"Aurai! Olay! All right, stop it!

Khan Khan and the sound of hitting Tonkachi from nowhere echoes.

Already a few days after Kreutzl's recapture. Restoration of the base was now taking place on a rapid pitch.

During the battle, we tried to minimize the damage to the base, but there was still magic and artillery outbursts. The aftermath of the Abnomulet explosion, the winding up caused by the fall, has caused many buildings to collapse, leaving the ground full of holes.

Now, the soldiers who can move are doing the restoration in total.

Thanks to day and night work, the holes in the road have been filled all the way and the debris has been pulled aside, recovering to a condition that is fine if to the extent that carriages and magic guides run, but it is still going to take some time to repair the collapsed buildings.

Though the date and time of completion is still to be determined, soldiers who are removing rubble said it would be possible to repair it exceptionally quickly compared to before thanks to Abnomulet.

"Repair and maintain the base for a while."

"Right. There's also a survey of the surrounding villages, right?

Anjou, walking next to me, answers as he looks up at Abnomulet, who is leaving the rubble.

"That's right. Looks like they were putting out a lot of extensively abnomulet, and quite a few villages have been destroyed and looted. The princess also had a head that she might not have enough rations."

"You're making additional requests to Wang Du, aren't you?

"But there's no infinity over there, and money is finite. It costs money just to fight a war, but if you use it further, your finances could collapse."

If it's a war that takes territory from here, there may be things you can cover with income from the territory you took, but what you're doing now is a recapture fight. There's nothing you can take away, and everything you take back is worn out. It is a vain war in which all gold flies.

"Oh well. Speaking of which, the support maid also asked me to keep the food consumption down. You're wasting as little as you can, but honestly, you're pretty tough."

"It was originally a battlefield dinner premise."

Support-made cooking requires satisfying soldiers' bellies even in situations of low food on the battlefield. So cook for nothing so you can put some finite ingredients in your belly.

You know, even if they ask you to reduce waste, you can't do it.

"Well, if I have to, I'll collect the surrounding weeds and stuff. I'm well taught that."

"I'll let you put an aluminum on it then. I'm guarding the neighborhood, and I'm not so tight on the gutter that I can't get out."

Even if the support maid being collected is attacked, the morale of the army, mainly the face of the Armunale squad, will collapse. It's an army idol. We have to protect it.

"Thanks. But Eldo, aren't you busy either?

"Our squad is on vacation for a while. There's no reason to use the Armunale for chores at the base. It's too costly."

"Oh well. Then maybe we can slow down for a while."

"Probably vacation for about a month. There's gonna be a next ops meeting or something."

We've only recaptured the second line of defense base yet.

If we don't reclaim the First Line of Defense camentoria further east from this base, we can't say we've reclaimed the country.

"Doesn't Master Ines intend to return to the King's capital?

"Sounds like you'll stay on the front line until you get Camentoria back. Well, going back to King's Capital doesn't mean you're perfectly safe than having Avila Bomb, and you can't insist on going back."

"Oh, you just got raided. But you're also reviewing the security system, aren't you?

"Sort of. But there are limits, and honestly, it's safer to have them hidden in the villa."

"Master Inez seems to hate you the most, doesn't he? I'm alone in a safe place."

"That sort of thing."

Looks like the princess is still motivated and thinking about her next operation.

Now it looks like we can attack with a positive offense by a large force, not a handful of elite assaults, like Kreutzl.

Exactly. Now there seems to be no unscrupulous operation for a few elite special attacks.

Well, we can't do it alone in Camentoria, naturally. Anyway, the other side has more than Kreutzl's resident troops and people who have fled Kreutzl. I can't deal with that number, either.

"So, Eldo, where are you headed now?

"Oh, didn't you follow me, knowing that?

"Eldo, I just came after you because I saw you walking."

Angus strangles me every time I say what's normal.

I was wondering if you were here to support what I was going to do.

