently learned to treat the wind god.

After all, the results of my special training with Ashley seemed significant.

Speaking of Phyllia, "Wind God" is also an impeccable ability, but what I thought was more powerful than that is "Transparent".

They can see the ability and magical aptitude of the other person just by looking them in the eye, plus what they think.

Don't be too strong and funny. Can even a strong dual (dual) person possess such abilities?

In order not to beat Phyllia, I have to work out more.

"Tomorrow's a different day, then."

"That's right."

Finishing the conversation, I start the muscle trap.

Phyllia moved from bed to her desk and started writing something.

Ever since he left the elves, Phyllia seems to be rebuilding the theory of magic he handles again.

Muscle magic doesn't require a theory or anything, so I don't know, but when I look at the fact that magic is gaining ground these days, the results seem to show.

I can't lose, either.

Before sunrise, I leave the inn without waiting for Phyllia to wake up.

I want to take the new moves that I've come up with recently to the practical stage.

"What we need for this is cardiopulmonary function. And we'll work out."

Out of the city, out.

The area around the city is maintained so there is no need to worry about demons.

I pushed my legs further. Gradually, the ground becomes more uneven, and the public streets become less numerous.

"Can I come from around here?"

I made sure there were no people around, and I started walking. The minimum target is a thousand kilometers a day.

"Whoa, whoa!

Indeed, for three days, I continued to run even at a rate that was inconspicuous to my eyes as I rolled up the sand smoke.