Main Character Hides His Strength
The world that had been sucked into one fell into darkness.
I heard Kim Sung-cheol's voice.
“So, what should we build? Let's just fix the world the way it is, shall we? ”
The answer to that question was the voice of Bertelgia.
“Hmm. Yeah. I'd like that, too. But I'd like to have my own island. ”
“Private island? Well, I can make a continent just for Bertelgia. ”
“Don't you boast about being a god? ”
“Sometimes I also make fertilizer. ”
“Damn it. Really. Anyway, what are people gonna do? ”
“First of all, we have to save them all. ”
“But the opposite is to save the wretched kith. ”
“Bertelgia. Surprisingly narrow. ”
“I refuse to save Raise Heimer's life. ”
“Isn't that a little harsh? ”
“Are you still unconscious after all that? A god?”
“Let's stop talking about that. Besides, I haven't decided to be a god yet. ”
“Shouldn't you be a god? ”
“Just thinking about it, I think there's no God in this world. ”
“Well, if that's the case, just another villain shows up. I want everyone to be free to enjoy life here, preferably. That's the real name of the place. Maybe this is the right place for paradise? ”
“Hmm. I don't like it. ”
“What if I don't like it? ”
The pleasant conversation continued endlessly.
Until a beam of light shines on the other side of the dark world.
“There are rumors of a strange village. ”
It was recently that rumors about the village spread to Lagrange.
A novice traveler from the Summon Palace hears a rumor about that strange town and spills into one ear.
“Nonsense. ”
It was completely absurd.
What kind of place in the world has a village where pretty girls like blonde dolls gather?
No one knew the concept of genetic engineering, but I never thought that would happen.
Because this is paradise.
She thinks so, and boards a wagon from Lagrange to the Ancient Kingdom.
There is information in the ancient kingdom about Obelisk for beginners.
If it's there, she'll have all the organs she can get and the rewards she deserves.
First of all, what's urgent to her is her imminent ability.
“Ugh. Don't you think I'm gonna run out of mythical spirituality? ”
Sitting in the back of the wagon, she sighs and scratches her head.
In front of her sits a strong man who looks like a woman and a little girl.
A man's demeanor was that of a typical Summoner.
An old coat that's run out of ugly military pants.
Inside is a southern garment for the second and eighth years.
It was unbalanced where it came from, wearing a diamond-shaped brooch on a collar of diamonds.
‘He's a strange man. ’
Strangely, even the girl sitting next to him was not enough.
She wears an ominous dress decorated with black feathers everywhere she finds it. But the only advantage is that it doesn't look so gloomy is what bird feathers are made of.
‘We have to stay away. ’
Someone shrugged, looking at her.
You hear the old chariot's cry from the carriage seat.
“Hey, Cromgard! Adele White! Can't you move any faster? Do you want to eat dinner tonight? ”
Familiar name somewhere.
It was a name I had never heard before, but I felt like I knew it somehow.
Soon, someone knew the owner of the name and burst into laughter. Cromgard and Adelwhite were the names given to two thin, wagon-drawn pills.
A girl in an ominous dress suddenly mutters.
“... when a man commits a sin, he is born a beast. ”
It was a cute voice, but a creepy voice.
Some thought they needed to stay away from them even more.
But her wish did not come true.
The wheels of the wagon fell into the muck and flew out.
“Oh, shit. ”
The wagon kicks its tongue and groans as it looks at the wagon stuck in the road.
“This won't be easy to get out of unless you're a wizard or a strong warrior. We should call for help first. ”
The horseman says so, and leaves his companion with a horse called the Cromgald and sneaks away.
I felt overwhelmed.
It's a mountain with nothing.
Rumor has it that a mysterious monster has appeared near the entrance of the Ancient Kingdom.
If she was strong, she could walk the rest of the way, but now she's a novice adventurer.
I am more likely to be at the peak if I go alone.
“What should I do? I don't think I'm so lucky. ”
An enigmatic woman appears toward a restless dog.
Someone could see their face for the first time.
He looks nothing like a woman.
What is it, these humans? I'm getting suspicious. ’
A girl in a black feather dress said in a cheerful voice to a dog.
“Hey, sis. Looks like we're gonna be homeless today. How about that? What about coming with us? ”
“With you? Where...?"
“It's a good place. ”
The girl in the black dress said with a big smile.
Fear seized the dog.
It's a suspicious situation for anyone to see.
When she didn't answer, the suspicious doubles abandoned her and walked into the woods.
“Where are you going? ”
It was urgently far away.
The girl in the black dress smiles and replies.
“There is a small village nearby. ”
“A small town? A place like this?"
“You can't see it from here, but you can walk through the woods. What would you do?”
The girl asked as if silent.
I didn't want to do anything.
She lowers her head and turns around.
It is the will of rejection.
The suspicious two-man walks into the woods, leaving her behind.
I wonder how long it's been since I sent them away.
Suddenly, an ominous beast's roar echoes around you.
"This sound?! ’
This is the first I've heard of a monster.
Maybe it's the dreadful Kunkidu horse that lives on the border of the Ancient Kingdom.
Legendary talisman who says his attack power is close to zero, but his breasts are almost infinite, beating adventurers every day and giving them experience points.
But he must be a tough opponent for any dog right now.
Someone is caught in fear and forced into the clutches of the leading two tribesmen.
“Oh? You changed your mind? Sister?”
The girl in the black dress said with a big smile.
Someone felt bad about that girl.
‘What's up, kid? I feel like I'm on top of my head. ’
The girl was offended, but even more sinister was the man who stood beside her and said nothing.
‘I think I've seen him somewhere. ’
But once they're human too.
