Main Character Hides His Strength
86. Merchant King of the Back Alley (2)
Despite the fate of disaster all over the continent, at least in the harbor it sounded like a story that might exist in another world.
The streets were packed with tons of people and lively merchants everywhere were eager to sell exotic goods purchased from all over the continent.
I couldn't find any fear of disaster or fear of war on their faces without washing my eyes.
Rather, even that may be accepted as an opportunity for the people here.
Only money is of the highest value, and it's a long habit of people to treat anything less than that as collateral.
The Guild of Merchants Guild Exchange is the best place for children to see the essence of people.
“When is the war? ”
“Don't be so hard on yourself. It'll be here soon. Don't spend money on useless bitches. Keep your cash. ”
Through the infamous stock exchange, Kim Sung-cheol sat on the street and listened to the stories of stockbrokers drinking in broad daylight.
“Where should we buy stocks after the war? ”
“It means something after the war. You have to buy it before the war. ”
Kim Sung-cheol thought, looking at the people who are looking forward to a war that could pour a lot of blood because it is only money.
‘Nothing has changed since then or now. ’
The wagon past the stock exchange entered the back alley of a child.
In the back alley of Aegean, under the seal of the League of Merchants, they were selling prohibited goods in foreign countries such as witchcraft, sorcery, slavery of different races and drugs.
Kim Sung-cheol carelessly watched the slavers auction off the slaves from the Summon Square.
“Hmm. I can see that. ”
Bertelkiah mutters.
But I can't help it.
They chose slavery over death in the Summon Plaza.
On the other hand, I questioned it.
‘Summon Plaza.Is it made by God himself? ’
In the old days, I wouldn't have even questioned it.
However, I watched with my own eyes the tower of the Silver One, known as the structure of the gods, crumble.
Perhaps it has nothing to do with the deity beyond the stairs.
There was nothing to go back to on schedule, but I wanted to check it out when I had the chance. What kind of place is this Summon Plaza that has brought itself into this world?
With that in mind, the wagon that burned Kim Sung-cheol entered the ugliest and most secret area in the harbor.
A square space blocked by buildings.
I feel like I've been stabbed everywhere.
Kim Sung-cheol found a number of gangsters near the wagon pouncing as intent to attack.
But I wouldn't dare do this to the enemies of the world.
Soon, Derha's voice came from the carriage seat.
“You don't have to worry. They're his bodyguards.”
Kim Sung-cheol asked.
“Yes. My great-grandfather's name is my grandfather. ”
“You were.”
Horneko and Derha, Derha and the old man of the goods.
They are all related by blood.
No surprise there.
In the merchant world, blood is more important the higher up the ladder.
Even when brothers and sisters share blood in trivial ways, it is the trait of a merchant group to stick together by units of blood more than any other group when money is collected and power is built up.
Power cannot be divided, but power in the merchant world comes from money, and the more united the money is, the stronger it is.
Family fights in such groups will result in the fall of the whole family.
The Hornico family that peaked in the League of Merchants.
Kim Sung-cheol thought so, and asked the question in a bold tone towards the horsebox.
“What's your grandfather's name? ”
I answered Kim Sung-cheol's question with a clear voice as always.
“Your grandfather's name is, well, that's hard to say. He's a secret man, but in the past he was widely known as the Cyclops Grizzly. ”
“The Cyclops will be delighted. ”
Kim Sung-cheol remembers the name.
It is the name of the former governor who ruled the harbor against Ahh during the Rutheginian era.
"Horneco was his son-in-law. ’
While Sung-cheol Kim was thinking about it, he stepped out of the wagon and opened the door of the guest room by hand.
“If it's my father who trades all the authorized goods, it's my grandfather who trades all the unauthorized goods. ”
Kim Sung-cheol left the heater and Derha on the ground and moved to the merchant king's place in the back alley, following a grim man's guidance.
Soon, Kim Sung-cheol was able to meet the person who was waiting for him at the end of the spiral staircase, digging underground endlessly.
Cyclops Grizzly.
Nicknamed the Thief Grandfather, but the real identity is the Governor of the Back Alley.
It is no exaggeration that even half of the craftsmanship of Horneco was able to ascend to the throne of the League of Merchants at the top of all the merchants.
An elderly man with two metres tall, dead skin and a single eye. The golden robe was shining with a faint torch, creating a peculiar atmosphere by engaging with the old man's unique temples.
“Welcome. Enemies of the world. My granddaughter has told me everything. Come inside.”
He said with a voice as impressive as his appearance.
He led Sung-cheol Kim to a small room without an escort.
It was a short room with only one small table and two chairs opposite each other. The two torches on either side only reveal the middle part of the table to cover the decoration that serves as a pedestal.
The purpose of the device was simple. Kim Sung-cheol found that he could not even see the contours to hide the old man's face from the double curtains of light and darkness. It would be the same for that old man.
“Strange room. ”
Kim Sung-cheol said.
His voice was blatantly unpleasant.
Extremely intentional
Kim Sung-cheol had no intention of showing any respect to this mysterious merchant.
First of all, he's a victim of fraud.
Kim Sung-cheol was so fortunate that he took out a chest and placed it on his desk, staring at the old man and said.
“I need you to explain what this is. ”
When the chest opened, a bunch of false gods' documents appeared.
Something has come out of the darkness.
The golden agenda in the old man's eyes seems to have flourished by the light.
“Oh, this. This was Derha's stash from earlier. I searched the Buryburia Storage in a hurry to find God's writing, but you didn't like it? ”
“If you know who I am, you'd better come to a conclusion. ”
Kim Sung-cheol said in a voice that was bold but suffocating.
