Main Character Hides His Strength
109. Counter (2)
Until then, Kim Sung-cheol could understand.
But neither did Raise Heimer, nor Schnelmer, and their words have a common blind spot.
“Not all dungeons need to be unlocked if they have the power of a chrome-gold. Either that, or he'll ascend to heaven just by circling two dungeons. ”
Those with some or more abilities in this world can no longer stay in the world below and transition to the transcendent world.
It is called ascension.
Kim Sung-cheol had heard of Chromgard's abilities from the emperor before.
According to this, Chrome Gale's stats are as close as they come to 700.
We don't know exactly what the conditions of ascension are, but it shouldn't be that difficult if you're in the dungeon of God.
According to the story of Chaos God, several ascendants in one dungeon, namely, Asin, may become immortal just by reaching a certain level of stats.
Being able to transcend human beings by being overcome by being overcome by being focused on one item is also in accordance with the true intentions of the gods who created this world.
“I don't know what he's thinking. He didn't tell me everything. ”
Schnelmer breathes out of his mind, whether the pain is severe or not.
Kim Sung-cheol looked at his old deputy and asked the question in a loud voice.
“For what purpose did you work for Cromgard? ”
Schnelmer then smiles bitterly in the midst of the pain and struggles to answer.
“Do you remember what the man who led us into this world said? ”
All Summoners are escorted by an unidentified entity before being summoned. At that time, the leader refers to the two worlds as follows:
However, the two letters "paradise" are wiped clean in the Summon Palace.
“Chromgard promised us a true paradise. to an ideal world he creates called Relm. ”
A small world that Asin creates within the transcendent world. In it, Asin is reborn as the true Almighty God.
‘So that's how it is. ’
I understood a little.
The heart of the Apocalypse, hoping for paradise.
It is because the paradise presented increases the size of the faith as it takes shape.
“I'll give you a chance. ”
Kim Sung-cheol said to Schnelmer in a blunt tone.
“Help me fight the Barbarians with the Apocalypse. Then I will give you freedom. ”
“Is that true? ”
A glimmer of hope comes to mind in Schnelmer's eyes, filled with pain.
Kim Sung-cheol nodded and said again.
“I will leave you with the most dangerous task. If it's all the same to you, come under my banner. ”
There is no other choice for Schnelmer with Umbrook in it. It was at that moment that the Apocalypse came under Kim Sung-cheol's reign with a powerful weapon called Asynhwa.
However, Kim Sung-cheol did not stop there.
He leaves the dungeon and blows a silent coral flute.
Someone appears out of the darkness.
Kim Sung-cheol looked at her and said in a low voice.
“There's one thing I need you to do. ”
Months have passed since a horde of barbarians appeared on the horse. At first, an unstoppable barbarian, known to be unstoppable, reveals his existence and vanity over time.
Being human is the second most difficult to find as a warlord, Shinelmeister of the Apocalypse, who has captured the unknown power of barbarians with meticulous observation and intelligence.
According to him, Barbarians' overwhelming personal abilities are not driven by their own achievements.
In other words, the power of the barbarians is given by someone.
Schnelmer understood that the barbarian leader did not simply stay at the head of the herd, but acted as a kind of transmitter, empowered by the gods they were serving, to distribute power to the people below.
It is well known, but barbarians become weaker and more scattered when they lose their leader.
It is the sea that Kim Sung-cheol saw with his own eyes on many battlefields, including the entire North.
But I didn't think it would lead to a direct weakness of power, not just a problem of demoralization.
“Barbarians are spiritually connected by tribes. Each barbarian is linked to a child tribe, and the child tribe to a parent tribe. And the top tribe seems to be directly connected to the order that they serve and the order that we serve. ”
Schnelmerker used the evidence to compare the power of the captives, the barbarians who lost their leader, with the captives who didn't. The barbarian who lost his leader was helpless and his strength was of little use. It is weakened enough for even a simple knight to take it lightly.
In almost 20 years, Kim Sung-cheol, who joined forces with Schnelmer, honestly admitted his former deputy's ability.
‘It's a shame to turn against him. ’
Schnelmer has presented a bold plan based on his judged intelligence.
Kim Sung-cheol knew what he was going to do before he opened his mouth.
Kim Sung-cheol's feelings were exactly right.
