Main Character Hides His Strength
41. City on the River (2)
Beyond the door, I saw drunkards laughing and chattering.
As you pass the drunkards, you see a shining chandelier hanging from a high ceiling.
When I think of an object that doesn't fit well with the whole ugly place, a musical chord that makes a loud noise next to me passes by.
A band member looks at Sung-cheol Kim, but then he smiles and looks away first.
Where the band disappeared, you can see the numerous tables and chairs and the various people sitting on them arranged in line with heat.
Chairs and tables are secured to the floor with large ponds. I didn't think I knew why.
Drunks are fisting on a table far away, and spectators standing around are betting money.
“Wow, here. This is the worst bar I've ever seen. ”
Bertelkiah shakes his head in his pocket.
Kim Sung-cheol agreed.
‘It will be hard to find a more suitable place for the whole continent. ’
Kim Sung-cheol sat down to find an empty table and looked around for a moment.
You have eliminated those who appear to be in danger first.
If there is a gathering place of this many people, there must be a human empire, or a tribute or two guards from the top of Panchuria.
Soon, Kim Sung-cheol caught his dirty and grim eyes.
They were sitting on a terrace on the second floor overlooking the entire large hall and sipping beer.
There are six of them. There are three trillions of them, two of them, and the atmosphere is looser, so the boundaries are looser.
They were more passionate about their partners and gambling than they were about observing, and occasionally they would cast cautious glances whenever there was a commotion in the tavern.
Kim Sung-cheol subsequently observed several military stations in the tavern.
I especially looked at the behavior and words of those who looked like regulars.
After some observation, Kim Sung-cheol approached the tavern owner and placed a natural order.
“Huh? I've never seen your face before. First time here?”
“I came by once three years ago. I'm disappointed you didn't recognize me. ”
“Oh, I see. Yeah, whatever. What can I get you?”
Kim Sung-cheol asked the owner to prick a little tip while ordering the right liquor and food.
“I need some information that's worth a fortune, by the way. ”
“I don't deal in that sort of thing. But if there's an Elven bandit sitting in the corner, he might know something. ”
The owner introduced Kim Sung-cheol to a member of the bandit guild.
Kim Sung-cheol swallowed a dish and headed for the bandits.
[This dish scores 13 points.]
I couldn't say the store's cooking was delicious.
“I've been introduced. ”
Kim Sung-cheol was talking while rinsing his mouth with poisonous liquor.
The thief stared at Sung-cheol Kim with cold eyes, but the tale soon flowed to the foursquare thanks to his skilled actions.
There were three main types of information Kim Sung-cheol wanted from the thief.
One is the Jundong of the Seven Heroes.
A rogue guild with a fast network of information across continents can gain external information relatively quickly even in remote regions.
The Elven Bandit added his thoughts, saying that he had yet to show the Seven Heroes how to do this.
“No matter how brilliant the Seven Heroes are, they won't be able to move into the city. They're all looking forward to the appearance of the seven heroes with their eyes wide open. How dare one reveal himself? At that time, a larger punitive force will be formed on the spot than the world's enemies. ”
When the Demon King strikes a change, the uninterested interests remain vigilant as his bowl is threatened.
It's a funny and sad story when you look at it from a distance.
Next, Kim Sung-cheol asked 2 more questions.
The remaining two questions were a myth about the sazatos passed to the region and a legend about the multitude of lords. When it comes to double lexicography, he carefully selected words that could be similar or recalled without direct reference.
Unfortunately, the Elven Bandit knew nothing about the two.
Instead, he pointed to the old man in a corner of the tavern who was making a scene against the waitress.
“I'm the one who came in. I don't know about history, but that old man might know something. ”
He said, fearfully, the old man was beaten by a young and sturdy man and fell on the table like a frog.
The cool gaze of the watchers sitting on the second-floor terrace turns toward you, losing interest and returning to its original position.
“I think it used to be a civil society veteran. I've published several books. ”
After the watcher's gaze was taken, Kim Sung-cheol approached the old man.
As I approached, I smelled a rich, cheap liquor.