There was another turn on the other side.
Soon, the old man's voice echoes with a sigh of iron.
“It was returned from the days of Ruthegia. ”
“Returned goods? ”
“As you may know, the Unsullied of the Old Ruthegian Kingdom collected the writings of the gods fiercely. At the time, I was governor of Aha, and I sent men from all over the world to collect the writings of God and dedicate them to the king. At first, Lutetinea bought God's words, but one day, a self-proclaimed appraiser appeared. ”
Kim Sung-cheol's eyes reminded me of this.
A faint flame rises from behind the table.
The light of the match.It smells like black smoke from over there.
“Reader. ”
A one-eyed Grizzly said.
“ ……. ”
Kim Sung-cheol felt like he knew who it was. Just reminiscing about it, a face that makes me feel discouraged and unpleasant touched my brain.
“Princess Rutheginia Rise Heimer. ”
A faint shadow fell on Sung-cheol Kim's face.
The old man continued:
“After the arrogance of the boy had been in charge of God's writing, the income he had earned from Ruettignia was halfway through. One time, she pulled out one of my eyes with a Lutetinian soldier and said, If you hand over this rubbish one more time, I'll pluck out one more eye and shove a slip in it. ”
Grizzly's voice revealed a deep hatred for Raise Heimer.
“ ……. ”
Kim Sung-cheol didn't say much else.
It is because he already has nothing to do with himself after clearing his debt.
“Anyway, it's not the Princess Rutherguinea, it's not the Princess. This item was returned by the Wandering King's adopted daughter in a violent manner. But here's the question. ”
On the other side, there was another triumph.
“Do you also have the ability to read? ”
Kim Sung-cheol nodded.
However, doctors cannot convey that they nod in this room without seeing each other's faces.
After some awkward silence, Kim Sung-cheol supplemented it with words.
“The one who solves disasters is different. Unlike the herd that deciphers the writings of God with only the blood handed down. ”
“It's impossible.”
Kim Sung-cheol recalled the story of Uroboros, the snake of knowledge he had previously met in the transcendental world.
According to him, somewhere in this world, there is a group that has the ability of readers to serve the serpent of knowledge.
Raise Heimer assumed to be one of them, but found no clue about it.
Suddenly, Grizzly mentioned the word "absurd." That means you know something.
Kim Sung-cheol never misses his time.
“What do you know about them? ”
The unhesitant question echoes through the dark room.
The old man across the street said in a voice that it is not bulky.
“They were a minority in the ancient mountains. They called themselves the White Sage tribe, which serves the serpent of knowledge. ”
“The White Sage tribe...”
I've never heard of it.
Of course, there's no such thing as ant wikis.
‘There's a lot of silly things, but nothing important or necessary. There.’
Kim Sung-cheol thought so and listened to the elderly.
“A nearby villager told me it's a minority, but thanks to the blessing of Asin, it has a powerful power that no one around it, not even dragons, can invade." That was destroyed one day. ”
“Cromgard did this. ”
“A magical legion of Rutheginians camped at the ancient mountain heights, and they also launched guns a week, a week and a night. More than half of the forest in the dense area is on fire. Anyway, our sentiment was a survivor of that tribe. ”
“How do you know that? ”
Kim Sung-cheol asked.
No matter how dark the target was, I felt like I knew information that Kim Sung-cheol didn't know.
“Five boxes. ”
A different, cheerful voice echoes from across the street.
I'm willing to make a deal.
“Too high for information, isn't it? ”
Kim Sung-cheol mixed unpleasantness and said.
I thought it would reveal the habits of merchants someday, but I cut off the story in unexpected places and offered a deal. An old merchant is the only one who knows.
‘As expected, it's not easy. This old man is good at business. ’
“Just what we've been talking about so far is about three boxes worth of information. Besides, didn't you get your fortune in the end? ”
The old man was slowly rebuked by Kim Sung-cheol's refusal.
Kim Sung-cheol's gold and silver coins were pinching what originally came from an infinite vault.
That's a great gallbladder, by the way.
To brag about Kim Sung-cheol in the world.
Kim Sung-cheol took out Arm Karaz.
Then the old man said with an unchanging voice.
“I don't have much time left anyway. ”
“ ……. ”
“Rather, this is a fresh stimulus. For an old man who waited every day for his death in the same life. ”
Hearing that, Kim Sung-cheol thought to himself.
‘What a pervert. ’
From the time I walked around wearing the golden robe, I saw such a sprout.
I felt that if I took the time and paid attention and caused pain, I would open my mouth, but I would feel comfortable paying for it.
because she doesn't like it and she doesn't want to cause any trouble.
Meanwhile, as though he had read such a subtle emotional change, the old man took a bag from under the table and placed it on the table.
The bag is filled with the writings of an old god.
“While I'm at it, I'll pass this along with you. ”
It's not worth much to Kim Sung-cheol.
Seeing it with an unconscious eye, a pair of dark mushrooms appeared on the table with pins.
The hand searches through the bag beyond the box and places the scroll of the hanging god in the red thread where it can be seen.
“Our appraiser says it's worth marking in red like this. The floodgates were gone, and the emotions were gone, and it was a nasty inventory! ”
I hear a strange and sinister tone.
Kim Sung-cheol pretended to be deceived and opened the book of the god with the red thread and confirmed it.
With a familiar overwhelming aura, one phrase clouded my vision.
[Archie Sigurea's Record]
[This record is to leave the deeds of traitors who have lost the will of God to the next mortal...]
Kim Sung-cheol stopped reading where the black veil covered his vision.
‘This is real. ’
Lee Jae came to mind in Kim Sung-cheol's eyes.