“In short, it's a snake's head. ”
The key to Schnelmer's confident counter-attack operation is to eliminate the enemy's brains with one fatal strike.
Currently, a Barbarian camp is vulnerable to an attack from the outside, in the form of a roundabout siege of Lagranze.
Moreover, a boring siege lasted more than a month and the strength of the Barbarians was greatly disrupted. Their job is to abuse prisoners throughout the morning, but if they agree, they can beat Lagranze with dialysis and throw a banquet of plunder liquor and livestock at night.
This is a potential operation.
The problem is a giant enchantment in the Barbarian homeland.
The head of the World Congress, including Schnelmer, knows that the great sorcerer has the power to summon order.
It is understood that the enchantment uses the power of the enchantment itself and the resonance of the beating of the heart in Lagrein to create an unauthorized power in this world.
The ambush is also a surprise, but the Barbarians must destroy it before they can activate it.
Otherwise, it will be the last battle defeated in the face of order.
Now, there are two goals for the Allied Forces of Humanity for Kim Sung-cheol.
One is to destroy the enemy's giant magic circle.
The other is to kill the head of the enemy.
These two things must be dealt with like lightning before the Barbarians respond.
It's not easy.
Schnelmer has made an offer to resolve this.
Throw ragranze as bait.
The predator becomes looser immediately after hunting the prey.
Schnelmer's idea is that Barbarians will be at their most vulnerable when they take Lagrein and are distracted by numerous prisoners and loot.
According to him, the aggression is slowed down until the point of the fall of Ragranze. Schnelmeeker considers that Lagranze can only last three months. The heart of the Altar protects the city, but we're already running out of soldiers and supplies to support the people of the city.
Most of the king and Jehu participated in the comment.
In particular, the chief of the wealthy islands and the regent of Lutetinea were very welcome.
They want the fall of the emperor more than Kim Sung-cheol.
I thought that Schnelmer's view of Kim Sung-chul would be the most ideal. From the point of view of the Alliance itself.
However, Kim Sung-cheol made a promise to the emperor.
I'll have the cavalry here in a week, at the latest.
Kim Sung-cheol is not a man who makes promises.
However, it is wrong to do things to keep promises, not for those who bear the fate of mankind on their backs.
The moment he loses, the emperor and all of humanity will be cleansed in this world according to the mind of order.
You have to think.
“ ……. ”
Above the tower where the fallen wind blows, Kim Sung-cheol poured his drink alone, gazing at the fall of the dawn when he turned to blood by the moonlight.
You keep your promises.
Or abandon their promises and make the best of it.
It's hard to decide easily.
He knows how hard it is to catch two rabbits.
Trying to get everything means you can lose everything.
Human destiny and personal friendship.
You don't have to look at which side is important.
However, the feeling that it was hard for either side to give up was causing Kim Sung-cheol to suffer.
I fill the glass with wine and take a quick sip.
It was a favorite sweet and bitter elf, but not enough to ease his heavy mood.
A deep sigh emanates from his elongated mouth.
Later, it became popular.
A lightweight gait. It's heading straight this way.
Kim Sung-cheol looked back.
“I came to say goodbye. ”
The identity of the uninvited was Liz Himer.
Kim Sung-cheol decided to send her to the Spirit System, prepared a letter to Adelwhite and a escort to accompany her to Rise Hymer.
Marakia and Bertelkia thought about what Raise did to Kim Sung-cheol, and asked him to send her after she had suffered more, but Kim Sung-cheol didn't feel that way about the past.
Rather, he felt sorry for Kria for leaving him in the spirit system, as he had just abandoned him.
It was a big disappointment, but it was not like an adult against a child.
The reunion of Raise Himer's mother will lightly take the burden off the corners of her heart.
“... I thought you said we were leaving immediately? ”
Kim Sung-cheol turned his head outside the wall again and asked in a bold tone.
Raise Hymer slowly walked up to the chest wall of the watchtower and looked at the same place as Kim Sung-cheol.
The night sky is dark, but the stars are not visible, and only falling in the east is rising, and it is watered like blood.
Looking at the boundaries of that bloodline, Raise Himer sighed lightly.
“When you go, you have to say goodbye. There's been a lot going on with you. There are plenty of apples to apologize for. ”
“ ……. ”
I don't really have anything to say to her.