“You can't scratch my skin with a fist hit by a man under 100! ”
Unlike a confident horse, the old man's nose is dripping with nosebleeds.
Kim Sung-cheol gave him a piece of cloth and talked to him.
“I hear you're familiar with the history of this place. ”
“History? In Panchuria? There's nothing historic in a boardy city like this. Do you think there's a history in caves where bats are full of shit and filth? ”
The old man seemed to be out of his mind.
Kim Sung-cheol left him alone for a moment and stared back.
It was because the tavern suddenly became quiet as if it had been filled with cold water.
A group of human-like creatures came through the door of the tavern.
The head of the snake, the fluttering tongue, and the flaky scaly human body that sits under it.
It is known as the people who built their own world and powerful kingdoms in the vast marshes and forests beneath which the Blade Screams Mountains originated.
“Wow... Lizardman. I've never actually seen it before. ”
Vertelgia holds out her head out of her pocket, unable to conceal her surprise.
I had never seen Kim Sung-cheol so close to Lizardman.
Kim Sung-cheol's brain suddenly reminded me of an old vision.
“I don't know if you know this, but Lizardman is building the most perfect society in the world. I hope someday you'll go to the Great Forest and see for yourself. How well they live in harmony, in harmony. Humans can't even imitate it. ”
The young man who spoke with a fierce voice, looking away, later became emperor.
Are these the Lizardmen you can't stand? ’
Kim Sung-cheol stared at the Lizardman who entered the tavern, scattering his memories of the past.
Armed with armor, the Lizardmen casually step in front of the counter and place their orders in a loud voice.
“Here's one special mil-worm. I sprayed it all over Sancho. ”
“Give me a fresh head of horses. Donkey's head is fine. ”
“A glass of spirit with calf blood. Shake it off without stirring it. ”
Unlike what it looks like, spells are inspiring.
The tavern clerk reaches out a bowl with a grill that is familiar to the Lizardman.
A bowl of condensed wood is filled with living, writhing wheat worms.
The clerk graciously tucks the fruit of the reef into the wheat worm and gives it to the armored Lizardman.
“Here's the mil-worm special sprinkled with Sancho. ”
Lizardman stared at the bowl for a long time and carefully swayed his tongue.
Lizardman slaps the table hard.
“This is a three-year-old mil-worm. I don't eat anything but a four-year-old milworm. Put him on the phone!”
Looks like you have a taste for worms.
The clerk is troubled and convinces Lizardman that there's nothing else.
Lizardman grunts and eats the wheat worms together with the ground from the ground.
“Ugh... What's the difference between a three-year-old caterpillar and a four-year-old caterpillar? You're gonna eat it all eventually! ”
However, the appearance of the Lizardman caused the atmosphere to cool for a while.
The reason people fear the Lizardman is simple.
Because Lizardmen are strong.
They are blessed with strong body, resilience and disease resistance from birth, and have sharp teeth and muscle tails that humans don't have.
Moreover, the strong belief that every event of life has been predetermined since birth has made Lizardman warriors fearless.
Therefore, there is nothing good about being quarrelsome.
Kim Sung-cheol observed the Lizardmen for a while and concluded that he was no different from humans.
‘I don't know what's different. ’
Kim Sung-cheol took a sip of liquor and looked around.
There was a group of noisy men and women nearby.
It looks like a typical hunter, but it appears to be a small rodent that doesn't fit the size of the game.
The remains of the beasts that appear to have been caught today are on the table.
‘Is that a carbunkle? ’
I've never seen a living one, but I've seen a few with leather or crafts.
In a word, a beast.
What looks like a relative of a squirrel has a jewel on his forehead that's bigger than an eye and uses magic through it.
It is known that the only enchanted animal that can't speak is the Carbunkle.
Once an animal that was easily found in forests all over the two-dimensional world, but beautiful light and symbols and gems left indiscriminately because of the magical power of the forehead, are now known to be almost extinct. It seems that there was a habitat near the Blade Scream Mountains.
“ ……. ”
Kim Sung-cheol was not really a natural conservationist, but it did not feel good to see the precious animals dying like that and lying around miserably.