It might be a better option to follow them than a nonverbal horse.
One thought ahead of his belongings, such as the lifesaving items, and followed behind a mysterious duo.
In the dense forest, there was a surprisingly well-paved road. It is a mysterious path that you do not see from the outside, but you have to get close.
The road runs deep in the forest.
One could walk down the trail and see some beautiful flowers and cute animals.
Especially if I've never seen one before.
Is that a bunkle? ’
I'm sure.
It looked a lot like the Mercit Carbunkle, which was treated as a gift, especially among the carbunkles.
One imagined he wanted to capture it when he had the chance and followed behind the two tribes.
Soon after the forest road ended, a beautiful village landscape appeared.
No one was surprised.
It felt like I came to a completely different world.
What is this place? ’
Before entering the forest, I saw a rugged mountain, but I didn't see a rugged mountain that looked like it was wearing a white hat.
The town sits snugly underneath the snow mountain in a white hat.
There, one can see the shocking appearance of the dog.
The villager looks the same.
A beautiful girl with bright blond hair and blue eyes.
What is this place? ’
Then I could hear someone in the tavern and remember the rumors that had been poured out in my ears.
A legendary village somewhere in the world.
After the mysterious doubles appeared, dozens of girls from all over the village welcomed them.
“Hello, Bertelkia. ”
“Hello, youngest! ”
Watching the entertainment of many girls, one found that the girl in the black dress looked just like the other girl.
What's going on? ’
A girl came to her bewildered.
She looks just like the other girl.
Somehow, he had a more mature atmosphere than the other children.
The mysterious girl said.
In her kind words, someone said with a shy look, feeling relieved without even knowing it.
“No, not that I'm surprised. ”
She looks around.
“What kind of town is this? ”
When she asked, the girl smiled brightly and replied.
“This is Codia. ”
“Codia? ”
“Yes. I am the leader of Kodia Village No. 49... No, Marie Bertelgia. ”
“Marie Bertelkia? ”
“I made it up myself. because we're all born with the same name. ”
The girl in the black dress gestures at the girl named Marie.
49 said with a smile.
“Excuse me for a moment. Please be patient. The banquet is about to begin. ”
“Yes, the other guests will be arriving. ”
Marie says she sits on something with black wings fluttering in the sky.
A species that is tall, handsome and has beautiful wings.
My eyes widen.
Legendary Northern Continent Mysterious Joint.
It's the first time I've seen it in real life.
Joyne with the black feather looks at someone and walks toward the man with no name.
A girl in a black feather dress looks up at the join and is furious.
“No, why are you so late? Really! After the concept of an appointment! ”
Joyne, who has a black feather in her reprimand, throws her face away and reacts furiously in the same shape as the girl.
The union of black feathers stares at the man without a word.
“I'm busy! Do you have any idea how much work the king has to do? Isn't that right, Sung-cheol Kim? ”
Nobody knew the man's name for the first time.
“Kim Sung-cheol?”
A name I've never heard before.
I miss the name somewhere.
The man called Kim Sung-cheol shook his head with a faint smile.
“Well, it could be. ”
Across the sky, several aircraft appeared through dimensional doors.
There were many precious people riding there.
The kings and empires of each country, as well as the dragons of the anti-humans and emperors of the human empire, were mixed into the ranks of their guests.
In his surprise, he felt a mistake that he was dreaming.
“No, listen. The rest of the kids write different names on top of Bertelgia, but 55 changed the name by itself! ”
Next to a guy called Sung-cheol Kim, a girl who introduced herself as Marie was struggling.
Kim Sung-cheol smiled faintly and asked her.
“What did you change it to? ”
“Verdun? What the hell is that? ”
“I don't know! Stubbornness alone is a bitch. So I don't have any friends. ”
The man called Kim Sung-cheol woke up with a smile on his face.
The dog dozed off.
Because the mystery man was approaching her.
Kim Sung-cheol said in front of someone.
“Hey. Nothing. No, Lee Su-jin. ”
My eyes widen.
“How do I know my real name? ”
A small hand grabs hold of a startling hand.
She was a girl in a black dress.
“Welcome. Sister, come and listen to us. ”
“Our story? ”
Bertelgia smiles brightly and replies to a question.
“Yes, the great journey of the great Living Book Bertelgia, who overcame his destiny until a new paradise was created. ”
Kim Sung-cheol said as if he was paying attention.
Bertelkia changes her words with a smile on her face.
“I'll make it right. It's our story. ”
“Our story...? ”
“Yes, the journey for all of us. We'll play you from start to finish, so don't fall asleep and listen up! ”
Hundreds of people gathered around the food that was prepared for the celebration.
They all come together to listen to Bertelgia's story.
The legendary adventure that had already become the past began with exciting music.
The music lasted a long time and laughed endlessly.
After the festival, Kim Sung-cheol and Bertelkia returned on their journey.
“I'm going on an adventure. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. ”
Kim Sung-cheol said.
“Adventure? You? If someone as strong as you makes an adventure, it won't be any fun. ”
Bertelkiah frowns.
Kim Sung-cheol replied with a bold smile.
“On the contrary. Isn't it fun to be strong from the start? ”
“Where do you get your fun from? ”
The question of Bertelkia reminded me of Kim Sung-cheol's embarrassing smile.
“What is that? Isn't the protagonist always popular? ”
“What, are you gonna do that chicken-shit thing again? ”
Kim Sung-cheol smiled at Bertelkia's question.
“It's better than a cooking trip, right? ”
Bertelkia nods, thinking of the bear.
“Well, better than that. ”
A dragon passed over the sky crying for a long time.
Kim Sung-cheol saw a new world with all possibilities open.