"A few days after the battle, the soldiers are starting to loosen their minds. If you want to pull it out as much as you do, don't you think we shouldn't have a level of disregard for military rules?

"Is something wrong?

Angus becomes the face of battle mode.

I grinned and pulled Angus's cheek with such a serious expression.

My cheeks stretch a little to the fu and Angus' expression breaks down. The dumb face is pretty cute too. You know, this is my wife!


"You're not such a jerk. Just put in a light live before it gets too loose and that's it. Well, there's an idiot trying to escape, so I'll catch him and give him some guidance."

When I take my hand off Angus' cheek, Angus quickly catches that hand and rubs it against my cheek.

"I see. Then I just have to catch the one who ran away!

"That's the thing. Please."

"Leave it to me! I'm confident no one can beat you in the White Soldier War!

We're going straight to the building where we want to be.

That's one of the tents in the base exterior where the soldiers' temporary quarters line up.

It's set up to be surrounded by other tents in the corner, as if they're avoiding people.

"That's it."

I can see signs and shadows of people from the tent. I hear the target people are inside.

Sometimes I hear laughter and screaming, and I'm quite suspicious if I'm willing to hide it. Well, I guess that means you're all enthusiastic.

We approach the tent with care not to make any noise. Then the voice inside was also heard gradually and clearly.

"He said he could go again."

"Is it time to be tough? I'm already broken."

"That would be nice."

No, it's exciting.

"Eldo, what is this?"

Angus was frowning when he listened to the leaking audible voice.

Yeah, it's pretty dangerous to just ask here, isn't it? But don't worry, there were no women in the prisoners.

I'll put my hands on the tent entrance and lift the cloth.

"Ooh, Ritz, can you win?

"Oops, my big win today..."

"That's good"

There were three soldiers inside.

One of them is our familiar face. It is Mr. Ritz.

Mr. Ritz looked back slowly at me and looked at my face and solidified.

The polories and cards fall out of its hands. The other two, they look at me the same and they're hardened.

"Can I ask you what you're beating?

"Haha, Captain Eldo, no. I'm just winning."

Mr. Ritz answers with his eyes right and left, sloppily sweating cold sweats.

In the military, you're free until you play the game, but you're not allowed to bet hardware there. And now before them are cards and a thousand chip coins. Yeah, he's an active criminal, isn't he?

Angus is also sending a chilling glance at the people in the tent next to me. It wasn't what I imagined, but I guess I'm frightened in a different way.

"Right or right. So, how much are you betting?

"It's a thousand chips a game."

"I see you're keeping your forehead down."

A thousand chips would be enough for the soldiers. Well, to that extent, I'd have a lot of bosses to look at.

But unfortunately, I'm tough.

"Right. What's going on?"

"Captain, what are you doing here? Take it easy!

"It's been a long time since I've been off! I've been working on all the base repairs lately!

"Please! Please, just spare me the punishment!

It is also a beautiful dungeon.

Well, it's not like I don't understand what they're trying to say either.

I've been rigorously trained to be a soldier and wondered if I finally had the opportunity to be active, when it comes to removing debris and transporting dirt when it comes to what I'm doing. Well, I don't like anyone.

"Hmm, then, Mr. Ritz"


"Here you go."

I took it out of my pocket. I'll put my finger around it and give it to Mr. Ritz.

I rushed to get it. Confirmed that, Ritz pulled his cheeks together.

"Ten thousand chip coins... what do you want me to do with this?

"If you want to bet, make it at least. So, the guy at the bottom is to help repair the base. If you want to take this, I'll miss you."

"Oh, that's..."

Come on, what do you guys do?

The multiplier jumps tenfold, making a lot of money once you win. But the moment you get to the bottom, your vacation disappears, forcing you to do troublesome manual labor.

You'll enjoy more thrilling bets. If not, it's a good thing we don't have to fight.

"Doh, what do we do?