Bertelkia, on the other hand, looks at the corpse of the Carbunkle and says in an excited tone.
“Wow, it's a bundle decision! That's a very rare alchemical ingredient! I have a lot of money. Why don't we make a deal? ”
Kim Sung-cheol got up and headed for the hunters because he was reluctant, but hard to find material.
All six of the bodies on the table were carbunkled.
One of the hunters looked back as Kim Sung-cheol was prowling behind him.
Kim Sung-cheol immediately said something.
“Can I buy a buncle crystal? ”
“Carbunkle crystal? ”
The hunter looks up and down at Kim Sung-cheol.
Distant from shabby outfits and suppleness.
There were no prominent accessories.
However, I soon saw a mysterious golden brooch looking into the corner of my coat and changed my mind about the hunter.
“This is a bit expensive. How much do you have? ”
In the hunter's question, Kim Sung-cheol took out a pure gold coin and placed it on the table.
A man opened his eyes.
He was the old man who spilled his nose drunk.
The hunters, on the other hand, reacted violently.
They shook their hands and chased away the old man who was sticking with their mouths open, then shot at Kim Sung-cheol sharply.
“I don't have enough for one. ”
Then Kim Sung-cheol said in a low voice.
“There's nothing good to brag about here, right? Tell me how many more you need. ”
The hunters who understood Kim Sung-cheol's words suddenly smiled at him again.
After a short conversation, the terms of the transaction were established.
3 Carbunkle crystals for 20 pieces of Doubloon.
The other three unfortunately appear to be cheaper than the price sold to Kim Sung-cheol for a noble quest.
“You want to break your promise, but if you want to eat here, you can't disturb him. ”
The hunters separated the crystals from the Carbunkle's corpse and presented them to Kim Sung-cheol.
Kim Sung-cheol took the decision and handed over the gold coins, feeling the stink of blood.
The hunter who received the Doubloons took off his gloves and checked the feeling and sensitivity of the Doubloons.
A hunter checking for gold coins flashes a familiar light on his hands.
Lee Jae came to mind in Kim Sung-cheol's eyes.
‘Isn't that a Blue Stone Ring? ’
A blue stone ring that was unknown for its use.
Although the quality of blue-stone seemed to fall significantly compared to Kim Sung-cheol's.
“What's that for? ”
Kim Sung-cheol asked.
“This? It's just a good luck charm. ”
The hunter replied dry.
Kim Sung-cheol also checked the hands of other hunters.
There are two people who have taken off their gloves, but they are not wearing rings.
‘Is it a simple coincidence? ’
Hunters who finished checking the gold coins lightly slapped the table while Kim Sung-cheol was thinking.
“I've checked everything. I hope we make another good deal next time. ”
That concludes the deal.
Kim Sung-cheol returned to his seat and placed the carbunkle crystals on his desk for Bertelgia to see.
“Hmmm. It's a prize. That's enough. We're a little short on numbers, but don't you think there's enough to make one? ”
“Golems. Golems. Or a golem.”
Vertelgia vibrates heavily in her pockets as if she feels good.
Kim Sung-cheol pressed down on Bertelkia and asked while calming down.
“Golem's main ingredient? ”
“Yes! A real golem, not a cheap forgery! ”
Speaking of that, a man wandered around in front of Kim Sung-cheol.
When I saw him with someone, I was a drunken old man who had been beaten to death by nosebleeds.
Kim Sung-cheol coldly said.
“What do you need? ”
The old man felt his heart sinking during his life as Kim Sung-cheol shot him, but he spoke with courage through the strength of the drink.
“Earlier, you asked me about the history of this city. ”
Kim Sung-cheol sat down to reform his posture while putting the bunkle crystals into the soul warehouse.
The old man's bloodshot eyes flourished.
‘I can't believe you have a Soul Storage... This guy. You must be very rich! ’
The old man wipes the flowing saliva and speaks.
“I don't remember being drunk before, but I definitely remember being sober now! ”
I don't really trust it.
However, Kim Sung-cheol took out his blue stone ring that was in his pocket as a test because he knew that anyone could break it.
“Do you know what this is for? ”