Kim Sung-cheol did nothing.
A cold time passed in silence.
A faint, helpless smile came to mind at Rise Heimer's mouth. It was because I felt like my relationship had changed over time.
In silence, Kim Sung-cheol's bold voice resounded.
“Go take good care of Krea. ”
She is no longer special to Kim Sung-cheol. Therefore, even apologies are unnecessary.
She's already no different from the past.
That's the truth.
She takes her arm off the chest wall and turns back.
Unlike in the beginning, you hear a slightly heavier footstep.
Kim Sung-cheol glanced at the distant sky while tilting his drink.
The footsteps stop in close proximity.
“Hey, I heard a rumor. ”
Raise Himer said.
Kim Sung-cheol did not look back, but she continued to say without atrophying.
“I heard you're thinking about helping the Rebel Captain. ”
Kim Sung-cheol slightly turned his head to the side.
He was the first reaction he saw in Raise's words.
After gaining courage, Raise Himer put his hands together in his mouth, took a deep breath and suddenly said in a loud voice.
“Do it or don't do it! That's how you do it, isn't it? ”
Kim Sung-cheol, who heard that voice, felt a sudden awakening.
Raise Hymer turned back to look at Kim Sung-cheol's faint side.
She disappears toward the entrance of the wide-open watchtower.
“ ……. ”
Kim Sung-cheol, who was left alone, lightly stirred the cup and thought.
‘My way. ’
Raise Himer.
You don't have to listen to the engraving.
Even though it was now diluted, there was still a slight grudge left in the center of his chest.
It's better to just listen with one ear and let it flow with one ear.
However, on the one hand, I thought,
What does it matter who said it if it meant something to him?
Even an ordinary person has words to engrave.
A man who knows him very well.
Kim Sung-cheol didn't seem like Kim Sung-cheol to her.
“ ……. ”
When I calmly cooled my head and turned to myself, I thought too much.
Maybe the weight is too heavy.
I already spent three days thinking about it.
The day I promised the Emperor was only two days away.
Maybe he just wanted to inadvertently or deliberately hand over his promise to the Emperor over and over again.
It's the way of a cowardly scribe.
It's not like him.
To think about it quietly, he always did something in an important way.
Kim Sung-cheol didn't think much of the future when he formed rebels against the Rutheginian Empire, tried to escape from the Arena with Raise Heimer, and kicked out the Cowardly World Congress on his own.
At least Kim Sung-cheol did not regret his choice at the time, although the results would require a precise assessment of whether or not it was good.
“I honestly don't like that woman, but I think what she just said is worth listening to. ”
Bertelkiah in his pocket speaks quietly.
“Now, you're not like you. ”
“Is that so?"
Kim Sung-cheol sighed shallow and turned around and leaned against the chest wall.
A distant wind blows by, joyfully shaking the toes of your coat and hair.
“In my own way. ”
Right now, all I can think about is smashing it.
But the urgency to do something quickly inspired him.
Soon, I remembered Lee Jae-cheol's eyes, which had been calm for a long time.
There have been similar battles in the past.
The Lutetinian raiders surrounded a small village guarded by Kim Sung-cheol, and the emperor had to rescue Kim Sung-cheol and the village with a small army.
Of course, the size of the battles and the forces of the opposing armies are not comparable, but the overall situation is not significantly different from the current situation.
At that time, Kim Sung-cheol and William managed to defeat the troops of Rutheginia by giving up their flesh and taking their bones.
What if we do it now?
Of course, it can mislead everything, or it can lead to a sacrifice that is not small.
But it's better than regretting nothing. That's what Raise Hymer reminded me of Kim Sung-cheol.
“... Let's do it. ”
A faint smile came to mind at Kim Sung-cheol's mouth.
He gets greedy sometimes.
A promise to the Emperor, the salvation of mankind.
Difficult to compare topics.
But he thought he had both. Not by anyone's advice, but by his own will.
Kim Sung-cheol quickly took a sip of the remaining alcohol and rushed to his office.
He immediately sent his oldest messenger with the following orders:
[Two days later, stop your heart at sunset. I'll come back with the light.]
Kim Sung-cheol summoned the entire army as he watched the dragon who burned the messenger fly over the night sky.
The last legions of humanity obeyed his command and aligned on a vast slate.