Faces fascinated by the coins in front of you. Yeah, this is going to work for the rest of us.

"Tell the others. Just follow the rules and I'll miss you."

"Got it!

"Ah, Mr. Ritz will clean the hangar later."


You need a moderate breath, but if you have a crew of your own, you have to punish them for once. It's not a sin without sin, but it's a sin with sin.

I abandoned myself, Mr. Ritz betting on the chip, and I followed the scene with Angus.

Obard Imperial Capital.

One man was kneeling in the midst of a huge sight of the castle.

It wraps around a luxurious cape and is decorated with several medals on its chest.

The armor, made exclusively for decoration, is adorned with jewels everywhere, shining in the light of the chandelier.

Sitting on the throne in front of a kneeling man is the sixteenth emperor of this country, Gandroyce Bijlberg Obard.

Only the air that is released despite just sitting back, if it is a regular person, it is a trembling, even warriors of war trembling.

Even the soldiers of the Kingsguard standing around desperately enjoyed his limp in the atmosphere.

In that, the man kneeling releases his words.

"Kansas Otte Dilberia, Knight of the Eight Empires. Upon His Majesty's summons, I am now at your service."

Eight knights. Its title is a testament to the strength given to the eight strongest men in the Empire.

Power is the empire that proves its status, and that proof is precisely the proof of power after the emperor.

And at the same time, the proof is also a sign of trust from the emperor.

"Well done, Kansas. Easy."


Stand up in His Majesty's words and face the Emperor.

The combined emperor's expression could not be described as being in a very good mood. So Kansas somehow guesses why he was summoned.

When the Emperor is in a bad mood, it's when the invasion isn't going well. And if the Knight of the Eight were to be summoned on purpose, it would be a corresponding matter.

That means the battlefield can be given.

"Kansas, have you heard that the Kreutzl of our occupied kingdom of Faithal has been recaptured?

"Yes, I have heard from the Intelligence Department. Anything like a shipmate reaper appeared."

If he is also a Knight of the Eighth General, a variety of information is given priority. Of course there was information about the reaper of the ship's arms in it.

The left arm is like an iron pole, and the reaper manipulates another weapon with his right arm.

An anomalous aircraft that broke into the base with just a few armunares and recaptured a sentencing base that massively destroyed the Empire's fuselage.

Besides that, there was content written there that made me want to doubt if it was true, such as shooting out the cockpit from out of range or moving as if it were a bend.

But it's a piece of material compiled by the Empire's brilliant intelligence department. First of all, there can be no such thing as lying in things that even show the emperor. This means that everything is true.

And it's a call at this time.

Nature and strength in your arms.

"Um, the existence of hunting many Armunales in our country with one of its arms, such presence is rumored among the soldiers and shaded by morale. It is common for fear on the battlefield to talk about facts twisted and exaggerated. But it's not good that the rumors keep spreading. Don't get it."

"Of course I am."

"Then one Imperial Eight General knight commands Kansas. Eradicate the rumor. Stick the poison fangs of the Empire up to the lion with his fangs out."

"I only accepted the decree. There's one Knight of the Eight, Kansas, in Otte's name. Let's see how it all ends the way His Majesty wants it."

"I expect"

That's what the emperor left behind, leaving the room behind.

Dropping it off, Kansas, left behind, gripped his fist hard, trembling in small pieces.

With a fierce grin on its face, letting the hairs roll to see the kind of struggle that stands upside down.

Gandroyce, the emperor who returned to his chamber after a glimpse, rang the bell on his desk twice small.

Then a black shadow emerges from nowhere.

"Your Majesty, and?"

"Kansas would be fine, but I'll have insurance just in case. What number can you move now?"

"It will be number five and eight that you can move quickly in individuals with finished adjustments. I was wondering if number eight would be appropriate for insurance."

"Then use number eight. If you let Camentoria get confused, it could be of some use"

"Yes, sir."

That's all the black shadow left to disappear into the blink.